11 research outputs found

    Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation with Permutation Control

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    This paper explores the problem of frequency-domain Blind Source Separation (BSS) of convolutive mixtures. The main difficulties of this approach lie in the so called permutation and amplitude problems. In order to solve the permutation ambiguity, a new hybrid approach is proposed, in which the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) processes across all frequency bins are concatenated and each of them is embedded with a permutation control unit. In each frequency bin, when the separation matrix is obtained by the ICA process, the control unit detects the possible permutation and aligns the matrix only if the permutation is confirmed. Then the final value of separation matrix is used to initialize the ICA iterations in the next frequency bin. The amplitude problem is addressed by utilizing the elements in estimated mixing matrix. The method is compared with conventional frequency-domain BSS approaches and the experimental results demonstrate superior performances of the proposed method

    Ecosystem Monitoring and Port Surveillance Systems

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    International audienceIn this project, we should build up a novel system able to perform a sustainable and long term monitoring coastal marine ecosystems and enhance port surveillance capability. The outcomes will be based on the analysis, classification and the fusion of a variety of heterogeneous data collected using different sensors (hydrophones, sonars, various camera types, etc). This manuscript introduces the identified approaches and the system structure. In addition, it focuses on developed techniques and concepts to deal with several problems related to our project. The new system will address the shortcomings of traditional approaches based on measuring environmental parameters which are expensive and fail to provide adequate large-scale monitoring. More efficient monitoring will also enable improved analysis of climate change, and provide knowledge informing the civil authority's economic relationship with its coastal marine ecosystems

    Convolutive Blind Source Separation Methods

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    In this chapter, we provide an overview of existing algorithms for blind source separation of convolutive audio mixtures. We provide a taxonomy, wherein many of the existing algorithms can be organized, and we present published results from those algorithms that have been applied to real-world audio separation tasks

    Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Signal and Data Analytics: Identifiability, Algorithms, and Applications

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a workhorse for signal and data analytics, triggered by its model parsimony and interpretability. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, the understanding to its model identifiability---the major reason behind the interpretability in many applications such as topic mining and hyperspectral imaging---had been rather limited until recent years. Beginning from the 2010s, the identifiability research of NMF has progressed considerably: Many interesting and important results have been discovered by the signal processing (SP) and machine learning (ML) communities. NMF identifiability has a great impact on many aspects in practice, such as ill-posed formulation avoidance and performance-guaranteed algorithm design. On the other hand, there is no tutorial paper that introduces NMF from an identifiability viewpoint. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by offering a comprehensive and deep tutorial on model identifiability of NMF as well as the connections to algorithms and applications. This tutorial will help researchers and graduate students grasp the essence and insights of NMF, thereby avoiding typical `pitfalls' that are often times due to unidentifiable NMF formulations. This paper will also help practitioners pick/design suitable factorization tools for their own problems.Comment: accepted version, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine; supplementary materials added. Some minor revisions implemente

    Multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources

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    The enhancement of the performance of frequency domain convolutive blind source separation (FDCBSS) techniques when applied to the problem of separating audio sources recorded in a room environment is the focus of this thesis. This challenging application is termed the cocktail party problem and the ultimate aim would be to build a machine which matches the ability of a human being to solve this task. Human beings exploit both their eyes and their ears in solving this task and hence they adopt a multimodal approach, i.e. they exploit both audio and video modalities. New multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources are therefore proposed in this work as a step towards realizing such a machine. The geometry of the room environment is initially exploited to improve the separation performance of a FDCBSS algorithm. The positions of the human speakers are monitored by video cameras and this information is incorporated within the FDCBSS algorithm in the form of constraints added to the underlying cross-power spectral density matrix-based cost function which measures separation performance. [Continues.

    Chaînes de Markov cachées et séparation non supervisée de sources

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    Le problème de la restauration est rencontré dans domaines très variés notamment en traitement de signal et de l'image. Il correspond à la récupération des données originales à partir de données observées. Dans le cas de données multidimensionnelles, la résolution de ce problème peut se faire par différentes approches selon la nature des données, l'opérateur de transformation et la présence ou non de bruit. Dans ce travail, nous avons traité ce problème, d'une part, dans le cas des données discrètes en présence de bruit. Dans ce cas, le problème de restauration est analogue à celui de la segmentation. Nous avons alors exploité les modélisations dites chaînes de Markov couples et triplets qui généralisent les chaînes de Markov cachées. L'intérêt de ces modèles réside en la possibilité de généraliser la méthode de calcul de la probabilité à posteriori, ce qui permet une segmentation bayésienne. Nous avons considéré ces méthodes pour des observations bi-dimensionnelles et nous avons appliqué les algorithmes pour une séparation sur des documents issus de manuscrits scannés dans lesquels les textes des deux faces d'une feuille se mélangeaient. D'autre part, nous avons attaqué le problème de la restauration dans un contexte de séparation aveugle de sources. Une méthode classique en séparation aveugle de sources, connue sous l'appellation "Analyse en Composantes Indépendantes" (ACI), nécessite l'hypothèse d'indépendance statistique des sources. Dans des situations réelles, cette hypothèse n'est pas toujours vérifiée. Par conséquent, nous avons étudié une extension du modèle ACI dans le cas où les sources peuvent être statistiquement dépendantes. Pour ce faire, nous avons introduit un processus latent qui gouverne la dépendance et/ou l'indépendance des sources. Le modèle que nous proposons combine un modèle de mélange linéaire instantané tel que celui donné par ACI et un modèle probabiliste sur les sources avec variables cachées. Dans ce cadre, nous montrons comment la technique d'Estimation Conditionnelle Itérative permet d'affaiblir l'hypothèse usuelle d'indépendance en une hypothèse d'indépendance conditionnelleThe restoration problem is usually encountered in various domains and in particular in signal and image processing. It consists in retrieving original data from a set of observed ones. For multidimensional data, the problem can be solved using different approaches depending on the data structure, the transformation system and the noise. In this work, we have first tackled the problem in the case of discrete data and noisy model. In this context, the problem is similar to a segmentation problem. We have exploited Pairwise and Triplet Markov chain models, which generalize Hidden Markov chain models. The interest of these models consist in the possibility to generalize the computation procedure of the posterior probability, allowing one to perform bayesian segmentation. We have considered these methods for two-dimensional signals and we have applied the algorithms to retrieve of old hand-written document which have been scanned and are subject to show through effect. In the second part of this work, we have considered the restoration problem as a blind source separation problem. The well-known "Independent Component Analysis" (ICA) method requires the assumption that the sources be statistically independent. In practice, this condition is not always verified. Consequently, we have studied an extension of the ICA model in the case where the sources are not necessarily independent. We have introduced a latent process which controls the dependence and/or independence of the sources. The model that we propose combines a linear instantaneous mixing model similar to the one of ICA model and a probabilistic model on the sources with hidden variables. In this context, we show how the usual independence assumption can be weakened using the technique of Iterative Conditional Estimation to a conditional independence assumptionEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF