7 research outputs found

    A formal model of service-orientated design structure

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    Service-oriented computing (SOC) is a promising paradigm for developing enterprise software systems. The initial concepts of service-orientation have been described in the research and industry literature and software tools for assisting in the development of service-oriented (SO) applications are becoming more widely used. Nonetheless, a precise description of what constitutes a SO system is yet to be formally defined, and the design principles of SOC are not well understood. Therefore, this paper proposes a formal mathematical model covering design artefacts in service-oriented systems and their structural and behavioural properties. This model promotes a better understanding of SO concepts, and in particular, enables the definition of structural software metrics in an unambiguous, formal manner. Finally, although the proposed model is generic, it can be customised to support particular technologies as shown in this paper where the model was tailored for BPEL4WS implementation

    Service-oriented design measurement and theoretical validation

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    As software systems become more and more complex over time, software quality accordingly becomes increasingly important. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm is one of the established paradigms used for building and developing flexible, reusable, rapid and low cost software products. Consequently, the use of SOC to develop software systems is increasing. Software quality measurement has considerable importance in the context of SOC since it determines how the quality requirements for composite service should be achieved. As a result, several quality metrics for composite service design were proposed. However, these metrics were constructed based on previous development approaches, give insufficient focus and need modification to be applied to service-oriented systems. Furthermore, the existing metrics do not consider the composite service as building blocks and also they do not consider the indirect relationships. In this paper, a quality measurement for composite service-oriented design is proposed, with the aim of increasing reusability and decreasing the complexity of design. The paper begins with proposing a set of metrics to measure the quality of composite service design. Then, the proposed metrics are validated theoretically to check its usability and applicability for composite service. The results show that the proposed metrics are able to measure the quality of composite service design

    Software design metrics for predicting maintainability of service-oriented software

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    As the pace of business change increases, service-oriented (SO) solutions should facilitate easier maintainability as underlying business logic and rules change. To date, little effort has been dedicated to considering how the structural properties of coupling and cohesion may impact on the maintainability of SO software products. Moreover, due to the unique design characteristics of Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), existing Procedural and Object-Oriented (OO) software metrics are not sufficient for the accurate measurement of service-oriented design structures. This thesis makes a contribution to the field of SOC, and Software Engineering in general, by proposing and evaluating a suite of design-level coupling and cohesion metrics for predicting the maintainability of service-oriented software products early in the Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC). The proposed metrics can provide the following benefits: i) facilitate design decisions that could lead to the specification of quality SO designs that can be maintained more easily; ii) identify design problems that can potentially have a negative effect on the maintainability of existing service-oriented design structures; and iii) support more effective control of maintainability in the earlier stages of SDLC. More specifically, the following research was conducted as part of this thesis: - A formal mathematical model covering the structural and behavioural properties of service-oriented system design was specified. - Software metrics were defined in a precise, unambiguous, and formal manner using the above model. - The metrics were theoretically validated and empirically evaluated in order to determine the success of this thesis as follows: a. Theoretical validation was based on the property-based software engineering measurement framework. All the proposed metrics were deemed as theoretically valid. b. Empirical evaluation employed a controlled experimental study involving ten participants who performed a range of maintenance tasks on two SO systems developed (and measured using the proposed metrics) specifically for this study. The majority of the experimental outcomes compared favourably with our expectations and hypotheses. More specifically, the results indicated that most of the proposed metrics can be used to predict the maintainability of service-oriented software products early in the SDLC, thereby providing evidence for the validity and potential usefulness of the derived metrics. Nevertheless, a broader range of industrial scale experiments and analyses are required to fully demonstrate the practical applicability of the metrics. This has been left to future work

    Qualitätsorientierter Entwurf von Anwendungsdiensten

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    Um die mit dienstorientierten Architekturen verknüpften Ziele wie bspw. eine höhere Flexibilität erreichen zu können, wird von Diensten die Einhaltung bestimmter Qualitätseigenschaften wie bspw. loser Kopplung oder Autonomie gefordert. Die Arbeit zeigt daher ein systematisches Vorgehen für einen Entwurf von Diensten, das durch Bestimmung formalisierter Qualitätseigenschaften und gezielter Überarbeitung in Dienstentwürfen mit gewünschten Qualitätseigenschaften resultiert

    Qualitätsorientierter Entwurf von Anwendungsdiensten

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    Um die mit dienstorientierten Architekturen verknüpften Ziele wie bspw. eine höhere Flexibilität erreichen zu können, wird von Diensten die Einhaltung bestimmter Qualitätseigenschaften wie bspw. loser Kopplung oder Autonomie gefordert. Die Arbeit zeigt daher ein systematisches Vorgehen für einen Entwurf von Diensten, das durch Bestimmung formalisierter Qualitätseigenschaften und gezielter Überarbeitung in Dienstentwürfen mit gewünschten Qualitätseigenschaften resultiert

    Qualitätsorientierter Entwurf von Anwendungsdiensten

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    Um die mit dienstorientierten Architekturen verknüpften Ziele wie bspw. eine höhere Flexibilität erreichen zu können, wird von Diensten die Einhaltung bestimmter Qualitätseigenschaften wie bspw. loser Kopplung oder Autonomie gefordert. Die Arbeit zeigt daher ein systematisches Vorgehen für einen Entwurf von Diensten, das durch Bestimmung formalisierter Qualitätseigenschaften und gezielter Überarbeitung in Dienstentwürfen mit gewünschten Qualitätseigenschaften resultiert

    A Formal Model of Service-Oriented Design Structure

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