17 research outputs found

    A Formal Analysis of a Business Contract Language

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    This paper presents a formal system for reasoning about violations of obligations in contracts. The system is based on the formalism for the representation of contrary-to-duty obligations. These are the obligations that take place when other obligations are violated as typically applied to penalties in contracts. The paper shows how this formalism can be mapped onto the key policy concepts of a contract specification language, called Business Contract Language (BCL), previously developed to express contract conditions for run time contract monitoring. The aim of this mapping is to establish a formal underpinning for this key subset of BCL

    A survey of formal languages for contracts

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    In this short paper we present the current status on formal languages and models for contracts. By a formal model is meant an unambiguous and rigorous representation of contracts, in order to enable their automatic validation, execution, and analysis — activates that are collectively referred to as contract lifecycle management (CLM). We present a set of formalism requirements, which represent features that any ideal contract model should support, based on which we present a comparative survey of existing contract formalisms

    Media contracts formalization using a standardized contract expression language

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    Contract Expression Languages allow representing business contracts in a digital and structured form. Some examples are the Content Reference Forum format, the OASIS eContracts standard or a proposed extension for MPEG-21 Part 5. These formats have influenced the design of the MPEG-21 Contract Expression Language (CEL), which has been recently specified by modelling the most relevant clauses in audiovisual contracts. The MPEG-21 CEL, described in this paper, defines a language for representing media contracts as XML. It is structured in two schemas, a core defining the structural elements of a contract, and an extension with vocabulary for specific applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    LawV : towards an ontology-based visual modeling language in the legal domain

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    There has been an increase use of Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language (DSVML) as a means of improving models’ comprehensibility and, consequently, stakeholders’ productivity. Combining the benefits of DSVMLs and of an ontological approach for designing and evaluating DSVMLs, we present, in this paper, the first-steps towards an ontology-based DSVML in the legal domain called LawV. The main purpose of LawV is to provide for a visual symbolic representation for legal statements. LawV has been built by applying an ontology-based language engineering method called PoNTO-S and UFO-L, a legal core ontology. To evaluate LawV, we instantiate a judicial case selected from the database of Appeal Court of the Esp ́ırito Santo State in Brazil

    Modeling control objectives for business process compliance

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    Business process design is primarily driven by process improvement objectives. However, the role of control objectives stemming from regulations and standards is becoming increasingly important for businesses in light of recent events that led to some of the largest scandals in corporate history. As organizations strive to meet compliance agendas, there is an evident need to provide systematic approaches that assist in the understanding of the interplay between (often conflicting) business and control objectives during business process design. In this paper, our objective is twofold. We will firstly present a research agenda in the space of business process compliance, identifying major technical and organizational challenges. We then tackle a part of the overall problem space, which deals with the effective modeling of control objectives and subsequently their propagation onto business process models. Control objective modeling is proposed through a specialized modal logic based on normative systems theory, and the visualization of control objectives on business process models is achieved procedurally. The proposed approach is demonstrated in the context of a purchase-to-pay scenario

    Using a Generic Model Query Approach to Allow for Process Model Compliance Checking – An Algorithmic Perspective

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    Increased regulation forces financial companies to assure their business processes’ compliance with legal and company-internal rules. In this paper, we introduce a model-driven business process compliance checking approach. It allows for defining compliance rules and identifying their occurrences in process models based on a graph theory-based approach. We outline the challenges to be met in the conceptualization of the approach and especially its implementation through suitable algorithms. Furthermore, we present an according modeling tool and evaluate the approach against related work

    Approximate Compliance Checking for Annotated Process Models

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    We describe a method for validating whether the states reached by a process are compliant with a set of constraints. This serves to (i) check the compliance of a new or altered process against the constraints base, and (ii) check the whole process repository against a changed constraints base, e.g., when new regulations come into being. For these purposes we formalize a particular class of compliance rules as well as annotated process models, the latter by combining a notion from the workflow literature with a notion from the AI actions and change literature. The compliance rules in turn pose restrictions on the desirable states. Each rule takes the form of a clausal constraint, i.e., a disjunction of literals. If for a given state there is a grounded clause none of whose literals are true, then the constraint is violated and indicates non-compliance. Checking whether a process is compliant with the rules involves enumerating all reachable states and is in general a hard search problem. Since long waiting times during process modelling are undesirable, it is important to explore restricted classes and approximate methods. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that, for a particular class of processes, computes the sets of literals that are necessarily true at particular points during process execution. Based on this information, we devise two approximate compliance checking methods. One of these is sound but not complete (it guarantees to find only non-compliance instances, but not to find all non-compliance instances); the other method is complete but not sound. We sketch how one can trace the state evolution back to the process activities which caused the (potential) non-compliance, and hence provide the user with some error diagnosis

    Privacy rights management

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    Overview of the MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology

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    The MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology (MCO), a part of the standard ISO/IEC 21000, is an ontology to represent contracts dealing with rights on multimedia assets and intellectual property protected content in general. A core model pro-vides the elements to describe the permissions, obligations and prohibitions exchanged in the clauses of a contract. Specific vocabulary is defined in a model extension to represent the most common rights and constraints in the audiovisual context. Design principles, a methodology and a comparative analysis are given, as well as the practical guidelines to use the standard. A thorough description of the contract creation workflow from an original contract is given, including a sample contract text, the RDF version, the detailed mapping of the most relevant clauses and the reconstructed version. A set of MCO-related tools is described, including (i) the reference software to create and edit MCO contracts; (ii) modules to identify, store, search, vali-date and deliver MCO contracts and (iii) a tool to convert between the akin Contract Expression Language (CEL) contracts and the MCO contracts and (iv) the actual use of MCO in the Rightsdraw family of services.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft