12 research outputs found

    Sense and Avoid Characterization of the Independent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems

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    AbstractIndependent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems (ICAROUS) is a distributed software architecture developed by NASA Langley Research Center to enable safe autonomous UAS operations. ICAROUS consists of a collection formally verified core algorithms for path planning, traffic avoidance, geofence handling, and decision making that interface with an autopilot system through a publisher-subscriber middleware. The ICAROUS Sense and Avoid Characterization (ISAAC) test was designed to evaluate the performance of the onboard Sense and Avoid (SAA) capability to detect potential conflicts with other aircraft and autonomously maneuver to avoid collisions, while remaining within the airspace boundaries of the mission. The ISAAC tests evaluated the impact of separation distances and alerting times on SAA performance. A preliminary analysis of the effects of each parameter on key measures of performance is conducted, informing the choice of appropriate parameter values for different small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) applications. Furthermore, low-power Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is evaluated for potential use to enable autonomous sUAS to sUAS deconflictions as well as to provide usable warnings for manned aircraft without saturating the frequency spectrum

    Differential Adaptive Stress Testing of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems

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    The next-generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS X) is currently being developed and tested to replace the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) as the next international standard for collision avoidance. To validate the safety of the system, stress testing in simulation is one of several approaches for analyzing near mid-air collisions (NMACs). Understanding how NMACs can occur is important for characterizing risk and informingdevelopment of the system. Recently, adaptive stress testing (AST) has been proposed as a way to find the most likely path to a failure event. The simulation-based approach accelerates search by formulating stress testing as a sequential decision process then optimizing it using reinforcement learning. The approach has been successfully applied to stress test a prototype of ACAS Xin various simulated aircraft encounters. In some applications, we are not as interestedin the system's absolute performance as its performance relative to another system. Such situations arise, for example, during regression testing or when deciding whether a new system should replace an existing system. In our collision avoidance application, we are interested in finding cases where ACAS X fails but TCAS succeeds in resolving a conflict. Existing approaches do not provide an efficient means to perform this type of analysis. This paper extends the AST approach to differential analysis by searching two simulators simultaneously and maximizing the difference between their outcomes. We call this approach differential adaptive stress testing (DAST). We apply DAST to compare a prototype of ACAS X against TCAS and show examples of encounters found by the algorithm

    Adaptive Stress Testing of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems

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    This paper presents a scalable method to efficiently search for the most likely state trajectory leading to an event given only a simulator of a system. Our approach uses a reinforcement learning formulation and solves it using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). The approach places very few requirements on the underlying system, requiring only that the simulator provide some basic controls, the ability to evaluate certain conditions, and a mechanism to control the stochasticity in the system. Access to the system state is not required, allowing the method to support systems with hidden state. The method is applied to stress test a prototype aircraft collision avoidance system to identify trajectories that are likely to lead to near mid-air collisions. We present results for both single and multi-threat encounters and discuss their relevance. Compared with direct Monte Carlo search, this MCTS method performs significantly better both in finding events and in maximizing their likelihood

    Model Checking at Scale: Automated Air Traffic Control Design Space Exploration

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    Many possible solutions, differing in the assumptions and implementations of the components in use, are usually in competition during early design stages. Deciding which solution to adopt requires considering several trade-offs. Model checking represents a possible way of comparing such designs, however, when the number of designs is large, building and validating so many models may be intractable. During our collaboration with NASA, we faced the challenge of considering a design space with more than 20,000 designs for the NextGen air traffic control system. To deal with this problem, we introduce a compositional, modular, parameterized approach combining model checking with contract-based design to automatically generate large numbers of models from a possible set of components and their implementations. Our approach is fully automated, enabling the generation and validation of all target designs. The 1,620 designs that were most relevant to NASA were analyzed exhaustively. To deal with the massive amount of data generated, we apply novel data-analysis techniques that enable a rich comparison of the designs, including safety aspects. Our results were validated by NASA system designers, and helped to identify novel as well as known problematic configurations

    UAS Surveillance Criticality

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    The integration of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the national airspace system (NAS) poses considerable challenges. Maintaining human safety is perhaps chief among these challenges as UAS remote pilots will need to interact with other UAS, piloted aircraft, and other conditions associated with flight. A research team of 6 leading UAS research universities was formed to respond to a set of surveillance criticality research questions. Five analysis tools were selected following a literature review to evaluate airborne surveillance technology performance. The analysis tools included: Fault Trees, Monte Carlo Simulations, Hazard Analysis, Design of Experiments (DOE), and Human-in-the-Loop Simulations. The Surveillance Criticality research team used results from these analyses to address three primary research questions and provide recommendations for UAS detect-and-avoid mitigation and areas for further research

    Dynamic analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    With the recent advances in communication and computation technologies, integration of software into the sensing, actuation, and control is common. This has lead to a new branch of study called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Avionics, automotives, power grid, medical devices, and robotics are a few examples of such systems. As these systems are part of critical infrastructure, it is very important to ensure that these systems function reliably without any failures. While testing improves confidence in these systems, it does not establish the absence of scenarios where the system fails. The focus of this thesis is on formal verification techniques for cyber-physical systems that prove the absence of errors in a given system. In particular, this thesis focuses on {\em dynamic analysis} techniques that bridge the gap between testing and verification. This thesis uses the framework of hybrid input output automata for modeling CPS. Formal verification of hybrid automata is undecidable in general. Because of the undecidability result, no algorithm is guaranteed to terminate for all models. This thesis focuses on developing heuristics for verification that exploit sample executions of the system. Moreover, the goal of the dynamic analysis techniques proposed in this thesis is to ensure that the techniques are sound, i.e., they always return the right answer, and they are relatively complete, i.e., the techniques terminate when the system satisfies certain special conditions. For undecidable problems, such theoretical guarantees are the strongest that can be expected out of any automatic procedure. This thesis focuses on safety properties, which require that nothing bad happens. In particular we consider invariant and temporal precedence properties; temporal precedence properties ensure that the temporal ordering of certain events in every execution satisfy a given specification. This thesis introduces the notion of a discrepancy function that aids in dynamic analysis of CPS. Informally, these discrepancy functions capture the convergence or divergence of continuous behaviors in CPS systems. In control theory, several proof certificates such as contraction metric and incremental stability have been proposed to capture the convergence and divergence of solutions of ordinary differential equations. This thesis establishes that discrepancy functions generalize such proof certificates. Further, this thesis also proposes a new technique to compute discrepancy functions for continuous systems with linear ODEs from sample executions. One of the main contributions of this thesis is a technique to compute an over-approximation of the set of reachable states using sample executions and discrepancy functions. Using the reachability computation technique, this thesis proposes a safety verification algorithm which is proved to be sound and relatively complete. This technique is implemented in a tool called, Compare-Execute-Check-Engine (C2E2) and experimental results show that it is scalable. To demonstrate the applicability of the algorithms presented, two challenging case studies are analyzed as a part of this thesis. The first case study is about an alerting mechanism in parallel aircraft landing. For performing this case study, the dynamic analysis presented for invariant verification is extended to handle temporal properties. The second case study is about verifying key specification of powertrain control system. New algorithms for computing discrepancy function were implemented in C2E2 for performing this case study. Both these case studies demonstrate that dynamic analysis technique gives promising results and can be applied to realistic CPS. For distributed CPS implementations, where message passing, and clocks skews between agents make formal verification difficult to scale, this thesis presents a dynamic analysis algorithm for inferring global predicates. Such global predicates include assertions about the physical state and the software state of all the agents involved in distributed CPS. This algorithm is applied to coordinated robotic maneuvers for inferring safety and detecting deadlock