3,504 research outputs found

    Allocating MapReduce workflows with deadlines to heterogeneous servers in a cloud data center

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    [EN] Total profit is one of the most important factors to be considered from the perspective of resource providers. In this paper, an original MapReduce workflow scheduling with deadline and data locality is proposed to maximize total profit of resource providers. A new workflow conversion based on dynamic programming and ChainMap/ChainReduce is designed to decrease transmission times among MapReduce jobs of workflows. A new deadline division considering execution time, float time and job level is proposed to obtain better deadlines of MapReduce jobs in workflows. With the adapted replica strategy in MapReduce workflow, a new task scheduling is proposed to improve data locality which assigns tasks to servers with the earliest completion time in order to ensure resource providers obtain more profit. Experimental results show that the proposed heuristic results in larger total profit than other adopted algorithms.This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFB1400801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61872077, 61832004) and Collaborative Innovation Center of Wireless Communications Technology. Rubén Ruiz is partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, under the project ¿OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Optimization¿ (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER funds¿.Wang, J.; Li, X.; Ruiz García, R.; Xu, H.; Chu, D. (2020). Allocating MapReduce workflows with deadlines to heterogeneous servers in a cloud data center. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 14(2):101-118. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-020-00290-1S101118142Zaharia M, Chowdhury M, Franklin M et al (2010) Spark: cluster computing with working sets. 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    D-SPACE4Cloud: A Design Tool for Big Data Applications

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    The last years have seen a steep rise in data generation worldwide, with the development and widespread adoption of several software projects targeting the Big Data paradigm. Many companies currently engage in Big Data analytics as part of their core business activities, nonetheless there are no tools and techniques to support the design of the underlying hardware configuration backing such systems. In particular, the focus in this report is set on Cloud deployed clusters, which represent a cost-effective alternative to on premises installations. We propose a novel tool implementing a battery of optimization and prediction techniques integrated so as to efficiently assess several alternative resource configurations, in order to determine the minimum cost cluster deployment satisfying QoS constraints. Further, the experimental campaign conducted on real systems shows the validity and relevance of the proposed method

    Efficient Multi-way Theta-Join Processing Using MapReduce

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    Multi-way Theta-join queries are powerful in describing complex relations and therefore widely employed in real practices. However, existing solutions from traditional distributed and parallel databases for multi-way Theta-join queries cannot be easily extended to fit a shared-nothing distributed computing paradigm, which is proven to be able to support OLAP applications over immense data volumes. In this work, we study the problem of efficient processing of multi-way Theta-join queries using MapReduce from a cost-effective perspective. Although there have been some works using the (key,value) pair-based programming model to support join operations, efficient processing of multi-way Theta-join queries has never been fully explored. The substantial challenge lies in, given a number of processing units (that can run Map or Reduce tasks), mapping a multi-way Theta-join query to a number of MapReduce jobs and having them executed in a well scheduled sequence, such that the total processing time span is minimized. Our solution mainly includes two parts: 1) cost metrics for both single MapReduce job and a number of MapReduce jobs executed in a certain order; 2) the efficient execution of a chain-typed Theta-join with only one MapReduce job. Comparing with the query evaluation strategy proposed in [23] and the widely adopted Pig Latin and Hive SQL solutions, our method achieves significant improvement of the join processing efficiency.Comment: VLDB201

    Data locality in Hadoop

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    Current market tendencies show the need of storing and processing rapidly growing amounts of data. Therefore, it implies the demand for distributed storage and data processing systems. The Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for managing such computing clusters in an effective, fault-tolerant way. Dealing with large volumes of data, Hadoop, and its storage system HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), face challenges to keep the high efficiency with computing in a reasonable time. The typical Hadoop implementation transfers computation to the data, rather than shipping data across the cluster. Otherwise, moving the big quantities of data through the network could significantly delay data processing tasks. However, while a task is already running, Hadoop favours local data access and chooses blocks from the nearest nodes. Next, the necessary blocks are moved just when they are needed in the given ask. For supporting the Hadoop’s data locality preferences, in this thesis, we propose adding an innovative functionality to its distributed file system (HDFS), that enables moving data blocks on request. In-advance shipping of data makes it possible to forcedly redistribute data between nodes in order to easily adapt it to the given processing tasks. New functionality enables the instructed movement of data blocks within the cluster. Data can be shifted either by user running the proper HDFS shell command or programmatically by other module like an appropriate scheduler. In order to develop such functionality, the detailed analysis of Apache Hadoop source code and its components (specifically HDFS) was conducted. Research resulted in a deep understanding of internal architecture, what made it possible to compare the possible approaches to achieve the desired solution, and develop the chosen one
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