4 research outputs found

    Development of an App and Videos to Support the Fraction Learning Trajectory from Grades 1-7

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    Lack of procedural fluency in fractions impedes access to advanced mathematical courses and limits opportunities for entry into STEM-related fields. This paper describes the design and pedagogical basis of the Moving Fractions app and supplementary fraction videos for promoting fraction learning. Moving Fractions utilizes game-design factors to draw students through a trajectory of fraction learning from part-whole comparisons to a more robust understanding of the measurement concept of fractions. The supplementary video immerses students in a broad range of fraction representations. The app and video are intended to form a fraction learning package for distribution in Philippine schools. Future work involves the gathering of empirical data for validating the expected benefits associated with the application of mathematics education research in the app and video design

    Self-regulated learning and problem-solving ability of elementary school students in fraction during online learning

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    Online learning for students requires high self-regulated learning to maximize problem-solving skills, especially in fractional material. However, elementary school students have not widely seen self-regulated learning and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning and problem-solving skills, especially on fractions in online learning in fifth-grade elementary school. This research is included in a quantitative study that uses a sample of fifth-grade students in an elementary school in Depok City. A sample of 122 students (N = 67 female, N = 55 male) was obtained using a non-probability sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out through the distribution of a self-regulated learning questionnaire with as many as 29 statements and a problem-solving ability test instrument with as many as eight questions. The data obtained were measured and analyzed using Rasch modeling and assisted by Winsteps software version 4.4.2. Furthermore, the correlation and Effect Size tests were carried out to determine the relationship and influence between variables. The results showed a significant and interrelated relationship between self-regulated learning and problem-solving ability. In other words, the higher the quality of independence in students, the higher the quality of problem-solving abilities they have, and vice versa. That way, it can encourage students to maximize self-regulated learning when learning online to help improve problem-solving skills in learning. Keywords: fractions; online learning; problem-solving ability; self-regulated learnin

    Acceptance of Game-Based Learning and Intrinsic Motivation as Predictors for Learning Success and Flow Experience

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    There is accumulating evidence that engagement with digital math games can improve students' learning. However, in what way individual variables critical to game-based learning influence students' learning success still needs to be explored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of students' acceptance of game-based learning (e. g., perceived usefulness of a game as a learning tool, perceived ease of use), as well as their intrinsic motivation for math (e. g., their math interest, self-efficacy) and quality of playing experience on learning success in a game-based rational number training. Additionally, we investigated the influence of the former variables on quality of playing experience (operationalized as perceived flow). Results indicated that the game-based training was effective. Moreover, students' learning success and their quality of playing experience were predicted by measures of acceptance of game-based learning and intrinsic motivation for math. These findings indicated that learning success in game-based learning approaches are driven by students' acceptance of the game as a learning tool and content-specific intrinsic motivation. Therefore, the present work is of particular interest to researchers, developers, and practitioners working with gamebased learning environments

    Exploring pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge of logarithm in one of the universities in Kwazulu-Natal.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The use of logarithm, an important tool for calculus and beyond, has been reduced to symbol manipulation without understanding in most entry-level college algebra courses. In most secondary school mathematics curriculum, particularly in South Africa, logarithm just occurs as the inverse function of an exponential function without a detailed explanation of the logarithm itself. The primary aim of this research, therefore, was to explore pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge of logarithm through the use of a research task designed to observe what pre-service mathematics teachers know as they solve the problems and through the use of interview to understand how they solve the problems. Constructivism theory was used as a framework for the analysis and the interpretation of how pre-service teachers conceptualize logarithm. Constructivism theory is a useful theoretical framework for studying and explaining conceptual development through prior knowledge. This is a qualitative study conducted in one of the universities in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The findings of this study reveal that most pre-service mathematics teachers do not have a good knowledge of logarithm. This is why they have difficulties in solving problems involving logarithm. The findings also reveal that pre-service mathematics teachers do not have good knowledge of logarithm because of how the concept of logarithm was introduced to them in secondary school. The study concludes by recommending that lecturers in the mathematics discipline should try to design teaching material that targets the development of conceptual understanding and pre-service mathematics teachers need to develop sufficient sense of dealing with more abstract concepts in order to do justice in the teaching of logarithm at the secondary school level