6 research outputs found

    A framework for the elicitation and analysis of Information Technology service requirements and their alignment with enterprise business goals

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    As the economies of the world have become increasingly dependant on Information Technology (IT) services, there is a need for service designers and developers to focus on co-value creation between service providers and service consumers. Developers need to conduct a more rigorous and systematic identification, elicitation, and analysis of IT service requirements than ever before so that the resulting IT services are closely aligned with the enterprise business requirements. Research in Services Science from the business and management discipline has mostly focused on the delivery and management of services experience from the business perspective. Much of the research focus in Service Oriented Computing (SOC) so far has been on the design and delivery of services (especially Web Services), but engineering of IT service requirements has received much less attention. The overall aims of the proposed research is the design and development of an integrated framework and its supporting toolset for the systematic identification, elicitation, and analysis of IT service requirements that satisfy consumers' needs and are closely aligned with their enterprise business goals. © 2010 IEEE

    Business process modelling and visualisation to support e-government decision making: Business/IS alignment

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    © 2017 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57487-5_4.Alignment between business and information systems plays a vital role in the formation of dependent relationships between different departments in a government organization and the process of alignment can be improved by developing an information system (IS) according to the stakeholders’ expectations. However, establishing strong alignment in the context of the eGovernment environment can be difficult. It is widely accepted that business processes in the government environment plays a pivotal role in capturing the details of IS requirements. This paper presents a method of business process modelling through UML which can help to visualise and capture the IS requirements for the system development. A series of UML models have been developed and discussed. A case study on patient visits to a healthcare clinic in the context of eGovernment has been used to validate the models

    Business and Information System Alignment Theories Built on eGovernment Service Practice: An Holistic Literature Review

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This chapter examines previous studies of alignment between business and information systems holistically in relation to the development of working associations among professionals from information system and business backgrounds in business organization and eGovernment sectors while investigating alignment research that permits the development and growth of information system, which is appropriate, within budget and on-time development. The process of alignment plays a key role in the construction of dependent associations among individuals from two different groups, and the progress of alignment could be enhanced by emerging an information system according to the investors’ prospects. The chapter presents system theory to gather and analyze the data across the designated platforms. The outcomes classify that alignment among business and information system departments remains a priority and is of worry in different ways in diverse areas, which provides prospects for the forthcoming discussion and research.Final Published versio

    Business analysis methodology for the implementation of information systems in telecommunication enterprises

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    Tématem disertační práce je sestavení metodiky business analýzy při zavádění informačních systémů v telekomunikačních podnicích v České republice. Tato metodika je sestavena prostřednictvím kvalitativního výzkumu – zakotvené teorie, s doplněním kvantitativním výzkumem a sekundárním výzkumem složeným z rešerší dostupné literatury. Při tvorbě metodiky jsem vycházela ze současných potřeb telekomunikačních podniků, které jsou charakteristické vysokou závislostí na informačních systémech, flexibilitou, konkurencí a neustálým zkracováním období platnosti podnikové strategie. Business analýza v těchto podnicích vychází především ze strategických cílů a její náplní je sestavit a analyzovat tzv. business požadavky, které by se měly promítnout v novém (inovovaném) informačním systému a zároveň transformují strategické cíle do konkrétních požadavků na fungování informačního systému. Tento systém by po jeho zavedení měl napomoci strategické cíle naplnit. Disertační práce je rozdělena na dvě části. V první, teoretické práci se zaměřuji zejména na vymezení pojmů, obecných metodik provádění business analýzy a jejich souvislostí s procesním a projektovým řízením používaným při zavádění informačních systémů v telekomunikacích. Zároveň se zabývám identifikací a vysvětlením použitých výzkumných metod. Druhá, praktická část je věnována primárnímu výzkumu. Pro získání údajů pro tento výzkum byly provedeny rozhovory s 18 respondenty z telekomunikačního oboru a jejich výroky byly podrobeny kvantitativnímu a kvalitativnímu zkoumání. Získané údaje byly konceptualizovány, kategorizovány a následně kódovány do výsledné metodiky. Práce rovněž obsahuje návrh využití metodiky v teorii, praxi i výuce.The topic of the thesis is to build a business analysis methodology for the implementation of information systems in telecommunication enterprises in Czech Republic. This methodology is composed by qualitative research - grounded theory, supplemented by quantitative research and secondary research using an available literature. In the preparation of the methodology I have used the current needs of telecommunications companies, which are characterized mainly by high dependence on information systems, high flexibility, competition and shortening of the corporate strategy timeline. Business analysis in the telecommunications is mainly based on the strategic objectives and its task is to compile and analyze the business requirements that should be reflected in the new (upgraded) information systems while transforming strategic objectives into specific requirements for the operation of this system. Those systems should help fulfill strategic objectives. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part I was focuses mainly on the definition of terms, as well as the general methodology for conducting business analysis and their relationships with process and project management used in the implementation of information systems in telecommunications. Also I identified and explained the used research methods. The second part is focused on primary research. To obtain data the research was carried out interviews with 18 respondents from the telecommunications industry and their statements were subjects for quantitative and qualitative research. The data obtained were conceptualized, categorized and then coded into the resulting methodology. The thesis also includes a proposal for the use of the methodology in theory, practice and teaching.

    A compromise-negotiation framework based on Game theory for eliminating requirements inconsistency

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    Za bilo koji predloženi projekt razvoja softvera, neizbježno je suočiti se s promjenama zahtjeva tijekom razvoja softvera. Nekontrolirane promjene mogu dovesti do loše specifikacije zahtjeva, što čak može rezultirati propadanjem projekta. Rezultat toga je potreba za osiguranjem učinkovitog i fleksibilnog upravljanja promjenama zahtjeva i jedan od osnovnih zadataka je uklanjanje nedosljednosti u zahtjevima izazvanim promjenama. U ovom radu razmatramo postupak pregovora o specifikaciji novih i starih zahtjeva primjenom Teorije igara. Obje strane čine ustupke tijekom igre dok se ne postigne Nashova ravnoteža, tj. dok obje strane ne budu zadovoljne rezultatom pregovora. Točnije, najprije se niz zahtjeva predstavlja logičnom formulom. Tada se odvojeno predlaže metoda pregovora oko zahtjeva, utemeljena na miješanoj strategiji i čistoj strategiji Nashove ravnoteže, a također i okvirno načelo za postizanje kompromisa na temelju Teorije igara. Daje se i analiza slučaja u svrhu provjere učinkovitosti naše metode. Na kraju se daju usporedbe i zaključak.For any proposed software development project, it is inevitable to confront requirements changes during the software development life cycle. Uncontrolled changes may cause bad requirements specification, which even further leads to project’s failure. As a result, it is necessary to provide effective and flexible requirements change management. One of the kernel tasks of requirement change management is to eliminate requirement inconsistency caused by changes. In this paper, we consider negotiation process of the new and the old requirements specifications under Game theory. Both sides concession during the game process until the game achieves Nash equilibrium, i.e. both sides gain satisfied negotiation results. To be specific, firstly, the requirement set is represented in logical formula. Then a requirement conflict negotiation method based on mixed strategy and pure strategy Nash equilibrium is proposed separately, and a Compromise-Negotiation framework based on Game theory is presented as well. A case study will be given in the following part to verify our method’s effectiveness. Finally, it comes to a comparison and conclusion

    Identification of current IS challenges based on the business/IS alignment model and improving eGovernment services

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    Information systems (IS) are currently used in various units of the eGovernment sector in order to improve the efficiency, quality, usefulness, rapidity and convenience of their services or products. However, not all governments are able to benefit from the full advantages of IS development due to a lack of alignment between the IS department and other agencies in the eGovernment sector. There is no common framework or model that can be applied globally. Each country develops its own eGovernment programmes based on its needs and other national considerations such as political, economic, cultural and social factors. The literature indicates that eGovernment adoption, uses and development have been considered extensively from the viewpoints of the organization and technical issues. However, there is a need for further investigation to inspect how eGovernment agencies can be aligned so that the efficiency of their services can be improved. A strong alignment not only assists any government in improving the performance of its services, but it also enhances public trust in the government’s services. The concept of alignment is not new, first emerging in the 1970s. Since then, researchers and practitioners have studied the process of alignment in the context of organizational strategic alignment, structural and business goals alignment. This thesis proposes an ideal pattern of alignment for the eGovernment sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and proposes modelling IS requirements as a suitable solution for strong alignment. The ideal pattern of alignment consists of strategic, structural, social and cultural alignment between the IS department and other agencies in the eGovernment sector. The study uses a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method approach to validate the proposed ideal pattern of alignment. For the qualitative study, initially the factors affecting the ideal pattern of alignment are extracted from the literature and validated by the eGovernment experts. The qualitative data were collected from 20 eGovernment experts from different eGovernment sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The thematic analysis approach is identified as a suitable approach to analyse qualitative data. For the quantitative study, the questionnaire was posted online and possible participants were contacted in the Saudi ministry. The data were collected from 200 eGovernment users in Saudi Arabia. To analyse the quantitative data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model approaches are used. At the process modelling phase, a case study on patient visits to a healthcare clinic is used to validate the method of modelling IS requirements in the context of eGovernment alignment. The study results indicate: 1) if the eGovernment sector in Saudi Arabia is aligned through this ideal pattern of alignment, improved eGovernment performance and enhanced public trust can be achieved; 2) the eGovernment sector in Saudi Arabia can improve its internal and external relations by focusing on the ideal pattern of alignment; 3) modelling and analysing the government environment have a positive impact on the implementation of IS which meets the needs of the government and consequently positively affects the process of alignment