8 research outputs found

    A framework of collaborative knowledge management system in open source software development environment.

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    The global economy crisis reveals the advantages of Open Source Software (OSS). Software developers benefit not only from reduced cost of acquisition, but also access to source code and components. In this aspect, knowledge sharing among developers are immensely important in all facets of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Feller and Fitzgerald (2000) raised the critical questions on what life-cycle underpins the OSS model and what is the best methodology to support the OSS as well as what toolkit support OSS methodology. This paper shall discuss the formulation of Knowledge Management System (KMS) framework for sharing knowledge in OSS using SDLC from the planning phase until the maintenance phase. An initial fact finding survey was conducted on selected OSS developers in Malaysia to analyze the current usage and acceptance of OSS. The results are quite unexpected, with many OSS developers are still not fully using OSS tools in SDLC stages. The proposed KMS model is envisaged to allow OSS Community-of-Practice to share the OSS knowledge for the whole SDLC

    Implicit thinking knowledge injection framework for Agile requirements engineering

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    Agile has become commonly used as a software development methodology and its success depends on face-to-face communication of software developers and the faster software product delivery. Implicit thinking knowledge has considered as a very significant for organization self-learning. The main goal of paying attention to managing the implicit thinking knowledge is to retrieve valuable information of how the software is developed. However, requirements documentation is a challenging task for Agile software engineers. The current Agile requirements documentation does not incorporate the implicit thinking knowledge with the values it intends to achieve in the software project. This research addresses this issue and introduce a framework assists to inject the implicit thinking knowledge in Agile requirements engineering. An experiment used a survey questionnaire and case study of real project implemented for the framework evaluation. The results show that the framework enables software engineers to share and document their implicit thinking knowledge during Agile requirements documentation

    A Framework to Facilitate Collaboration in Employability Ecosystem in Malaysia

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    To improve the labor market, solving the discrepancies between demand (industry) and supply (government, MQA, job seekers, students) is critical. Industry requirements frequently change from time to time, forcing the government, the MQA, job seekers and students to keep up with the current job requirement. The government, the industry and the MQA each has certain information kept isolated from the public, making it difficult to access and exchange the information between them. Citizens, especially job seekers and students face difficulties because it takes a long time to seek the information located in different web portals. Little research has been done on the possibility of collaborating via information sharing between four actors - government, MQA, industry and citizen by having a central standard online platform where each of them able to accesses, exchanges, and represents the information. However, their study only explores the concept of collaborative information system (CIS) among the four actors. This research is conducted to introduce and describe the components of employability framework with the basic principles in Collaborative Knowledge Management (CKM)

    Las tecnologías de información y comunicación como prácticas de referencia en la gestión de conocimiento: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    The objective of this review is to identify reference practices supported by Information and Communication Technologies, which encourage the implementation of Knowledge Management within organizations. Based on the Systematic Review Methodology, this research project consisted in three phases: the research protocol development;the collection and analysis of information retrieved from the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI); and finally, the results generation. This study indicates that management practices related with applications and tools, databases, communities of practice, frameworks and networks, promote good outcomes in knowledge management process when applied in real context.  El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las prácticas de referencia apoyadas en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, que favorecen la implementación de la gestión de conocimiento en las organizaciones. Basada en la metodología de revisión sistemática, esta investigación se desarrolló en tres fases: el desarrollo del protocolo de investigación; la recolección y análisis de información de la base de datos Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI); y finalmente, la generación de resultados. El estudio realizado revela que las prácticas de gestión relacionadas con aplicaciones y herramientas, bases de datos, comunidades de práctica, frameworks y networks, aplicadas en contextos empresariales reales, promueven la obtención de buenos resultados en los procesos asociados a la gestión de conocimiento

    Las tecnologías de información y comunicación como prácticas de referencia en la gestión de conocimiento: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    The objective of this review is to identify reference practices supported by Information and Communication Technologies, which encourage the implementation of Knowledge Management within organizations. Based on the Systematic Review Methodology, this research project consisted in three phases: the research protocol development;the collection and analysis of information retrieved from the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI); and finally, the results generation. This study indicates that management practices related with applications and tools, databases, communities of practice, frameworks and networks, promote good outcomes in knowledge management process when applied in real context.  El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las prácticas de referencia apoyadas en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, que favorecen la implementación de la gestión de conocimiento en las organizaciones. Basada en la metodología de revisión sistemática, esta investigación se desarrolló en tres fases: el desarrollo del protocolo de investigación; la recolección y análisis de información de la base de datos Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI); y finalmente, la generación de resultados. El estudio realizado revela que las prácticas de gestión relacionadas con aplicaciones y herramientas, bases de datos, comunidades de práctica, frameworks y networks, aplicadas en contextos empresariales reales, promueven la obtención de buenos resultados en los procesos asociados a la gestión de conocimiento

    A Framework of Collaborative Knowledge Management System in Open Source Software Development Environment

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    Coopetition como Estrategia para potenciar la Innovación: Un Estudio en los Consorcios y Fab Labs de las Universidades Peruanas

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    La coopetition implica relaciones estratégicas entre empresas o instituciones que compiten y cooperan simultáneamente en diferentes áreas para enfrentar incertidumbres y explorar oportunidades para así obtener un mejor acceso a recursos específicos que no alcanzarían individualmente. Al igual que las empresas, las universidades también compiten por recursos (profesores, estudiantes, financiamiento, prestigio) y cooperan en educación, investigación y actividades para estimular la innovación y el espíritu empresarial. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la investigación fue analizar si la estrategia de la coopetition aplicada en los consorcios y en la red de Fab Labs de las universidades peruanas, afectaron la gestión del conocimiento y su participación en la innovación tecnológica. Para lograr este objetivo, fue propuesto un modelo explicativo de relación de variables usando el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales. Se diseñó un instrumento de 38 ítems que se aplicó a colaboradores de los consorcios y Fab Labs de las universidades del Perú. Los resultados confirman las relaciones positivas y significativas de las dimensiones de coopetition en la gestión del conocimiento, y a su vez, de esta última en la innovación tecnológica. Estos hallazgos son útiles para comprender el impacto de la estrategia de coopetition en el proceso de aplicación, generación y obtención del conocimiento necesario para la innovación tecnológica; siendo estos resultados relevantes para el fortalecimiento de las alianzas estratégicas entre las universidades del Perú, derivando esto en un impacto en la innovación y en el desarrollo tecnológico del país.Coopetition involves strategic relationships between companies or institutions that simultaneously compete and cooperate in different areas to address uncertainties and explore opportunities, thereby gaining better access to specific resources that they would not achieve individually. Just like companies, universities also compete for resources (faculty, students, funding, prestige) and cooperate in education, research, and activities to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship. As a result, the objective of the research was to analyze whether the strategy of coopetition applied in the consortiums and Fab Labs network of Peruvian universities affected knowledge management and their involvement in technological innovation. To achieve this goal, an explanatory model of variable relationships was proposed using structural equation modeling. A 59-item instrument was designed and applied to the workers of the consortiums and Fab Labs of Peruvian universities. The results confirm positive and significant relationships between coopetition dimensions in knowledge management and, in turn, the latter with technological innovation. These findings are useful for understanding the impact of coopetition strategy on the process of applying, generating, and obtaining knowledge necessary for technological innovation. They are particularly relevant for strengthening strategic alliances among universities in Peru, resulting in an impact on innovation and technological development in the country

    Knowledge management in learning software SMMEs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2017.The study investigated the nature and causes of software development failures and knowledge management practices adopted to mitigate the failures in small, micro, and medium software developing enterprises (SMMEs) in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The study adopted an interpretive, qualitative multiple case study approach to investigate the problem. Twelve software development SMMEs were involved in the study. Interviews were conducted with 12 information technology (IT)/software development project managers and eight software developers identified through purposive sampling. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse and interpret the data. The findings reveal that software development SMMEs in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, experience software development failures. Ten causes of failure were identified. They are bureaucracy in IT departments, compatibility issues, complacency of developers, involvement of the wrong people in the planning stages of projects, a lack of detailed documentation, lack of resources, lack of user commitment/non-adoption of systems, miscommunication/misrepresentation of requirements, unrealistic customer expectations, and work overload. The results also indicate that software organisations and individual software developers experience knowledge gaps during the course of their work. Six knowledge management practices are adopted by the organisations and the individual developers to fill the knowledge gaps. The practices are knowledge acquisition, creation, storage, sharing, organisation and application. These practices are supported by Internet technologies such as blogs, Wikis, search engines, social networks, organisational databases and computer hardware such as servers and personal computers. The study reveals two important knowledge management practices that are ignored by software organisations, namely post-mortem reviews, which are essential in software development, and formal training of the developers. The findings further reveal that knowledge management has enabled the organisations and individual developers to save time, retain their intellectual property (IP), become more efficient and effective in knowledge reuse. Organisations face a number of knowledge management related challenges. The challenges are lack of formal knowledge management procedures, difficulty protecting knowledge, expensive knowledge storage costs, increasing information needs, lack of the time to fully adopt knowledge management practices, difficulty finding information, and the ever-changing nature of knowledge. The study concluded that software development failures are prevalent in software SMMEs and that the organisations have informally adopted knowledge management. Moreover, knowledge management has brought benefits to the organisations but the role played by knowledge management in eliminating project failures is not clear. It is recommended that software organisations should consider formally adopting knowledge management so that knowledge management specialists can be employed to drive the knowledge management initiatives and so help in conducting post-mortem reviews and the training of staff. In addition, further research is recommended to investigate the role of knowledge management in reducing or eliminating software project failures. Quantitative studies are also recommended to objectively measure the benefits brought by knowledge management. Such studies would measure how much time and which costs are saved by adopting knowledge management. The study contributes to theory and practice (software development industry). Theoretically, the study developed and used a conceptual framework developed from software engineering and knowledge management that could be used to investigate knowledge management activities in organisations. The study also contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the subject software learning organisations from a developing country perspective. It is envisaged that software development organisations will adopt the recommendations proffered to improve their knowledge management practices