84 research outputs found

    A Fully Parameterized Fem Model for Electromagnetic Optimization of an RF Mems Wafer Level Package

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    In this work, we present a fully parameterized capped transmission line model for electromagnetic optimization of a wafer level package (WLP) for RF MEMS applications using the Ansoft HFSS-TM electromagnetic simulator. All the degrees of freedom (DoF's) in the package fabrication can be modified within the model in order to optimize for losses and mismatch (capacitive and inductive couplings) introduced by the cap affecting the MEMS RF behaviour. Ansoft HFSS-TM was also validated for the simulation of capped RF MEMS devices by comparison against experimental data. A test run of capped 50 transmission lines and shorts was fabricated and tested.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Electromagnetic and small-signal modeling of an encapsulated RF-MEMS switch for D-band applications

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In this work, an electromagnetic (EM) model and a small-signal (lumped-element) model of a wafer-level encapsulated (WLE) radio frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF-MEMS) switch is presented. The EM model of the WLE RF-MEMS switch is developed to estimate its RF performance. After the fabrication of the switch, the EM model is used to get accurate S-parameter simulation results. Alternative to the EM model, a small-signal model of the fabricated WLE RF-MEMS switch is developed. The developed model is integrated into a 0.13 µm SiGe BiCMOS process technology design kit for fast simulations and to predict the RF performance of the switch from a pure electrical point of view. The 0.13 µm SiGe BiCMOS embedded WLE RF-MEMS shows beyond state-of-the-art measured RF performances in D-band (110–170 GHz) and provides a high capacitance Con/Coff ratio of 11.1. The results of the both EM model and small-signal model of the switch are in very good agreement with the S-parameter measurements in D-band. The measured maximum isolation of the WLE RF-MEMS switch is 51.6 dB at 142.8 GHz with an insertion loss of 0.65 dB.EC/FP7/288531/EU/Nanostructured materials and RF-MEMS RFIC/MMIC technologies for highly adaptive and reliable RF systems/NANOTE

    Mixed-domain simulation and hybrid wafer-level packaging of RF-MEMS devices for wireless applications

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    In questa tesi verranno trattati sia il problema della creazione di un ambiente di simulazione a domini fisici misti per dispositivi RF-MEMS, che la definizione di un processo di fabbricazione ad-hoc per il packaging e l’integrazione degli stessi. Riguardo al primo argomento, sarà mostrato nel dettaglio lo sviluppo di una libreria di modelli MEMS all’interno dell’ambiente di simulazione per circuiti integrati Cadence c . L’approccio scelto per la definizione del comportamento elettromeccanico dei MEMS è basato sul concetto di modellazione compatta (compact modeling). Questo significa che il comportamento fisico di ogni componente elementare della libreria è descritto per mezzo di un insieme limitato di punti (nodi) di interconnessione verso il mondo esterno. La libreria comprende componenti elementari, come travi flessibili, piatti rigidi sospesi e punti di ancoraggio, la cui opportuna interconnessione porta alla realizzazione di interi dispositivi (come interruttori e capacità variabili) da simulare in Cadence c . Tutti i modelli MEMS sono implementati per mezzo del linguaggio VerilogA c di tipo HDL (Hardware Description Language) che è supportato dal simulatore circuitale Spectre c . Sia il linguaggio VerilogA c che il simulatore Spectre c sono disponibili in ambiente Cadence c . L’ambiente di simulazione multidominio (ovvero elettromeccanico) così ottenuto permette di interfacciare i dispositivi MEMS con le librerie di componenti CMOS standard e di conseguenza la simulazione di blocchi funzionali misti RF-MEMS/CMOS. Come esempio, un VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in cui l’LC-tank è realizzato in tecnologia MEMS mentre la parte attiva con transistor MOS di libreria sarà simulato in Spectre c . Inoltre, nelle pagine successive verrà mostrata una soluzione tecnologica per la fabbricazione di un substrato protettivo (package) da applicare a dispositivi RF-MEMS basata su vie di interconnessione elettrica attraverso un wafer di Silicio. La soluzione di packaging prescelta rende possibili alcune tecniche per l’integrazione ibrida delle parti RF-MEMS e CMOS (hybrid packaging). Verranno inoltre messe in luce questioni riguardanti gli effetti parassiti (accoppiamenti capacitivi ed induttivi) introdotti dal package che influenzano le prestazioni RF dei dispositivi MEMS incapsulati. Nel dettaglio, tutti i gradi di libertà del processo tecnologico per l’ottenimento del package saranno ottimizzati per mezzo di un simulatore elettromagnetico (Ansoft HFSSTM) al fine di ridurre gli effetti parassiti introdotti dal substrato protettivo. Inoltre, risultati sperimentali raccolti da misure di strutture di test incapsulate verranno mostrati per validare, da un lato, il simulatore Ansoft HFSSTM e per dimostrate, dall’altro, la fattibilit`a della soluzione di packaging proposta. Aldilà dell’apparente debole legame tra i due argomenti sopra menzionati è possibile identificare un unico obiettivo. Da un lato questo è da ricercarsi nello sviluppo di un ambiente di simulazione unificato all’interno del quale il comportamento elettromeccanico dei dispositivi RF-MEMS possa essere studiato ed analizzato. All’interno di tale ambiente, l’influenza del package sul comportamento elettromagnetico degli RF-MEMS può essere tenuta in conto per mezzo di modelli a parametri concentrati (lumped elements) estratti da misure sperimentali e simulazioni agli Elementi Finiti (FEM) della parte di package. Infine, la possibilità offerta dall’ambiente Cadence c relativamente alla simulazione di dipositivi RF-MEMS interfacciati alla parte CMOS rende possibile l’analisi di blocchi funzionali ibridi RF-MEMS/CMOS completi

    Enhancements of MEMS design flow for Automotive and Optoelectronic applications

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    In the latest years we have been witnesses of a very rapidly and amazing grown of MicroElectroMechanical systems (MEMS) which nowadays represent the outstanding state-of-the art in a wide variety of applications from automotive to commercial, biomedical and optical (MicroOptoElectroMechanicalSystems). The increasing success of MEMS is found in their high miniaturization capability, thus allowing an easy integration with electronic circuits, their low manufacturing costs (that comes directly from low unit pricing and indirectly from cutting service and maintaining costs) and low power consumption. With the always growing interest around MEMS devices the necessity arises for MEMS designers to define a MEMS design flow. Indeed it is widely accepted that in any complex engineering design process, a well defined and documented design flow or procedure is vital. The top-level goal of a MEMS/MOEMS design flow is to enable complex engineering design in the shortest time and with the lowest number of fabrication iterations, preferably only one. These two characteristics are the measures of a good flow, because they translate directly to the industry-desirable reductions of the metrics “time to market” and “costs”. Like most engineering flows, the MEMS design flow begins with the product definition that generally involves a feasibility study and the elaboration of the device specifications. Once the MEMS specifications are set, a Finite Element Method (FEM) model is developed in order to study its physical behaviour and to extract the characteristic device parameters. These latter are used to develop a high level MEMS model which is necessary to the design of the sensor read out electronics. Once the MEMS geometry is completely defined and matches the device specifications, the device layout must be generated, and finally the MEMS sensor is fabricated. In order to have a MEMS sensor working according to specifications at first production run is essential that the MEMS design flow is as close as possible to the optimum design flow. The key factors in the MEMS design flow are the development of a sensor model as close as possible to the real device and the layout realization. This research work addresses these two aspects by developing optimized custom tools (a tool for layout check (LVS) and a tool for parasitic capacitances extraction) and new methodologies (a methodology for post layout simulations) which support the designer during the crucial steps of the design process as well as by presenting the models of two cases studies belonging to leading MEMS applications (a micromirror for laser projection system and a control loop for the shock immunity enhancement in gyroscopes for automotive applications)

    Advanced Microwave Circuits and Systems

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    MEMS Switches Implemented in Different Technologies for RF Applications

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    Microfabrication technologies allow building micro-scale and nano-scale mechanical switches. Despite the fact that the solid-state switches exhibit superior performance as compared to their micro-mechanical competitors in terms of speed and lifetime, mechanical switches exhibit various attractive features such as low power consumption, high linearity, high isolation and low loss. This work summarizes the design, fabrication and testing of several micro-mechanical switches for Radio Frequency (RF) applications and using different microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technologies. The implementation is carried out through four approaches for realizing MEMS switches. In the first approach, the switches are built by post-processing chips fabricated in a standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication process. The structural layers of the electrostatic MEMS switches are implemented in the four metal layers of the back end of line (BEOL) in the standard CMOS 0.35µm process. In addition, an enhanced post-processing technique is developed and implemented successfully. The switches presented include a compact 4-bit capacitor bank, a compact 4-bit phase shifter / delay line, a W-band single pole single through (SPST) series capacitive switch, SPST shunt capacitive switches with enhanced capacitance density, and a proposed compact T-switch cell with metal-to-metal contact switches. In the second approach, a standard multi-user MEMS process is implemented. Electrothermal and electrostatic MEMS switches designed, fabricated and tested for low-frequency high-power RF applications using the MetalMUMPs process. The devices include a 3-bit capacitor bank, a compact discrete capacitor bank that can be configured for 2-bit / 3-bit operation depending on the stroke of the electrothermal actuators, and a novel rotor-based electrostatic multi-port switch. In the third approach, an in-house university-based microfabrication process is developed in order to build reliable MEMS switches. The UWMEMS process, which was developed at the Center for Integrated RF Engineering (CIRFE), is used in this research to fabricate novel switch configurations. Moreover, the capabilities of the standard UWMEMS process are further expanded in order to allow for building geometric confinement (GC) or anchorless switches and other novel switches. The gold-based UWMEMS switches presented include compact T-switches, R-switches and C-switches, GC SPST shunt and series switches. Additionally, other novel switch architectures such as the hybrid self-actuation switch (HSAS) and thermally-restored switches (TRS). In the fourth approach, which is a hybrid approach between the first and third approaches, the MEMS switches are built and packaged in one fabrication process, and without the need for sacrificial layer, by means of a wafer-level packaging technique. Adopting silicon wafers for the microfabrication necessitates using silicon-core switching, which offers few attractive advantages as compared to the metal-based switches implemented by the third approach. The designed switches to be fabricated in a state-of-the-art industrial facility include a variety of simple SPST contact-type switches as well as compact designs of T-switch, C-switch, a novel four-port gimbal-based switch (G-switch) introduced in this work, SP4T cells, and a seesaw push-pull SPST switch design is included

    Microelectromechanical Systems and Devices

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    The advances of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and devices have been instrumental in the demonstration of new devices and applications, and even in the creation of new fields of research and development: bioMEMS, actuators, microfluidic devices, RF and optical MEMS. Experience indicates a need for MEMS book covering these materials as well as the most important process steps in bulk micro-machining and modeling. We are very pleased to present this book that contains 18 chapters, written by the experts in the field of MEMS. These chapters are groups into four broad sections of BioMEMS Devices, MEMS characterization and micromachining, RF and Optical MEMS, and MEMS based Actuators. The book starts with the emerging field of bioMEMS, including MEMS coil for retinal prostheses, DNA extraction by micro/bio-fluidics devices and acoustic biosensors. MEMS characterization, micromachining, macromodels, RF and Optical MEMS switches are discussed in next sections. The book concludes with the emphasis on MEMS based actuators

    MME2010 21st Micromechanics and Micro systems Europe Workshop : Abstracts

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    Micromachined capacitive pressure sensor with signal conditioning electronics

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    An Implantable Microsystem for Autonomous Intraocular Pressure Monitoring .

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    Glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, is a disease in which the pressure within the eye is too high for the eye to tolerate and must be reduced in order to slow or prevent damage to the optic nerve. Conventional methods for monitoring eye pressure are normally only used in the physician’s office and rely on indirect measurement methods, leading to inaccuracies. Furthermore, intraocular pressure can vary throughout the day and also depends on activity. An autonomous implantable microsystem capable of monitoring intraocular pressure with minimal patient intervention would provide useful information to the clinician in the management of glaucoma. This dissertation studies the feasibility of an integrated microsystem for autonomously measuring intraocular pressure. Small size ensures minimal impact on the patient, preventing the device from entering the field of view and simplifying implantation. Integrated haptics aid surgical implantation and minimize trauma while allowing the implant to be removed if needed. A touch-mode capacitive pressure sensor, fabricated using the dissolved wafer process, transduces intraocular pressure into capacitance with a linear response and a sensitivity of 26 fF/mmHg. A new fabrication technique has been developed to embed vertical interconnects within a glass package containing the pressure sensor, a microbattery, readout circuitry, and an antenna. This enables the vertical stacking of these components and very efficient use of limited volume. The 1.5 mm x 2 mm x 0.5 mm transparent parylene-coated glass package enables solar cells to be placed on the circuit chip for power generation, trickle charging an on-board microbattery formed using standard cleanroom materials and a non-toxic electrolyte. Flooded-cell tests verified the electrochemistry and achieved a current capacity of 8 µAh/mm2. A simple integrated readout circuit consuming 35 pW in the idle mode implemented a finite-state machine and used an optical wakeup trigger to further reduce power. The microsystem has also been demonstrated with a microprocessor to autonomously gather and store data, reading it out on demand. Finally, a pulse-based ultrawideband wireless transmission technique is proposed using non-resonant antennas. The all-digital transmitter is expected to consume much less power than conventional encoded wireless transmitters and eliminates complex circuitry.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89809/1/rhaque_1.pd
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