5 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Syllogistic Reasoning Schema for Generalized Quantifiers

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    In this paper, a new approximate syllogistic reasoning schema is described that expands some of the approaches expounded in the literature into two ways: (i) a number of different types of quantifiers (logical, absolute, proportional, comparative and exception) taken from Theory of Generalized Quantifiers and similarity quantifiers, taken from statistics, are considered and (ii) any number of premises can be taken into account within the reasoning process. Furthermore, a systematic reasoning procedure to solve the syllogism is also proposed, interpreting it as an equivalent mathematical optimization problem, where the premises constitute the constraints of the searching space for the quantifier in the conclusion.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, journal pape

    Кванторные слова в логике естественного языка

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    Цель исследования: выявить в составе логических средств языка такие слова, которые сводятся к квантору существования или/и его отрицани

    Диаграммное представление значений логических форм суждений и рассуждений о бинарных отношениях

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    Жалдак, Н. Н. Диаграммное представление значений логических форм суждений и рассуждений о бинарных отношениях / Н. Н. Жалдак // Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета. Сер. Философия. Политология. Культурология. - 2018. - Т.4(40), №3.-С. 24-35. - Библиогр.: с. 35.Система логики естественного языка в ее диаграммном представлении должна охватывать не только атрибутивные, но и релятивные суждения и рассуждения. В статье эта проблема решается для суждений и рассуждений о бинарных отношения

    Reduction between Categorical Syllogisms Based on the Syllogism EIO-2

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    Syllogism reasoning is a common and important form of reasoning in human thinking from Aristotle onwards. To overcome the shortcomings of previous studies, this article makes full use of set theory and classical propositional logic, and deduces the remaining 23 valid syllogisms only on the basis of the syllogism EIO-2 from the perspective of mathematical structuralism, and then successfully establishes a concise formal axiom system for categorical syllogistic logic. More specifically, the article takes advantage of the trisection structure of categorical propositions such as Q(a, b), the transformation relations between an Aristotelian quantifier and its inner and outer negation, the symmetry of the two Aristotelian quantifier (that is, no and some), and some inference rules in classical propositional logic, and derives the remaining 23 valid syllogisms from the syllogism EIO-2, so as to realize the reduction between different valid categorical syllogisms

    Approximate reasoning with fuzzy-syllogistic systems

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    The well known Aristotelian syllogistic system consists of 256 moods. We have found earlier that 136 moods are distinct in terms of equal truth ratios that range in τ=[0,1]. The truth ratio of a particular mood is calculated by relating the number of true and false syllogistic cases the mood matches. A mood with truth ratio is a fuzzy-syllogistic mood. The introduction of (n-1) fuzzy existential quantifiers extends the system to fuzzy-syllogistic systems nS, 1<n, of which every fuzzy-syllogistic mood can be interpreted as a vague inference with a generic truth ratio that is determined by its syllogistic structure. We experimentally introduce the logic of a fuzzy-syllogistic ontology reasoner that is based on the fuzzy-syllogistic systems nS. We further introduce a new concept, the relative truth ratio rτ=[0,1] that is calculated based on the cardinalities of the syllogistic cases