1,353 research outputs found

    Behaviour Profiling for Mobile Devices

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    With more than 5 billion users globally, mobile devices have become ubiquitous in our daily life. The modern mobile handheld device is capable of providing many multimedia services through a wide range of applications over multiple networks as well as on the handheld device itself. These services are predominantly driven by data, which is increasingly associated with sensitive information. Such a trend raises the security requirement for reliable and robust verification techniques of users.This thesis explores the end-user verification requirements of mobile devices and proposes a novel Behaviour Profiling security framework for mobile devices. The research starts with a critical review of existing mobile technologies, security threats and mechanisms, and highlights a broad range of weaknesses. Therefore, attention is given to biometric verification techniques which have the ability to offer better security. Despite a large number of biometric works carried out in the area of transparent authentication systems (TAS) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), each have a set of weaknesses that fail to provide a comprehensive solution. They are either reliant upon a specific behaviour to enable the system to function or only capable of providing security for network based services. To this end, the behaviour profiling technique is identified as a potential candidate to provide high level security from both authentication and IDS aspects, operating in a continuous and transparent manner within the mobile host environment.This research examines the feasibility of a behaviour profiling technique through mobile users general applications usage, telephone, text message and multi-instance application usage with the best experimental results Equal Error Rates (EER) of 13.5%, 5.4%, 2.2% and 10% respectively. Based upon this information, a novel architecture of Behaviour Profiling on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and non-intrusive verification mechanism in standalone, TAS or IDS modes, regardless of device hardware configuration. The framework is able to utilise user behaviour to continuously evaluate the system security status of the device. With a high system security level, users are granted with instant access to sensitive services and data, while with lower system security levels, users are required to reassure their identity before accessing sensitive services.The core functions of the novel framework are validated through the implementation of a simulation system. A series of security scenarios are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel framework to verify legitimate and imposter activities. By employing the smoothing function of three applications, verification time of 3 minutes and a time period of 60 minutes of the degradation function, the Behaviour Profiling framework achieved the best performance with False Rejection Rate (FRR) rates of 7.57%, 77% and 11.24% for the normal, protected and overall applications respectively and with False Acceptance Rate (FAR) rates of 3.42%, 15.29% and 4.09% for their counterparts

    Enhancing shopping experiences in smart retailing

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    The retailing market has undergone a paradigm-shift in the last decades, departing from its traditional form of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores towards online shopping and the establishment of shopping malls. As a result, “small” independent retailers operating in urban environments have suffered a substantial reduction of their turnover. This situation could be presumably reversed if retailers were to establish business “alliances” targeting economies of scale and engage themselves in providing innovative digital services. The SMARTBUY ecosystem realizes the concept of a “distributed shopping mall”, which allows retailers to join forces and unite in a large commercial coalition that generates added value for both retailers and customers. Along this line, the SMARTBUY ecosystem offers several novel features: (i) inventory management of centralized products and services, (ii) geo-located marketing of products and services, (iii) location-based search for products offered by neighboring retailers, and (iv) personalized recommendations for purchasing products derived by an innovative recommendation system. SMARTBUY materializes a blended retailing paradigm which combines the benefits of online shopping with the attractiveness of traditional shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. This article provides an overview of the main architectural components and functional aspects of the SMARTBUY ecosystem. Then, it reports the main findings derived from a 12 months-long pilot execution of SMARTBUY across four European cities and discusses the key technology acceptance factors when deploying alike business alliances

    Enhancing Artificial Intelligence on a Real Mobile Game

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    Mobile games represent a killer application that is attracting millions of subscribers worldwide. One of the aspects crucial to the commercial success of a game is ensuring an appropriately challenging artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm against which to play. However, creating this component is particularly complex as classic search AI algorithms cannot be employed by limited devices such as mobile phones or, even on more powerful computers, when considering imperfect information games (i.e., games in which participants do not a complete knowledge of the game state at any moment). In this paper, we propose to solve this issue by resorting to a machine learning algorithm which uses profiling functionalities in order to infer the missing information, thus making the AI able to efficiently adapt its strategies to the human opponent. We studied a simple and computationally light machine learning method that can be employed with success, enabling AI improvements for imperfect information games even on mobile phones. We created a mobile phone-based version of a game calledGhostsand present results which clearly show the ability of our algorithm to quickly improve its own predictive performance as far as the number of games against the same human opponent increases

    Delivery of Personalized and Adaptive Content to Mobile Devices:A Framework and Enabling Technology

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    Many innovative wireless applications that aim to provide mobile information access are emerging. Since people have different information needs and preferences, one of the challenges for mobile information systems is to take advantage of the convenience of handheld devices and provide personalized information to the right person in a preferred format. However, the unique features of wireless networks and mobile devices pose challenges to personalized mobile content delivery. This paper proposes a generic framework for delivering personalized and adaptive content to mobile users. It introduces a variety of enabling technologies and highlights important issues in this area. The framework can be applied to many applications such as mobile commerce and context-aware mobile services

    The Dark Side(-Channel) of Mobile Devices: A Survey on Network Traffic Analysis

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    In recent years, mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) have met an increasing commercial success and have become a fundamental element of the everyday life for billions of people all around the world. Mobile devices are used not only for traditional communication activities (e.g., voice calls and messages) but also for more advanced tasks made possible by an enormous amount of multi-purpose applications (e.g., finance, gaming, and shopping). As a result, those devices generate a significant network traffic (a consistent part of the overall Internet traffic). For this reason, the research community has been investigating security and privacy issues that are related to the network traffic generated by mobile devices, which could be analyzed to obtain information useful for a variety of goals (ranging from device security and network optimization, to fine-grained user profiling). In this paper, we review the works that contributed to the state of the art of network traffic analysis targeting mobile devices. In particular, we present a systematic classification of the works in the literature according to three criteria: (i) the goal of the analysis; (ii) the point where the network traffic is captured; and (iii) the targeted mobile platforms. In this survey, we consider points of capturing such as Wi-Fi Access Points, software simulation, and inside real mobile devices or emulators. For the surveyed works, we review and compare analysis techniques, validation methods, and achieved results. We also discuss possible countermeasures, challenges and possible directions for future research on mobile traffic analysis and other emerging domains (e.g., Internet of Things). We believe our survey will be a reference work for researchers and practitioners in this research field.Comment: 55 page

    Continuous User Authentication Using Multi-Modal Biometrics

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    It is commonly acknowledged that mobile devices now form an integral part of an individual’s everyday life. The modern mobile handheld devices are capable to provide a wide range of services and applications over multiple networks. With the increasing capability and accessibility, they introduce additional demands in term of security. This thesis explores the need for authentication on mobile devices and proposes a novel mechanism to improve the current techniques. The research begins with an intensive review of mobile technologies and the current security challenges that mobile devices experience to illustrate the imperative of authentication on mobile devices. The research then highlights the existing authentication mechanism and a wide range of weakness. To this end, biometric approaches are identified as an appropriate solution an opportunity for security to be maintained beyond point-of-entry. Indeed, by utilising behaviour biometric techniques, the authentication mechanism can be performed in a continuous and transparent fashion. This research investigated three behavioural biometric techniques based on SMS texting activities and messages, looking to apply these techniques as a multi-modal biometric authentication method for mobile devices. The results showed that linguistic profiling; keystroke dynamics and behaviour profiling can be used to discriminate users with overall Equal Error Rates (EER) 12.8%, 20.8% and 9.2% respectively. By using a combination of biometrics, the results showed clearly that the classification performance is better than using single biometric technique achieving EER 3.3%. Based on these findings, a novel architecture of multi-modal biometric authentication on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and transparent authentication in standalone and server-client modes regardless of mobile hardware configuration. The framework is able to continuously maintain the security status of the devices. With a high level of security status, users are permitted to access sensitive services and data. On the other hand, with the low level of security, users are required to re-authenticate before accessing sensitive service or data

    Supporting Evolution and Maintenance of android Apps

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    Mobile developers and testers face a number of emerging challenges. These include rapid platform evolution and API instability; issues in bug reporting and reproduction involving complex multitouch gestures; platform fragmentation; the impact of reviews and ratings on the success of their apps; management of crowd-sourced requirements; continuous pressure from the market for frequent releases; lack of effective and usable testing tools; and limited computational resources for handheld devices. Traditional and contemporary methods in software evolution and maintenance were not designed for these types of challenges; therefore, a set of studies and a new toolbox of techniques for mobile development are required to analyze current challenges and propose new solutions. This dissertation presents a set of empirical studies, as well as solutions for some of the key challenges when evolving and maintaining android apps. In particular, we analyzed key challenges experienced by practitioners and open issues in the mobile development community such as (i) android API instability, (ii) performance optimizations, (iii) automatic GUI testing, and (iv) energy consumption. When carrying out the studies, we relied on qualitative and quantitative analyses to understand the phenomena on a large scale by considering evidence extracted from software repositories and the opinions of open-source mobile developers. From the empirical studies, we identified that dynamic analysis is a relevant method for several evolution and maintenance tasks, in particular, because of the need of practitioners to execute/validate the apps on a diverse set of platforms (i.e., device and OS) and under pressure for continuous delivery. Therefore, we designed and implemented an extensible infrastructure that enables large-scale automatic execution of android apps to support different evolution and maintenance tasks (e.g., testing and energy optimization). In addition to the infrastructure we present a taxonomy of issues, single solutions to the issues, and guidelines to enable large execution of android apps. Finally, we devised novel approaches aimed at supporting testing and energy optimization of mobile apps (two key challenges in evolution and maintenance of android apps). First, we propose a novel hybrid approach for automatic GUI-based testing of apps that is able to generate (un)natural test sequences by mining real applications usages and learning statistical models that represent the GUI interactions. In addition, we propose a multi-objective approach for optimizing the energy consumption of GUIs in android apps that is able to generate visually appealing color compositions, while reducing the energy consumption and keeping a design concept close to the original

    Resource Management In Cloud And Big Data Systems

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    Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in computing, where services are offered and acquired on demand in a cost-effective way. These services are often virtualized, and they can handle the computing needs of big data analytics. The ever-growing demand for cloud services arises in many areas including healthcare, transportation, energy systems, and manufacturing. However, cloud resources such as computing power, storage, energy, dollars for infrastructure, and dollars for operations, are limited. Effective use of the existing resources raises several fundamental challenges that place the cloud resource management at the heart of the cloud providers\u27 decision-making process. One of these challenges faced by the cloud providers is to provision, allocate, and price the resources such that their profit is maximized and the resources are utilized efficiently. In addition, executing large-scale applications in clouds may require resources from several cloud providers. Another challenge when processing data intensive applications is minimizing their energy costs. Electricity used in US data centers in 2010 accounted for about 2% of total electricity used nationwide. In addition, the energy consumed by the data centers is growing at over 15% annually, and the energy costs make up about 42% of the data centers\u27 operating costs. Therefore, it is critical for the data centers to minimize their energy consumption when offering services to customers. In this Ph.D. dissertation, we address these challenges by designing, developing, and analyzing mechanisms for resource management in cloud computing systems and data centers. The goal is to allocate resources efficiently while optimizing a global performance objective of the system (e.g., maximizing revenue, maximizing social welfare, or minimizing energy). We improve the state-of-the-art in both methodologies and applications. As for methodologies, we introduce novel resource management mechanisms based on mechanism design, approximation algorithms, cooperative game theory, and hedonic games. These mechanisms can be applied in cloud virtual machine (VM) allocation and pricing, cloud federation formation, and energy-efficient computing. In this dissertation, we outline our contributions and possible directions for future research in this field

    Big Data for All: Privacy and User Control in the Age of Analytics

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    We live in an age of “big data.” Data have become the raw material of production, a new source for immense economic and social value. Advances in data mining and analytics and the massive increase in computing power and data storage capacity have expanded by orders of magnitude the scope of information available for businesses and government. Data are now available for analysis in raw form, escaping the confines of structured databases and enhancing researchers’ abilities to identify correlations and conceive of new, unanticipated uses for existing information. In addition, the increasing number of people, devices, and sensors that are now connected by digital networks has revolutionized the ability to generate, communicate, share, and access data. Data creates enormous value for the world economy, driving innovation, productivity, efficiency, and growth. At the same time, the “data deluge” presents privacy concerns which could stir a regulatory backlash dampening the data economy and stifling innovation. In order to craft a balance between beneficial uses of data and individual privacy, policymakers must address some of the most fundamental concepts of privacy law, including the definition of “personally identifiable information,” the role of individual control, and the principles of data minimization and purpose limitation. This article emphasizes the importance of providing individuals with access to their data in usable format. This will let individuals share the wealth created by their information and incentivize developers to offer user-side features and applications harnessing the value of big data. Where individual access to data is impracticable, data are likely to be de-identified to an extent sufficient to diminish privacy concerns. In addition, since in a big data world it is often not the data but rather the inferences drawn from them that give cause for concern, organizations should be required to disclose their decisional criteria
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