31 research outputs found

    Localizing Region-Based Active Contours

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2008.2004611In this paper, we propose a natural framework that allows any region-based segmentation energy to be re-formulated in a local way. We consider local rather than global image statistics and evolve a contour based on local information. Localized contours are capable of segmenting objects with heterogeneous feature profiles that would be difficult to capture correctly using a standard global method. The presented technique is versatile enough to be used with any global region-based active contour energy and instill in it the benefits of localization. We describe this framework and demonstrate the localization of three well-known energies in order to illustrate how our framework can be applied to any energy. We then compare each localized energy to its global counterpart to show the improvements that can be achieved. Next, an in-depth study of the behaviors of these energies in response to the degree of localization is given. Finally, we show results on challenging images to illustrate the robust and accurate segmentations that are possible with this new class of active contour models

    Kidney segmentation in 3D CT images using B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces

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    In this manuscript, we propose to adapt the B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces (BEAS) framework for semi-automatic kidney segmentation in computed tomography (CT) images. To study the best energy functional for kidney CT extraction, three different localized region-based energies were implemented within the BEAS framework, namely localized Chan-Vese, localized Yezzi, and signed localized Yezzi energies. Moreover, a novel gradient-based regularization term is proposed. The method was applied on 18 kidneys from 9 CT datasets, with different image properties. Several energy combinations were contrasted using surface-based comparison against ground truth meshes, assessing their accuracy and robustness against surface initialization. Overall, the hybrid energy functional combining the localized signed Yezzi energy with gradient-based regularization simultaneously showed the highest accuracy and the lowest sensitivity to the initialization. Volumetric analysis demonstrated the feasibility of the method from a clinical point of view, with similar reproducibility to manual observers.The authors acknowledge FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, and the European Social Found, European Union, for funding support through the Programa Operacional Capital Humano (POCH) in the scope of the PhD grants SFRH/BD/93443/2013 (S. Queirós) and SFRH/BD/95438/2013 (P. Morais).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Segmentation of kidney and renal collecting system on 3D computed tomography images

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    Surgical training for minimal invasive kidney interventions (MIKI) has huge importance within the urology field. Within this topic, simulate MIKI in a patient-specific virtual environment can be used for pre-operative planning using the real patient's anatomy, possibly resulting in a reduction of intra-operative medical complications. However, the validated VR simulators perform the training in a group of standard models and do not allow patient-specific training. For a patient-specific training, the standard simulator would need to be adapted using personalized models, which can be extracted from pre-operative images using segmentation strategies. To date, several methods have already been proposed to accurately segment the kidney in computed tomography (CT) images. However, most of these works focused on kidney segmentation only, neglecting the extraction of its internal compartments. In this work, we propose to adapt a coupled formulation of the B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces (BEAS) framework to simultaneously segment the kidney and the renal collecting system (CS) from CT images. Moreover, from the difference of both kidney and CS segmentations, one is able to extract the renal parenchyma also. The segmentation process is guided by a new energy functional that combines both gradient and region-based energies. The method was evaluated in 10 kidneys from 5 CT datasets, with different image properties. Overall, the results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed strategy, with a Dice overlap of 92.5%, 86.9% and 63.5%, and a point-to-surface error around 1.6 mm, 1.9 mm and 4 mm for the kidney, renal parenchyma and CS, respectively.NORTE-01-0145-FEDER0000I3, and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-024300, supported by Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Norte2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and also been funded by FEDER funds, through Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by national funds, through the FCT-Fundacao para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038. The authors acknowledge FCT-Fundação para a Ciância e a Tecnologia, Portugal, and the European Social Found, European Union, for funding support through the Programa Operacional Capital Humano (POCH).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effective Image Segmentation using Composite Energy Metric in Levelset Based Curve Evolution

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    Accurate segmentation of anatomical organs in medical images is a complex task due to wide interpatient variability and several acquisition dependent artefacts. Moreover, image noise, low contrast and intensity inhomogeneity in medical data further amplifies the challeng. In this work, we propose an effective yet simple algorithm based on composite energy metric for precise detection of object boundaries. A number of methods have been proposed in literature for image segmentation; however, these methods employ individual characteristics of image including gradient, regional intensity or texture map. Segmentation based on individual featres often fail for complex images, especially for medical imagery. Accordingly, we propose that the segmentation quality can be improved by integrating local and global image features in the curve evolution. This work employs the classic snake model aka active contour model; however, the curve evolution force has been updated. In contast to the conventional image-based regional intensity statistics, the proposed snake model evolves using composite image energy. Hence, the proposed method offers a greater resistance to the local optima problem as well as initialization perturbations. Experimental results for both synthetic and 2D (Two Dimensional) real clinal images are presented in this work to validate the performance of the proposed method. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated with respect to expert-based manual ground truth. Accordingly, the proposed model achieves higher accuracy in comparison to the state-of-the-art region based segmentation methods of Lankton and Yin as reported in results section

    Learning the dynamics and time-recursive boundary detection of deformable objects

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    We propose a principled framework for recursively segmenting deformable objects across a sequence of frames. We demonstrate the usefulness of this method on left ventricular segmentation across a cardiac cycle. The approach involves a technique for learning the system dynamics together with methods of particle-based smoothing as well as non-parametric belief propagation on a loopy graphical model capturing the temporal periodicity of the heart. The dynamic system state is a low-dimensional representation of the boundary, and the boundary estimation involves incorporating curve evolution into recursive state estimation. By formulating the problem as one of state estimation, the segmentation at each particular time is based not only on the data observed at that instant, but also on predictions based on past and future boundary estimates. Although the paper focuses on left ventricle segmentation, the method generalizes to temporally segmenting any deformable object

    Geodesic Colour Active Contour Resistent to Weak Edges and Noise

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