688 research outputs found

    Towards understanding and mitigating attacks leveraging zero-day exploits

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    Zero-day vulnerabilities are unknown and therefore not addressed with the result that they can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorised system access. In order to understand and mitigate against attacks leveraging zero-days or unknown techniques, it is necessary to study the vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks that make use of them. In recent years there have been a number of leaks publishing such attacks using various methods to exploit vulnerabilities. This research seeks to understand what types of vulnerabilities exist, why and how these are exploited, and how to defend against such attacks by either mitigating the vulnerabilities or the method / process of exploiting them. By moving beyond merely remedying the vulnerabilities to defences that are able to prevent or detect the actions taken by attackers, the security of the information system will be better positioned to deal with future unknown threats. An interesting finding is how attackers exploit moving beyond the observable bounds to circumvent security defences, for example, compromising syslog servers, or going down to lower system rings to gain access. However, defenders can counter this by employing defences that are external to the system preventing attackers from disabling them or removing collected evidence after gaining system access. Attackers are able to defeat air-gaps via the leakage of electromagnetic radiation as well as misdirect attribution by planting false artefacts for forensic analysis and attacking from third party information systems. They analyse the methods of other attackers to learn new techniques. An example of this is the Umbrage project whereby malware is analysed to decide whether it should be implemented as a proof of concept. Another important finding is that attackers respect defence mechanisms such as: remote syslog (e.g. firewall), core dump files, database auditing, and Tripwire (e.g. SlyHeretic). These defences all have the potential to result in the attacker being discovered. Attackers must either negate the defence mechanism or find unprotected targets. Defenders can use technologies such as encryption to defend against interception and man-in-the-middle attacks. They can also employ honeytokens and honeypots to alarm misdirect, slow down and learn from attackers. By employing various tactics defenders are able to increase their chance of detecting and time to react to attacks, even those exploiting hitherto unknown vulnerabilities. To summarize the information presented in this thesis and to show the practical importance thereof, an examination is presented of the NSA's network intrusion of the SWIFT organisation. It shows that the firewalls were exploited with remote code execution zerodays. This attack has a striking parallel in the approach used in the recent VPNFilter malware. If nothing else, the leaks provide information to other actors on how to attack and what to avoid. However, by studying state actors, we can gain insight into what other actors with fewer resources can do in the future

    Robust and secure monitoring and attribution of malicious behaviors

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    Worldwide computer systems continue to execute malicious software that degrades the systemsâ performance and consumes network capacity by generating high volumes of unwanted traffic. Network-based detectors can effectively identify machines participating in the ongoing attacks by monitoring the traffic to and from the systems. But, network detection alone is not enough; it does not improve the operation of the Internet or the health of other machines connected to the network. We must identify malicious code running on infected systems, participating in global attack networks. This dissertation describes a robust and secure approach that identifies malware present on infected systems based on its undesirable use of network. Our approach, using virtualization, attributes malicious traffic to host-level processes responsible for the traffic. The attribution identifies on-host processes, but malware instances often exhibit parasitic behaviors to subvert the execution of benign processes. We then augment the attribution software with a host-level monitor that detects parasitic behaviors occurring at the user- and kernel-level. User-level parasitic attack detection happens via the system-call interface because it is a non-bypassable interface for user-level processes. Due to the unavailability of one such interface inside the kernel for drivers, we create a new driver monitoring interface inside the kernel to detect parasitic attacks occurring through this interface. Our attribution software relies on a guest kernelâ s data to identify on-host processes. To allow secure attribution, we prevent illegal modifications of critical kernel data from kernel-level malware. Together, our contributions produce a unified research outcome --an improved malicious code identification system for user- and kernel-level malware.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Giffin, Jonathon; Committee Member: Ahamad, Mustaque; Committee Member: Blough, Douglas; Committee Member: Lee, Wenke; Committee Member: Traynor, Patric

    A Holistic Approach to Service Survivability

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    We present SABER (Survivability Architecture: Block, Evade, React), a proposed survivability architecture that blocks, evades and reacts to a variety of attacks by using several security and survivability mechanisms in an automated and coordinated fashion. Contrary to the ad hoc manner in which contemporary survivable systems are built--using isolated, independent security mechanisms such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and software sandboxes--SABER integrates several different technologies in an attempt to provide a unified framework for responding to the wide range of attacks malicious insiders and outsiders can launch. This coordinated multi-layer approach will be capable of defending against attacks targeted at various levels of the network stack, such as congestion-based DoS attacks, software-based DoS or code-injection attacks, and others. Our fundamental insight is that while multiple lines of defense are useful, most conventional, uncoordinated approaches fail to exploit the full range of available responses to incidents. By coordinating the response, the ability to survive even in the face of successful security breaches increases substantially. We discuss the key components of SABER, how they will be integrated together, and how we can leverage on the promising results of the individual components to improve survivability in a variety of coordinated attack scenarios. SABER is currently in the prototyping stages, with several interesting open research topics

    Dynamic Application Level Security Sensors

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    The battle for cyber supremacy is a cat and mouse game: evolving threats from internal and external sources make it difficult to protect critical systems. With the diverse and high risk nature of these threats, there is a need for robust techniques that can quickly adapt and address this evolution. Existing tools such as Splunk, Snort, and Bro help IT administrators defend their networks by actively parsing through network traffic or system log data. These tools have been thoroughly developed and have proven to be a formidable defense against many cyberattacks. However, they are vulnerable to zero-day attacks, slow attacks, and attacks that originate from within. Should an attacker or some form of malware make it through these barriers and onto a system, the next layer of defense lies on the host. Host level defenses include system integrity verifiers, virus scanners, and event log parsers. Many of these tools work by seeking specific attack signatures or looking for anomalous events. The defenses at the network and host level are similar in nature. First, sensors collect data from the security domain. Second, the data is processed, and third, a response is crafted based on the processing. The application level security domain lacks this three step process. Application level defenses focus on secure coding practices and vulnerability patching, which is ineffective. The work presented in this thesis uses a technique that is commonly employed by malware, dynamic-link library (DLL) injection, to develop dynamic application level security sensors that can extract fine-grain data at runtime. This data can then be processed to provide stronger application level defense by shrinking the vulnerability window. Chapters 5 and 6 give proof of concept sensors and describe the process of developing the sensors in detail

    Web attack risk awareness with lessons learned from high interaction honeypots

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Com a evolução da web 2.0, a maioria das empresas elabora negócios através da Internet usando aplicações web. Estas aplicações detêm dados importantes com requisitos cruciais como confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade. A perda destas propriedades influencia directamente o negócio colocando-o em risco. A percepção de risco providencia o necessário conhecimento de modo a agir para a sua mitigação. Nesta tese foi concretizada uma colecção de honeypots web de alta interacção utilizando diversas aplicações e sistemas operativos para analisar o comportamento do atacante. A utilização de ambientes de virtualização assim como ferramentas de monitorização de honeypots amplamente utilizadas providencia a informação forense necessária para ajudar a comunidade de investigação no estudo do modus operandi do atacante, armazenando os últimos exploits e ferramentas maliciosas, e a desenvolver as necessárias medidas de protecção que lidam com a maioria das técnicas de ataque. Utilizando a informação detalhada de ataque obtida com os honeypots web, o comportamento do atacante é classificado entre diferentes perfis de ataque para poderem ser analisadas as medidas de mitigação de risco que lidam com as perdas de negócio. Diferentes frameworks de segurança são analisadas para avaliar os benefícios que os conceitos básicos de segurança dos honeypots podem trazer na resposta aos requisitos de cada uma e a consequente mitigação de risco.With the evolution of web 2.0, the majority of enterprises deploy their business over the Internet using web applications. These applications carry important data with crucial requirements such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. The loss of those properties influences directly the business putting it at risk. Risk awareness provides the necessary know-how on how to act to achieve its mitigation. In this thesis a collection of high interaction web honeypots is deployed using multiple applications and diverse operating systems in order to analyse the attacker behaviour. The use of virtualization environments along with widely used honeypot monitoring tools provide the necessary forensic information that helps the research community to study the modus operandi of the attacker gathering the latest exploits and malicious tools and to develop adequate safeguards that deal with the majority of attacking techniques. Using the detailed attacking information gathered with the web honeypots, the attacking behaviour will be classified across different attacking profiles to analyse the necessary risk mitigation safeguards to deal with business losses. Different security frameworks commonly used by enterprises are analysed to evaluate the benefits of the honeypots security concepts in responding to each framework’s requirements and consequently mitigating the risk

    Design of Automation Environment for Analyzing Various IoT Malware

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    With the increasing proliferation of IoT systems, the security of IoT systems has become very important to individuals and businesses. IoT malware has been increasing exponentially since the emergence of Mirai in 2016. Because the IoT system environment is diverse, IoT malware also has various environments. In the case of existing analysis systems, there is no environment for dynamic analysis by running IoT malware of various architectures. It is inefficient in terms of time and cost to build an environment that analyzes malware one by one for analysis. The purpose of this paper is to improve the problems and limitations of the existing analysis system and provide an environment to analyze a large amount of IoT malware. Using existing open source analysis tools suitable for various IoT malicious codes and QEMU, a virtualization software, the environment in which the actual malicious code will run is built, and the library or system call that is actually called is statically and dynamically analyzed. In the text, the analysis system is applied to the actual collected malicious code to check whether it is analyzed and derive statistics. Information on the architecture of malicious code, attack method, command used, and access path can be checked, and this information can be used as a basis for malicious code detection research or classification research. The advantages are described of the system designed compared to the most commonly used automated analysis tools and improvements to existing limitations

    Lockdown: Dynamic Control-Flow Integrity

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    Applications written in low-level languages without type or memory safety are especially prone to memory corruption. Attackers gain code execution capabilities through such applications despite all currently deployed defenses by exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is a promising defense mechanism that restricts open control-flow transfers to a static set of well-known locations. We present Lockdown, an approach to dynamic CFI that protects legacy, binary-only executables and libraries. Lockdown adaptively learns the control-flow graph of a running process using information from a trusted dynamic loader. The sandbox component of Lockdown restricts interactions between different shared objects to imported and exported functions by enforcing fine-grained CFI checks. Our prototype implementation shows that dynamic CFI results in low performance overhead.Comment: ETH Technical Repor

    Forensic Box for Quick Network-Based Security Assessments

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    Network security assessments are seen as important, yet cumbersome and time consuming tasks, mostly due to the use of different and manually operated tools. These are often very specialized tools that need to be mastered and combined, besides requiring sometimes that a testing environment is set up. Nonetheless, in many cases, it would be useful to obtain an audit in a swiftly and on-demand manner, even if with less detail. In such cases, these audits could be used as an initial step for a more detailed evaluation of the network security, as a complement to other audits, or aid in preventing major data leaks and system failures due to common configuration, management or implementation issues. This dissertation describes the work towards the design and development of a portable system for quick network security assessments and the research on the automation of many tasks (and associated tools) composing that process. An embodiment of such system was built using a Raspberry Pi 2, several well known open source tools, whose functions vary from network discovery, service identification, Operating System (OS) fingerprinting, network sniffing and vulnerability discovery, and custom scripts and programs for connecting all the different parts that comprise the system. The tools are integrated in a seamless manner with the system, to allow deployment in wired or wireless network environments, where the device carries out a mostly automated and thorough analysis. The device is near plug-and-play and produces a structured report at the end of the assessment. Several simple functions, such as re-scanning the network or doing Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning on the network are readily available through a small LCD display mounted on top of the device. It offers a web based interface for finer configuration of the several tools and viewing the report, aso developed within the scope of this work. Other specific outputs, such as PCAP files with collected traffic, are available for further analysis. The system was operated in controlled and real networks, so as to verify the quality of its assessments. The obtained results were compared with the results obtained through manually auditing the same networks. The achieved results showed that the device was able to detect many of the issues that the human auditor detected, but showed some shortcomings in terms of some specific vulnerabilities, mainly Structured Query Language (SQL) injections. The image of the OS with the pre-configured tools, automation scripts and programs is available for download from [Ber16b]. It comprises one of the main outputs of this work.As avaliações de segurança de uma rede (e dos seus dispositivos) são vistas como tarefas importantes, mas pesadas e que consomem bastante tempo, devido à utilização de diferentes ferramentas manuais. Normalmente, estas ferramentas são bastante especializadas e exigem conhecimento prévio e habituação, e muitas vezes a necessidade de criar um ambiente de teste. No entanto, em muitos casos, seria útil obter uma auditoria rápida e de forma mais direta, ainda que pouco profunda. Nesses moldes, poderia servir como passo inicial para uma avaliação mais detalhada, complementar outra auditoria, ou ainda ajudar a prevenir fugas de dados e falhas de sistemas devido a problemas comuns de configuração, gestão ou implementação dos sistemas. Esta dissertação descreve o trabalho efetuado com o objetivo de desenhar e desenvolver um sistema portátil para avaliações de segurança de uma rede de forma rápida, e também a investigação efetuada com vista à automação de várias tarefas (e ferramentas associadas) que compõem o processo de auditoria. Uma concretização do sistema foi criada utilizando um Raspberry Pi 2, várias ferramentas conhecidas e de código aberto, cujas funcionalidades variam entre descoberta da rede, identificação de sistema operativo, descoberta de vulnerabilidades a captura de tráfego na rede, e scripts e programas personalizados que interligam as várias partes que compõem o sistema. As ferramentas são integradas de forma transparente no sistema, que permite ser lançado em ambientes cablados ou wireless, onde o dispositivo executa uma análise meticulosa e maioritariamente automatizada. O dispositivo é praticamente plug and play e produz um relatório estruturado no final da avaliação. Várias funções simples, tais como analisar novamente a rede ou efetuar ataques de envenenamento da cache Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) na rede estão disponíveis através de um pequeno ecrã LCD montado no topo do dispositivo. Este oferece ainda uma interface web, também desenvolvida no contexto do trabalho, para configuração mais específica das várias ferramentas e para obter acesso ao relatório da avaliação. Outros outputs mais específicos, como ficheiros com tráfego capturado, estão disponíveis a partir desta interface. O sistema foi utilizado em redes controladas e reais, de forma a verificar a qualidade das suas avaliações. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles obtidos através de auditoria manual efetuada às mesmas redes. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o dispositivo deteta a maioria dos problemas que um auditor detetou manualmente, mas mostrou algumas falhas na deteção de algumas vulnerabilidades específicas, maioritariamente injeções Structured Query Language (SQL). A imagem do Sistema Operativo com as ferramentas pré-configuradas, scripts de automação e programas está disponível para download de [Ber16b]. Esta imagem corresponde a um dos principais resultados deste trabalho