1,325 research outputs found

    Emulating round-to-nearest-ties-to-zero "augmented" floating-point operations using round-to-nearest-ties-to-even arithmetic

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    The 2019 version of the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic recommends that new “augmented” operations should be provided for the binary formats. These operations use a new “rounding direction”: round to nearest ties-to-zero. We show how they can be implemented using the currently available operations, using round-to-nearest ties-to-even with a partial formal proof of correctness

    Formally Certified Floating-Point Filters For Homogeneous Geometric Predicates

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    International audienceFloating-point arithmetic provides a fast but inexact way of computing geometric predicates. In order for these predicates to be exact, it is important to rule out all the numerical situations where floating-point computations could lead to wrong results. Taking into account all the potential problems is a tedious work to do by hand. We study in this paper a floating-point implementation of a filter for the orientation-2 predicate, and how a formal and partially automatized verification of this algorithm avoided many pitfalls. The presented method is not limited to this particular predicate, it can easily be used to produce correct semi-static floating-point filters for other geometric predicates

    Is Your Model Susceptible to Floating-Point Errors?

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    This paper provides a framework that highlights the features of computer models that make them especially vulnerable to floating-point errors, and suggests ways in which the impact of such errors can be mitigated. We focus on small floating-point errors because these are most likely to occur, whilst still potentially having a major influence on the outcome of the model. The significance of small floating-point errors in computer models can often be reduced by applying a range of different techniques to different parts of the code. Which technique is most appropriate depends on the specifics of the particular numerical situation under investigation. We illustrate the framework by applying it to six example agent-based models in the literature.Floating Point Arithmetic, Floating Point Errors, Agent Based Modelling, Computer Modelling, Replication

    Formal Computations and Methods

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    We present formal verification methods and procedures for finding bounds of linear programs and proving nonlinear inequalities. An efficient implementation of formal arithmetic computations is also described. Our work is an integral part of the Flyspeck project (a formal proof of the Kepler conjecture) and we show how developed formal procedures solve formal computational problems in this project. We also introduce our implementation of SSReflect language (originally developed by G. Gonthier in Coq) in HOL Light

    Software Validation via Model Animation

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    This paper explores a new approach to validating software implementations that have been produced from formally-verified algorithms. Although visual inspection gives some confidence that the implementations faithfully reflect the formal models, it does not provide complete assurance that the software is correct. The proposed approach, which is based on animation of formal specifications, compares the outputs computed by the software implementations on a given suite of input values to the outputs computed by the formal models on the same inputs, and determines if they are equal up to a given tolerance. The approach is illustrated on a prototype air traffic management system that computes simple kinematic trajectories for aircraft. Proofs for the mathematical models of the system's algorithms are carried out in the Prototype Verification System (PVS). The animation tool PVSio is used to evaluate the formal models on a set of randomly generated test cases. Output values computed by PVSio are compared against output values computed by the actual software. This comparison improves the assurance that the translation from formal models to code is faithful and that, for example, floating point errors do not greatly affect correctness and safety properties

    The functions erf and erfc computed with arbitrary precision and explicit error bounds

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    The version available on the HAL server is slightly different from the published version because it contains full proofs.International audienceThe error function erf is a special function. It is widely used in statistical computations for instance, where it is also known as the standard normal cumulative probability. The complementary error function is defined as erfc(x)=erf(x)-1. In this paper, the computation of erf(x) and erfc(x) in arbitrary precision is detailed: our algorithms take as input a target precision t' and deliver approximate values of erf(x) or erfc(x) with a relative error bounded by 2^(-t'). We study three different algorithms for evaluating erf and erfc. These algorithms are completely detailed. In particular, the determination of the order of truncation, the analysis of roundoff errors and the way of choosing the working precision are presented. The scheme used for implementing erf and erfc and the proofs are expressed in a general setting, so they can directly be reused for the implementation of other functions. We implemented the three algorithms and studied experimentally what is the best algorithm to use in function of the point x and the target precision t'