16 research outputs found

    Perancangan Game RPG untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan Metode ADDIE

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    Technology makes easier to study English language easier  by social media, websites, books, or even seminars. RPG game is a type of game that tell the story and information by virtual and interactive path. Most students that struggling learning English have faced complexity and difficulty in learning them.  This study  aims to create a RPG game  that can help learning English. The method used for this study is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate) method and the software required for this study are Unity and Visual Studio 2019. ADDIE method is a learning model that instructional designers and training developers have used to create methods of learning effectiveness learning, this learning model is an acronym for a five-step process which are: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and evaluation. And therefore the software used to develop the game are Unity. The result of this research is a RPG game that can be used for learning English. With this RPG game, it is hoped that the game can help with students who struggle learning English.Teknologi mempermudah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan media sosial, website, buku, atau bahkan seminar. Game RPG adalah jenis game yang menceritakan kisah dan informasi melalui jalur virtual dan interaktif. Sebagian besar siswa yang kesulitan belajar bahasa Inggris menghadapi kompleksitas dan kesulitan dalam mempelajarinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah game RPG yang dapat membantu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate) dan perangkat lunak yang dibutuhkan untuk penelitian ini adalah Unity dan Visual Studio 2019. Metode ADDIE adalah model pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh desainer instruksional dan pengembang pelatihan untuk membuat metode pembelajaran efektivitas pembelajaran, model pembelajaran ini merupakan akronim dari proses lima langkah yaitu: Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan evaluasi. Maka software yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan game ini adalah Unity dan Visual Studio 2019. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah game RPG yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dengan adanya game ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa yang kesulitan belajar bahasa Inggris

    The Use of Mind Mapping Approach to Facilitate Students’ Distance Learning in Writing Modular Based on Printed Learning Materials

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    The study is intended to expose mind mapping used as strategy for learning which is able to assist students to write their writing assignments. Thirty students who registered in the Teacher Qualification Improvement Program of Universitas Terbuka (UT) was involved as the participants in this present study. The participants had to follow the face-to-face tutorial session of the Instructional System Design course (ISD) course. One of the given assignments of the course was writing the modular based learning materials for the primary school students. The participants had to study the required knowledge and skills of writing the printed modular based learning materials through the systematic and systematic ways. The mind mapping strategy was used to help the students to complete their writing assignments – the printed modular based leaning resources. At the beginning the participants felt uncertain about the writing assignment. The study was found that the use of mind mapping as learning strategy increased the students learning motivation and improve the ability to write the printed modular based learning materials

    Collaborative Game Design for Learning: The Challenges of Adaptive Game-Based Learning for the Flipped Classroom

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    In recent years, game-based learning and gamification have increasingly been used within flipped classroom approaches. Many research showed that both approaches were efficient in conjunction in an active learning perspective. However, we observe that few games have been designed with use in the flipped classroom in mind, and there is therefore potential to improve the flipped classroom experience by approaching the development and integration of games with a more holistic and adaptive experience in mind. For that purpose, a focus group of educators was assembled for a pilot project and their educational practices, objectives and gaming experience analyzed. Following this investigation, co-constructed game design choices were made to try and develop a game that could support a variety of subjects and learning experience in the FC. Although the focus group answers showed that a fully adaptive gaming experience needed, for reasons of flexibility, to lean towards a gamified platform, the final design solution can have the potential to support fully the flipped classroom experience for any subject or class desired

    A Remedy to the Misery of Language Learning Efficacy: Flipped Classroom

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    Choosing the right method for teaching is an important step in learning. Corporate trainers have always been interested in finding new ways to achieve effective learning. The present study seeks to improve language learning by measuring, comparing and prioritizing the effectiveness of three methods: traditional, blended and flipped method. In terms of purpose and nature, the present study was experimental and with respect to method it was quasi-experimental including a pre-test and a post-test designed with an equivalent control group. The participants consisted of 66 employees in an Iranian organization who were required to attend English language courses. The participants were sampled in accordance with training needs analysis results in the organization. Moreover, data were analyzed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics including mean analysis, standard deviation, F-way ANOVA, and Scheffe post hoc test using SPSS software version 25. The findings of the study indicate a significant difference between the three groups and the ranking of methods in terms of learning effectiveness from the highest to the lowest level includes; 1)Flipped 2) Blended 3) Traditional, respectively. The results showed that in spite of the high effectiveness of the flipped classroom to the other methods, some cultural differences such as family preference, feasts,  training customs and also resistance to new methods of learning hindered the allocation of sufficient time for practicing the lesson at home. In addition, such hindrances partially trace back to ancient Iranian culture. In conclusion, some suggestions were proposed to modify technology acceptance and other related weaknesses

    Factors Influencing Junior College Students’ Continuance Intention with Mobile Learning at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, China

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    Purpose: This study intends to assess the key variables significantly affecting junior college student's continued interest in mobile learning across four majors at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences in Sichuan, China. The researcher examined perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality to determine whether their effects on student satisfaction and continuance intention with mobile learning. Research design, data, and methodology: The researchers applied quantitative exploration methods to 489 samples and distributed quantitative questionnaires to junior college students majoring in English, Chinese language and Literature, Preschool Education, Broadcasting, and Hosting at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences. The sampling techniques were conducted using purposive, quota and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are used to determine the relationships between the variables under study. Results: The findings provide evidence that perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality are antecedents of satisfaction towards continuance intention. Conclusions: University administrators and teaching staff should pay sufficient attention to the factors which have generated significant influence on the satisfaction of the instruction and consider the correlated teaching adjustment or reform in the future according to the findings of this research

    “I did it my way": Learning Autonomy and Online Self-Access Skills of Students in Reading Classes in Pandemic Era in Peru Context

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    In order for students to succeed, especially in times of crisis like the Covid 19 Pandemic, they must be trained to be self-sufficient in their language studies. This research investigates using a self-access language learning strategy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics to improve language learners' Autonomy. It employed a descriptive correlational research design. The study involved 89 randomly selected language students in one University of Peru. Results of the study showed that the students can utilize internet as their learning resource using devices they have. This shows that all of the students have devices to be used for their online and blended language learning. It is interesting to note the all the sampled students have access to internet for their online language learning. Hence the students have a motivated level of learning Autonomy in reading classes. As to the assessment of internet self-access reading skills of the students. This shows that the students have a favorable attitude towards using the internet in their reading lessons. It shows that the students have a fair level of technology acceptance and utilization for their language learning. Self-Access Skills in Reading was shown to be closely linked to Students' Learning Autonomy. This suggests that the relevant factors in the research have a positive correlation. This means that the students are more likely to adopt online self-access reading skills if they have a good attitude about learning Autonomy. This result shed light on the gap in addressing students' online language learning engagement in the COVID 19 era, particularly in the context of Peru

    Multiplicité des approches à visée concrète, personnalisée et autonomisante en anglais de spécialité : Exemple en licence professionnelle droit du patrimoine

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    Avant-propos L’approche, ou plutôt les approches par les tâches, sont largement diffusées en didactique des langues sous l’influence notamment de très nombreuses publications qui, depuis plus de trente ans, traitent, dans le monde anglophone, du Task Based Language Teaching (Ellis 2003, 2017 ; Long 1985, 2015 ; Nunan 1989, 2004), mais aussi à travers les travaux sur les différents types de tâches dans le milieu francophone (Demaizière & Narcy-Combes 2005 ; Guichon 2006 ; Nissen 2011). Au nive..