8 research outputs found


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    Webinars have become an indispensable tool in higher education. However, students’ opinion on webinars in higher education has not been analyzed. The aim of the present contribution is to analyze students‘ opinion on webinars in higher education underpinning elaboration of a hypothesis on educators’ contribution to the use of webinars in higher education. The meaning of the key concepts of webinar and opinion is studied. Moreover, the study shows how the steps of the process are related: identifying webinars → defining students’ opinion → empirical study within multicultural environments → conclusions. The empirical study was carried out in September 2015. The sample included 19 students from Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania. The study results demonstrate that the students’ opinions on webinars in higher education are homogeneous. A hypothesis on educators’ contribution to the use of webinars in higher education is elaborated. Directions of further research are proposed

    Principles of Sampling in Educational Research in Higher Education

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    Innovation and creativity in European society are fostered via a dynamic and flexible European higher education based on the integration between education and research at all levels (Communiqué, 2009). The synergy between education and research is effeciently driven via educational research. Sampling as an element of the educational research has a two-fold role: sample size is inter-connected with statistical analysis of the data and generalisation. Against this background, little attention has been given to principles of sampling in educational research. The research question is as follows: what principles form sampling in educational research? The aim of the research is to analyse scientific literature and work out principles of sampling in educational research underpinning elaboration of a new research question for further studies in educational research. The present research involves a process of analysing the meaning of the key concept “principle”. In the empirical study, explorative research was employed. Interpretive research paradigm was used. The empirical study involved six experts from different countries in February 2013 – July 2014. The findings of the research allow drawing the conclusions on the elaborated principles of sampling in educational research. Directions of further research are proposed


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    Vocational teacher training is at the heart of vocational education. The search for modernization of vocational teacher training leads to the incorporation of entrepreneurship education into vocational teacher training. However, little attention has been given to the context analysis of entrepreneurship education in vocational teacher training. The research question is as follows: what is the context for entrepreneurship education in vocational teacher training? The aim of the research is to analyze the macro-level context of entrepreneurship education in vocational teacher training underpinning elaboration of a hypothesis on the promotion of the development of vocational teachers’ entrepreneurship key competence within vocational teacher training. The present research involves a process of analysing the meaning of the key concepts entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, experience, competence, context and macro-level context. Moreover, the study demonstrates how the key concepts are related to the idea of “vocational teacher training”. Explorative research was employed. Interpretive research paradigm was used. The empirical study involved a focus group of five vocational education’s stakeholders from different European countries on September 23, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. The findings of the research allow drawing the conclusions on the macro-level context of entrepreneurship education in vocational teacher training. Directions of further research are proposed. KEYWORDS: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, experience, context, macro-level context, vocational teacher training, entrepreneurship key competence.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/atee.v2i0.939


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    Many researchers agree that sample size has a two-fold role in research: sample size is inter-connected with statistical analysis of the data and generalisation. Therefore, sample size has attracted a lot of research efforts in all the research fields including educational research. However, little attention has been given to the analysis of factors that influence sample size in educational research. The research question is as follows: what factors influence sample size in educational research? The aim of the research is to analyze factors that influence sample size in educational research underpinning elaboration of a new research question for further studies in educational research. The present research involves a process of analysing the meaning of the key concepts statistical analysis, generalisation, population, sample, measurement procedures, probability sample, information-oriented sample, case and factors. Moreover, the study demonstrates how the key concepts are related to the idea of “sample size”. Explorative research was employed. Interpretive research paradigm was used. The empirical study involved four experts from different countries in February - April 2013. The findings of the research allow drawing the conclusions on factors that influence sample size. Directions of further research are proposed. KEYWORDS: generalization, population, sample, sample size, measurement procedures, probability sample, information-oriented sample, case, factor.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/atee.v1i0.65


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    Engineeringeducation is facing a challenge of the development of student engineers' socialresponsibility in the context of sustainable development. The aim of theresearch is to analyze efficiency of engineering curriculum in the context ofsustainable development underpinning elaboration of pedagogical guidelines onthe development of students' social responsibility in engineering education.The analysis involves a process of analyzing the meaning of the key conceptssustainable development and engineering curriculum. Moreover, the studydemonstrates how the key concepts are related to the idea of efficiency. Thequalitative evaluation research has been used. The present empirical researchwas conducted during the Baltic Summer School „Technical Informatics andInformation Technology” in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The sample involved 85participants. The students’ needs in Enterprise2.0 were a criterion of efficiency of engineering curriculum in the context ofsustainable development. Descriptive statistics was implemented for primarydata analysis. The findings of the research allow drawing conclusions onefficiency of engineering curriculum for the development of students' socialresponsibility in the context of sustainable development. Pedagogicalguidelines are elaborated. KEYWORDS:Engineering Education, Sustainable Development, Teaching, Peer-Learning,Learning

    Scientific papers University of Latvia; vol. 790

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    Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas valdības divpusējā finanšu instrumenta atbalstu


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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusŠis darbs izstrādāts ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda atbalstu projektā «Atbalsts doktora studijām Latvijas Universitātē». Jeļenas Zaščerinskas PROMOCIJAS DARBA „STUDENTU KOMUNIKATĪVĀS KOMPETENCES PILNVEIDE AKADĒMISKĀS ANGĻU VALODAS STUDIJĀS” ANOTĀCIJA Studentu komunikatīvā kompetence tiek raksturota ar ārējo un iekšējo perspektīvu sistēmu. Darba mērķis ir izveidot un pamatot ārējo un iekšējo perspektīvu sistēmu studentu komunikatīvās kompetences pilnveidei, uz šī pamata izstrādāt akadēmiskās angļu valodas studiju organizācijas modeli. Kvalitatīvi novērtējošais pētījums veikts akadēmiskās angļu valodas studiju produktivitātes pārbaudes trīs posmos studentu komunikatīvās kompetences pilnveidē. Pētījuma bāzi veido pētnieki, docētāji un studenti. Secinājumi: teorētiskā un empīriskā pētījuma rezultāti ļauj izsecināt likumsakarību, kas noformulēta promocijas darba hipotēzē. Inovācijas potenciāls: akadēmiskās angļu valodas studiju organizācijas modelis studentu komunikatīvās kompetences pilnveidei, un īpaši tā ieviešanas secība, var tikt plaši izmantots ne vien augstskolas studiju procesā. Atslēgas vārdi: ārējo un iekšējo perspektīvu sistēma, studentu komunikatīvās kompetences pilnveide, iespējas, akadēmiskās angļu valodas studijasThis work has been supported by the European Social Fund within the project «Support for Doctoral Studies at University of Latvia». Jeļena Zaščerinska ABSTRACT OF THE PROMOTION THESIS DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN ENGLISH STUDIES FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Students’ communicative competence is characterized by development of the system of external and internal perspectives. Aim of the research is to analyze and work out the system of external and internal perspectives for development of students’ communicative competence underpinning analysis and creation of organizational model of English studies for academic purposes. Qualitative evaluation research examines efficiency of English studies for academic purposes for development of students’ communicative competence. Respondents are researchers, educators and students. Conclusions: theoretical and empirical findings allow drawing conclusions on the regularity formulated in the hypothesis of the promotion thesis. Innovative potential: English studies for academic purposes could be easily integrated into a wide range of tertiary studies. Key words: system of external and internal perspectives, development of students’ communicative competence, opportunities, English studies for academic purpose