7 research outputs found

    A formalism for the composition of concurrent robot behaviors

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    We introduce tools which help one to compose concurrent, hybrid control programs for a class of distributed robotic systems, assuming a palette of controllers for individual tasks is already constructed. These tools, which combine the backchaining of continuous robot behaviors with Petri nets, expand on successful work in sequential composition of robot behaviors. We apply these ideas to the design and verification of a robotic bucket brigade and to simple, distributed assembly tasks as found in automated factories

    Multi-robot planning : a timed automata approach

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    Optimal control of robotic systems with logical constraints: Application to UAV path planning

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    Abstract-Optimal control of robotic systems with logical constraints is an instance of a hybrid optimal control problem. It has been traditionally treated as a mixed-integer programming problem (MIP) which is of combinatorial complexity. This paper proposes a new approach for transforming logical constraints into inequality and equality constraints involving only continuous variables. In this way the hybrid optimal control problem is converted to a smooth optimal control problem that can in turn be solved using traditional nonlinear programming methods, thereby dramatically reducing the computational complexity of finding the solution. We illustrate the techniques by solving an optimal path planning problem for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with collision avoidance. Simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the approach

    Багатоагентна система дослідження простору на основі технології інтернету речей

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    Результатом виконання проекту є розроблена багатоагентна система. Було досліджено та спроектовано комплексне рішення для дослідження простору та змодельовано роботу авторобота.The Bachelor project contains the development and description of a multi-agent system. In this project a multi-agent system, its hardware component and principles of interaction between agents were investigated and designed.Результатом выполнения проекта является разработанная многоагентная система. Было исследовано и спроектировано комплексное решение для исследования пространства и смоделирована работа авторобота

    Modelagem e síntese para coordenação de sistemas multi-robôs baseada numa estrutura de jogo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e SistemasAo longo das últimas décadas, Sistemas Multi-Robôs (SMR) têm sido aplicados a diversas áreas com o intuito de aumentar a eficiência e a robustez na execução das tarefas a serem desempenhadas por eles. Problemas de planejamento de trajetória e de tarefas são alguns dos principais desafios desta área, destacando-se que a separação entre estes níveis de planejamento permite que o problema de controle seja abordado em diferentes níveis de abstração. Neste trabalho, é tratado o problema de planejamento de tarefas na coordenação de SMRs, utilizando métodos baseados em estruturas de jogos. Especificamente, é analisada a aplicabilidade desta teoria na geração de controladores que garantam segurança na execução das aplicações, evitando comportamentos de colisão entre robôs ou com outros objetos do espaço de trabalho. Além disso, também é analisado o aspecto da obtenção de estratégias que sejam tolerantes a falta. Foram propostos princípios de modelagem, considerando o método proposto em Piterman et al. (2006), a partir dos quais várias aplicações foram modeladas. Uma vez modeladas as aplicações, foram obtidas estratégias de coordenação para cada um dos casos e, a partir dos coordenadores gerados, foram realizados experimentos e analisadas a aplicabilidade de estruturas de jogos no problema de coordenação de SMRs.Over last decades, Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) have been applied in several areas in order to increase the efficiency and robustness in tasks execution. Path and tasks planning problems are among the main challenges in this area, pointing out that the separation between these levels of planning allows the control problem be approached at different levels of abstraction. This work is concerned with the problem of tasks planning in the coordination of MRS, using methods based on games# structures. Specifically, it is analyzed the applicability of this theory in the generation of controllers that ensure safety in the execution of applications, avoiding behaviors as collision with other robots or objects in the workspace. Furthermore, it is also analyzed obtaining aspects of fault tolerant strategies. Modeling principles have been proposed, considering the method proposed in Piterman et al.(2006), from which several applications have been modeled. Once modeled the applications, were obtained coordinating strategies for each case, and from the generated coordinators, experiments were performed and it was analyzed the applicability of game structures in the problem of coordinating MRS