11 research outputs found

    A Forensically Sound Adversary Model for Mobile Devices

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    In this paper, we propose an adversary model to facilitate forensic investigations of mobile devices (e.g. Android, iOS and Windows smartphones) that can be readily adapted to the latest mobile device technologies. This is essential given the ongoing and rapidly changing nature of mobile device technologies. An integral principle and significant constraint upon forensic practitioners is that of forensic soundness. Our adversary model specifically considers and integrates the constraints of forensic soundness on the adversary, in our case, a forensic practitioner. One construction of the adversary model is an evidence collection and analysis methodology for Android devices. Using the methodology with six popular cloud apps, we were successful in extracting various information of forensic interest in both the external and internal storage of the mobile device

    An Investigation into the Impact of Rooting Android Device on User Data Integrity

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    The available commercial and freeware mobile forensics tools heavily rely on a rooted mobile device for them to extract data. The potential effects of rooting the device before extraction could pose a threat to the forensic integrity rendering the acquisition process flawed. An endeavour was made in compiling of this paper investigating the impact of rooting android mobile devices on user data integrity. The research examines and analyses data from an android Samsung phone. A framework has been developed to illustrate measures and steps to be observed in the extraction of data from mobile devices

    Influencia de la inteligencia artificial en la computación forense

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    Digital forensic analysis is the means used by the cyber investigator to track the offender in case there is no physical evidence. However, the lack of adequate mechanisms to obtain this objective is an obstacle presented by forensic computing. Therefore, the purpose of this study  was to determine the influence of artificial intelligence in forensic computing to highlight its importance and identify advantages that it provides when performing a digital forensic analysis, where the research was of a qualitative type with a phenomenological approach. As a result, it was obtained that forensic computing has relied on machine learning to detect the trade and sale of controlled substances in social networks through algorithms based on patterns and inferences about suppliers of illegal substances.El análisis forense digital es el medio utilizado por el investigador cibernético para rastrear al delincuente en caso de que no haya evidencia física. No obstante, la falta de mecanismos adecuados para obtener este objetivo, es un obstáculo que presenta la computación forense. Por tanto, el propósito de realizar este estudio fue determinar la influencia de la inteligencia artificial en la computación forense para resaltar su importancia e identificar ventajas que aporta al realizar un análisis forense digital, donde la investigación fue de tipo cualitativa con enfoque fenomenológico. Como resultado, se obtuvo que la computación forense se ha apoyado en el aprendizaje automático para detectar el comercio y venta de sustancias psicoactivas en redes sociales mediante algoritmos basados en patrones e inferencias sobre los proveedores de sustancias ilícitas

    CloudMe forensics : a case of big-data investigation

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    The significant increase in the volume, variety and velocity of data complicates cloud forensic efforts, as such big data will, at some point, become computationally expensive to be fully extracted and analyzed in a timely manner. Thus, it is important for a digital forensic practitioner to have a well-rounded knowledge about the most relevant data artefacts that could be forensically recovered from the cloud product under investigation. In this paper, CloudMe, a popular cloud storage service, is studied. The types and locations of the artefacts relating to the installation and uninstallation of the client application, logging in and out, and file synchronization events from the computer desktop and mobile clients are described. Findings from this research will pave the way towards the development of tools and techniques (e.g. data mining techniques) for cloud-enabled big data endpoint forensics investigation

    Greening cloud-enabled big data storage forensics : Syncany as a case study

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    The pervasive nature of cloud-enabled big data storage solutions introduces new challenges in the identification, collection, analysis, preservation and archiving of digital evidences. Investigation of such complex platforms to locate and recover traces of criminal activities is a time-consuming process. Hence, cyber forensics researchers are moving towards streamlining the investigation process by locating and documenting residual artefacts (evidences) of forensic value of users’ activities on cloud-enabled big data platforms in order to reduce the investigation time and resources involved in a real-world investigation. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants of forensic value from Syncany private cloud storage service, a popular storage engine for big data platforms. We demonstrate the types and the locations of the artefacts that can be forensically recovered. Findings from this research contribute to an in-depth understanding of cloud-enabled big data storage forensics, which can result in reduced time and resources spent in real-world investigations involving Syncany-based cloud platforms

    Robust multiple frequency multiple power localization schemes in the presence of multiple jamming attacks

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    Localization of the wireless sensor network is a vital area acquiring an impressive research concern and called upon to expand more with the rising of its applications. As localization is gaining prominence in wireless sensor network, it is vulnerable to jamming attacks. Jamming attacks disrupt communication opportunity among the sender and receiver and deeply impact the localization process, leading to a huge error of the estimated sensor node position. Therefore, detection and elimination of jamming influence are absolutely indispensable. Range-based techniques especially Received Signal Strength (RSS) is facing severe impact of these attacks. This paper proposes algorithms based on Combination Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (C-MFMPL) and Step Function Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (SF-MFMPL). The algorithms have been tested in the presence of multiple types of jamming attacks including capture and replay, random and constant jammers over a log normal shadow fading propagation model. In order to overcome the impact of random and constant jammers, the proposed method uses two sets of frequencies shared by the implemented anchor nodes to obtain the averaged RSS readings all over the transmitted frequencies successfully. In addition, three stages of filters have been used to cope with the replayed beacons caused by the capture and replay jammers. In this paper the localization performance of the proposed algorithms for the ideal case which is defined by without the existence of the jamming attack are compared with the case of jamming attacks. The main contribution of this paper is to achieve robust localization performance in the presence of multiple jamming attacks under log normal shadow fading environment with a different simulation conditions and scenarios

    A framework for application partitioning using trusted execution environments

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    The size and complexity of modern applications are the underlying causes of numerous security vulnerabilities. In order to mitigate the risks arising from such vulnerabilities, various techniques have been proposed to isolate the execution of sensitive code from the rest of the application and from other software on the platform (such as the operating system). New technologies, notably Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX), are becoming available to enhance the security of partitioned applications. SGX provides a trusted execution environment (TEE), called an enclave, that protects the integrity of the code and the confidentiality of the data inside it from other software, including the operating system. However, even with these partitioning techniques, it is not immediately clear exactly how they can and should be used to partition applications. How should a particular application be partitioned? How many TEEs should be used? What granularity of partitioning should be applied? To some extent, this is dependent on the capabilities and performance of the partitioning technology in use. However, as partitioning becomes increasingly common, there is a need for systematization in the design of partitioning schemes. To address this need, we present a novel framework consisting of four overarching types of partitioning schemes through which applications can make use of TEEs. These schemes range from coarse-grained partitioning, in which the whole application is included in a single TEE, through to ultra-fine partitioning, in which each piece of security-sensitive code and data is protected in an individual TEE. Although partitioning schemes themselves are application-specific, we establish application-independent relationships between the types we have defined. Since these relationships have an impact on both the security and performance of the partitioning scheme, we envisage that our framework can be used by software architects to guide the design of application partitioning schemes. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we have carried out case studies on two widely-used software packages, the Apache web server and the OpenSSL library. In each case study, we provide four high level partitioning schemes - one for each of the types in our framework. We also systematically review the related work on hardware-enforced partitioning by categorising previous research efforts according to our framework

    Novel digital forensic readiness technique in the cloud environment

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    This paper examines the design and implementation of a feasible technique for performing Digital Forensic Readiness (DFR) in cloud computing environments. The approach employs a modified obfuscated Non-Malicious Botnet (NMB) whose functionality operates as a distributed forensic Agent-Based Solution (ABS) in a cloud environment with capabilities of performing forensic logging for DFR purposes. Under basic Service Level Agreements (SLAs), this proactive technique allows any organization to perform DFR in the cloud without interfering with operations and functionalities of the existing cloud architecture or infrastructure and the collected file metadata. Based on the evaluation discussed, the effectiveness of our approach is presented as the easiest way of conducting DFR in the cloud environment as stipulated in the ISO/IEC 27043: 2015 international standard, which is a standard of information technology, security techniques and incident investigation principles and processes. Through this technique, digital forensic analysts are able to maximize the potential use of digital evidence while minimizing the cost of conducting DFR. As a result of this process, the time and cost needed to conduct a Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) is saved. As a consequence, the technique helps the law enforcement, forensic analysts and Digital Forensic Investigators (DFIs) during post-event response and in a court of law to develop a hypothesis in order to prove or disprove a fact during an investigative process, if there is an occurrence of a security incident. Experimental results of the developed prototype are described which conclude that the technique is effective in improving the planning and preparation of pre-incident detection during digital crime investigations. In spite of that, a comparison with other existing forensic readiness models has been conducted to show the effectiveness of the previously proposed Cloud Forensic Readiness as a Service (CFRaaS) model.The work was supported by National Research Foundation (Grant No. UID85794).The National Research Foundation (Grant No. UID85794)http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tajf202018-01-31hb2017Computer Scienc

    The Role of the Adversary Model in Applied Security Research

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    Adversary models have been integral to the design of provably-secure cryptographic schemes or protocols. However, their use in other computer science research disciplines is relatively limited, particularly in the case of applied security research (e.g., mobile app and vulnerability studies). In this study, we conduct a survey of prominent adversary models used in the seminal field of cryptography, and more recent mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) research. Motivated by the findings from the cryptography survey, we propose a classification scheme for common app-based adversaries used in mobile security research, and classify key papers using the proposed scheme. Finally, we discuss recent work involving adversary models in the contemporary research field of IoT. We contribute recommendations to aid researchers working in applied (IoT) security based upon our findings from the mobile and cryptography literature. The key recommendation is for authors to clearly define adversary goals, assumptions and capabilities