474 research outputs found

    Mobility Support in User-Centric Networks

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    In this paper, an overview of challenges and requirements for mobility management in user-centric networks is given, and a new distributed and dynamic per-application mobility management solution is presented. After a brief summary of generic mobility management concepts, existing approaches from the distributed and peer-to-peer mobility management literature are introduced, along with their applicability or shortcomings in the UCN environment. Possible approaches to deal with the decentralized and highly dynamic nature of UCNs are also provided with a discussion and an introduction to potential future work

    Descentralização da gestão da mobilidade IP nas redes do futuro

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaThe massive adoption of sophisticated mobile devices and applications led to the increase of mobile data in the last decade, which it is expected to continue. This increase of mobile data negatively impacts the network planning and dimension, since core networks are heavy centralized. Mobile operators are investigating atten network architectures that distribute the responsibility of providing connectivity and mobility, in order to improve the network scalability and performance. Moreover, service providers are moving the content servers closer to the user, in order to ensure high availability and performance of content delivery. Besides the e orts to overcome the explosion of mobile data, current mobility management models are heavy centralized to ensure reachability and session continuity to the users connected to the network. Nowadays, deployed architectures have a small number of centralized mobility anchors managing the mobile data and the mobility context of millions of users, which introduces issues related to performance and scalability that require costly network mechanisms. The mobility management needs to be rethought out-of-the box to cope with atten network architectures and distributed content servers closer to the user, which is the purpose of the work developed in this Thesis. The Thesis starts with a characterization of mobility management into well-de ned functional blocks, their interaction and potential grouping. The decentralized mobility management is studied through analytical models and simulations, in which di erent mobility approaches distinctly distribute the mobility management functionalities through the network. The outcome of this study showed that decentralized mobility management brings advantages. Hence, it was proposed a novel distributed and dynamic mobility management approach, which is exhaustively evaluated through analytical models, simulations and testbed experiments. The proposed approach is also integrated with seamless horizontal handover mechanisms, as well as evaluated in vehicular environments. The mobility mechanisms are also speci ed for multihomed scenarios, in order to provide data o oading with IP mobility from cellular to other access networks. In the pursuing of the optimized mobile routing path, a novel network-based strategy for localized mobility is addressed, in which a replication binding system is deployed in the mobility anchors distributed through the access routers and gateways. Finally, we go further in the mobility anchoring subject, presenting a context-aware adaptive IP mobility anchoring model that dynamically assigns the mobility anchors that provide the optimized routing path to a session, based on the user and network context. The integration of dynamic and distributed concepts in the mobility management, such as context-aware adaptive mobility anchoring and dynamic mobility support, allow the optimization of network resources and the improvement of user experience. The overall outcome demonstrates that decentralized mobility management is a promising direction, hence, its ideas should be taken into account by mobile operators in the deployment of future networks.Na última década verificou-se uma massificação dos dispositivos móveis e das suas aplicações, o que tem vindo a aumentar o consumo de dados móveis. Este aumento dificulta o planeamento e dimensionamento das redes devido principalmente aos modelos extremamente centralizados adoptados por estas. Os operadores móveis têm vindo a estudar modelos mais até para as redes, os quais distribuem a responsabilidade de fornecer conectividade e mobilidade, no sentido de melhorar a escalabilidade e desempenho da rede. Além disso, de forma a garantir um desempenho elevado na entrega dos conteúdos, os fornecedores de serviço têm vindo a mover os servidores de conteúdos para locais mais próximos do utilizador. Apesar do esforço na procura de soluções para o crescente consumo de dados móveis, os modelos atuais de gestão de mobilidade são demasiado centralizados para conseguir assegurar a continuidade de sessão aos utilizadores conectados à rede. As arquiteturas implementadas têm um número muito reduzido de âncoras móveis centralizadas que gerem todos os dados móveis e a informação de contexto da mobilidade, o que leva a uma diminuição de desempenho e escalabilidade, solucionadas através de mecanismos de rede dispendiosos. A gestão da mobilidade precisa de ser repensada de forma a poder lidar com arquiteturas de rede até com a distribuição dos servidores de conteúdos para nós mais próximos dos utilizadores, que é o objectivo principal da Tese apresentada. Primeiro, é apresentada a caracterização da gestão de mobilidade em blocos funcionais, a interação entre eles e potenciais agrupamentos dos mesmos. A gestão da mobilidade descentralizada é estudada através de modelos analíticos e simulações, em que diferentes abordagens distribuem as funcionalidades da mobilidade pela rede. Como resultado deste estudo verificou-se que a descentralização da mobilidade traz vantagens claras. Com base nestes resultados foi proposta uma nova abordagem de gestão de mobilidade distribuída e dinâmica, que é exaustivamente avaliada através de modelos analíticos, simulações e experiências numa bancada de testes. A abordagem proposta é também integrada com mecanismos de handovers horizontais transparentes, assim como é avaliada em ambientes veiculares. Os mecanismos de mobilidade da abordagem proposta são também especificados para cenários de multihoming, de forma a proporcionar o offloading de dados com suporte de mobilidade das redes celulares para outras redes de acesso. Com o objectivo de optimizar o encaminhamento de dados móveis, foi criada uma nova estratégia para o suporte da mobilidade localizada, em que um sistema de replicação de bindings é integrado nas âncoras de mobilidade distribuídas através dos routers de acesso e dos gateways. Finalmente apresenta-se um modelo de ancoramento adaptativo para a mobilidade com base em contexto, o qual dinamicamente determina as âncoras de mobilidade que oferecem a melhor rota para uma dada sessão, baseado na informação do utilizador e da rede. A integração de conceitos de dinamismo e de distribuição na gestão da mobilidade, como o ancoramento adaptativo e o suporte dinâmico da mobilidade, permitem a optimização dos recursos da rede e uma melhor experiência por parte do utilizador. Os resultados demonstram, de uma forma geral, que a gestão descentralizada da mobilidade é um caminho promissor, logo este deve ser tomado em consideração pelas operadoras móveis aquando do desenvolvimento das redes do futuro

    Enhanced bicasting and buffering

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    Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references

    Mobility Management in New Internet Architectures

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    The software integration with new network architectures via Software-Defined Networking (SDN) axis appears to be a major evolution of networks. While this paradigm was primarily developed for easy network setup, its ability to integrate services has also to be considered. Thus, the mobility service for which solutions have been proposed in conventional architectures by defining standardized protocols should be rethought in terms of SDN service. Mobile devices might use or move in SDN network. In this thesis, we proposed a new mobility management approach which called "SDN-Mobility" and has shown that SDN can be implemented without IP mobility protocol for providing mobility like as Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) that is the solution adopted by 3GPP, with some performance gain. However, PMIPv6 and SDN-Mobility have some packets loss during Mobile Node (MN) handover. Thus, in this thesis, we proposed a new paradigm based on caching function to improve the quality of transfer during handover. Caching policy cooperates with SDN controller for automatic buffering of the data during the handover. We proposed two caching policies that are compared through a performance analysis regarding the quality of transfer for the user and for the operator. This thesis also presented that SDN-Mobility with caching policy can be applied easily for mobility management in heterogeneous network architectures able to integrate the future Internet based on the Information-Centric Networking (ICN)

    The Road Ahead for Networking: A Survey on ICN-IP Coexistence Solutions

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    In recent years, the current Internet has experienced an unexpected paradigm shift in the usage model, which has pushed researchers towards the design of the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm as a possible replacement of the existing architecture. Even though both Academia and Industry have investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of ICN, achieving the complete replacement of the Internet Protocol (IP) is a challenging task. Some research groups have already addressed the coexistence by designing their own architectures, but none of those is the final solution to move towards the future Internet considering the unaltered state of the networking. To design such architecture, the research community needs now a comprehensive overview of the existing solutions that have so far addressed the coexistence. The purpose of this paper is to reach this goal by providing the first comprehensive survey and classification of the coexistence architectures according to their features (i.e., deployment approach, deployment scenarios, addressed coexistence requirements and architecture or technology used) and evaluation parameters (i.e., challenges emerging during the deployment and the runtime behaviour of an architecture). We believe that this paper will finally fill the gap required for moving towards the design of the final coexistence architecture.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 3 table

    Mobility management across converged IP-based heterogeneous access networks

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 8/2/2010.In order to satisfy customer demand for a high performance “global” mobility service, network operators (ISPs, carriers, mobile operators, etc.) are facing the need to evolve to a converged “all-IP” centric heterogeneous access infrastructure. However, the integration of such heterogeneous access networks (e.g. 802.11, 802.16e, UMTS etc) brings major mobility issues. This thesis tackles issues plaguing existing mobility management solutions in converged IP-based heterogeneous networks. In order to do so, the thesis firstly proposes a cross-layer mechanism using the upcoming IEEE802.21 MIH services to make intelligent and optimized handovers. In this respect, FMIPv6 is integrated with the IEEE802.21 mechanism to provide seamless mobility during the overall handover process. The proposed solution is then applied in a simulated vehicular environment to optimize the NEMO handover process. It is shown through analysis and simulations of the signalling process that the overall expected handover (both L2 and L3) latency in FMIPv6 can be reduced by the proposed mechanism by 69%. Secondly, it is expected that the operator of a Next Generation Network will provide mobility as a service that will generate significant revenues. As a result, dynamic service bootstrapping and authorization mechanisms must be in place to efficiently deploy a mobility service (without static provisioning), which will allow only legitimate users to access the service. A GNU Linux based test-bed has been implemented to demonstrate this. The experiments presented show the handover performance of the secured FMIPv6 over the implemented test-bed compared to plain FMIPv6 and MIPv6 by providing quantitative measurements and results on the quality of experience perceived by the users of IPv6 multimedia applications. The results show the inclusion of the additional signalling of the proposed architecture for the purpose of authorization and bootstrapping (i.e. key distribution using HOKEY) has no adverse effect on the overall handover process. Also, using a formal security analysis tool, it is shown that the proposed mechanism is safe/secure from the induced security threats. Lastly, a novel IEEE802.21 assisted EAP based re-authentication scheme over a service authorization and bootstrapping framework is presented. AAA based authentication mechanisms like EAP incur signalling overheads due to large RTTs. As a result, overall handover latency also increases. Therefore, a fast re-authentication scheme is presented which utilizes IEEE802.21 MIH services to minimize the EAP authentication process delays and as a result reduce the overall handover latency. Analysis of the signalling process based on analytical results shows that the overall handover latency for mobility protocols will be approximately reduced by 70% by the proposed scheme

    Location Management in IP-based Future LEO Satellite Networks: A Review

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    Future integrated terrestrial, aerial, and space networks will involve thousands of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites forming a network of mega-constellations, which will play a significant role in providing communication and Internet services everywhere, at any time, and for everything. Due to its very large scale and highly dynamic nature, future LEO satellite networks (SatNets) management is a very complicated and crucial process, especially the mobility management aspect and its two components location management and handover management. In this article, we present a comprehensive and critical review of the state-of-the-art research in LEO SatNets location management. First, we give an overview of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) mobility management standards (e.g., Mobile IPv6 and Proxy Mobile IPv6) and discuss their location management techniques limitations in the environment of future LEO SatNets. We highlight future LEO SatNets mobility characteristics and their challenging features and describe two unprecedented future location management scenarios. A taxonomy of the available location management solutions for LEO SatNets is presented, where the solutions are classified into three approaches. The "Issues to consider" section draws attention to critical points related to each of the reviewed approaches that should be considered in future LEO SatNets location management. To identify the gaps, the current state of LEO SatNets location management is summarized. Noteworthy future research directions are recommended. This article is providing a road map for researchers and industry to shape the future of LEO SatNets location management.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEE

    Anchor Free IP Mobility

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    Efficient mobility management techniques are critical in providing seamless connectivity and session continuity between a mobile node and the network during its movement. However, current mobility management solutions generally require a central entity in the network core, tracking IP address movement, and anchoring traffic from source to destination through point-to-point tunnels. Intuitively, this approach suffers from scalability limitations as it creates bottlenecks in the network, due to sub-optimal routing via the anchor point. This is often termed 'dog-leg' routing. Meanwhile, alternative anchorless, solutions are not feasible due to the current limitations of the IP semantics, which strongly tie addressing information to location. In contrast, this paper introduces a novel anchorless mobility solution that overcomes these limitations by exploiting a new path-based forwarding fabric together with emerging mechanisms from information-centric networking. These mechanisms decouple the end-system IP address from the path based data forwarding to eliminate the need for anchoring traffic through the network core; thereby, allowing flexible path calculation and service provisioning. Furthermore, by eliminating the limitation of routing via the anchor point, our approach reduces the network cost compared to anchored solutions through bandwidth saving while maintaining comparable handover delay. The proposed solution is applicable to both cellular and large-scale wireless LAN networks that aim to support seamless handover in a single operator domain scenario. The solution is modeled as a Markov-chain which applies a topological basis to describe mobility. The validity of the proposed Markovian model was verified through simulation of both random walk mobility on random geometric networks and trace information from a large-scale, city wide data set. Evaluation results illustrate a significant reduction in the total network traffic cost by 45 percent or more when using the proposed solution, compared to Proxy Mobile IPv6
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