8 research outputs found

    A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval

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    Successful modeling and prediction depend on effective methods for the extraction of domain-relevant variables.  This paper proposes a methodology for identifying domain-specific terms. The proposed methodology relies on a collection of documents labeled as relevant or irrelevant to the domain under analysis. Based on the labeled document collection, we propose a supervised technique that weights terms based on their descriptive and discriminating power. Finally, the descriptive and discriminating values are combined into a general measure that, through the use of an adjustable parameter, allows to independently favor different aspects of  retrieval such as maximizing precision or recall, or achieving a balance between both of them. The proposed technique is applied to the economic domain and is empirically evaluated through a human-subject experiment involving experts and non-experts in Economy. It is also evaluated as a term-weighting technique for query-term selection showing promising results. We finally illustrate the applicability of the proposed technique to address diverse problems such as building prediction models, supporting knowledge modeling, and achieving total recall

    An enhanced term weighting scheme method of identifying and extracting terms for ontology learning and development

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    Social media is crucial in facilitating the Disaster Management (DM) communication process. However, the knowledge representation of DM Social Media (DMSM) is inadequate especially in ontology representation. Given to huge volume of DMSM unstructured text, information extraction for ontology development is achieved through text mining. However, existing works on text mining-based ontology development utilizes a well-known unsupervised scheme, TF-IDF that ignore document distribution and leads to high dimensionality of features. The main objectives of the study are to improve ontology development by enhancing supervised term weighting scheme (TWS) and developing DMSM ontology. The enhancement is achieved by identifying the existing supervised TWS and giving higher weightage to the positive category instead of the negative one, which results in the removal of irrelevant terms. The study is conducted by gathering DMSM scientific publications, performing pre-processing, and calculating the eight selected supervised TWS. All the schemes obtained high weightage on the negative category, instead of the positive category. An enhancement is performed by introducing a positive term frequency ratio and positive category ratio, whereby the enhanced schemes extract relevant terms to the positive category. The DMSM ontology is generated and evaluated using a gold-standard-based evaluation method for syntactic comparison, designing the ontology, and evaluating the learned ontology. From the results, it is found that good score is achieved for TF. IDFEC-based. Enhanced and TF. RF. Enhanced with 93.33% and 91.03% for precision, 80.8% and 78.02% for recall, and 0.87 and 0.84 for F-measure, respectively. Theoretically, this study contributes an enhanced supervised TWS by emphasizing the classification information of a corpus, hence features dimensionality can be reduced and boosts the importance of words that are distributed between the positive and the negative class. Practically the enhanced scheme provides an improved technique for ontology developers to extract relevant terms from unstructured scientific publication text especially for DMSM domain

    News Articles from The Guardian Classified as Relevant or not Relevant to the Economic Domain.

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    The news: The present dataset consists of 1789 news articles from the British daily newspaper The Guardian extracted using the content endpoint of The Guardian Open Platform. The news articles were, at the time, all the news corresponding to the sections: business, politics, society and world news for the entire month of January of 2013 (for a total of 1689 news) and an extra set of news articles randomly selected from the period Febrary of 2013 to December of 2015 (100 news articles). The first set of 1689 news articles was used for training and the second set of 100 news articles was used for testing in two publications: * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2018, November. A Supervised Term-Weighting Method and its Application to Variable Extraction from Digital Media. In XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI)-JAIIO 47 (CABA, 2018). * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2019. A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval. Inteligencia Artificial, 22(63), pp.61-80. The labels: The entire dataset was manually classified into two possible categories: economically relevant and irrelevant. The labelling process was carried out by two experts in Economy working in collaboration. For each news article, the full text of the article was analyzed to determine the category. The format: There are two different versions for this dataset: the reduced and the full versions. The former consists of a CSV and a readme file. The CSV file has five columns: "Instance No.", "Title", "Web Publication Date", "web URL" and "Economically Relevant". This version is reduced in columns as it does not include the full article texts; however, it does include all the 1789 instances. Requesting the full dataset: To gain access to the full version of the dataset (which includes the body of the news articles), please send an email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] requesting authorization and making it clear that the data set will not be used for commercial purposes

    Economic Relevant News from The Guardian

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    The news: The present dataset consists of 1789 news articles from the British daily newspaper The Guardian extracted using the content endpoint of The Guardian Open Platform. The news articles were, at the time, all the news corresponding to the sections: business, politics, society and world news for the entire month of January of 2013 (for a total of 1689 news) and an extra set of news articles randomly selected from the period Febrary of 2013 to December of 2015 (100 news articles). The first set of 1689 news articles was used for training and the second set of 100 news articles was used for testing in two publications: * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2018, November. A Supervised Term-Weighting Method and its Application to Variable Extraction from Digital Media. In XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI)-JAIIO 47 (CABA, 2018). * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2019. A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval. Inteligencia Artificial, 22(63), pp.61-80. The labels: The entire dataset was manually classified into two possible categories: economically relevant and irrelevant. The labelling process was carried out by two experts in Economy working in collaboration. For each news article, the full text of the article was analyzed to determine the category. The format: There are two different versions for this dataset: the reduced and the full versions. The former consists of a CSV and a readme file. The CSV file has five columns: "Instance No.", "Title", "Web Publication Date", "web URL" and "Economically Relevant". This version is reduced in columns as it does not include the full article texts; however, it does include all the 1789 instances. Requesting the full dataset: To gain access to the full version of the dataset (which includes the body of the news articles), please send an email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] requesting authorization and making it clear that the data set will not be used for commercial purposes

    News Articles from The Guardian Classified as Relevant or not Relevant to the Economic Domain.

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    The news: The present dataset consists of 1789 news articles from the British daily newspaper The Guardian extracted using the content endpoint of The Guardian Open Platform. The news articles were, at the time, all the news corresponding to the sections: business, politics, society and world news for the entire month of January of 2013 (for a total of 1689 news) and an extra set of news articles randomly selected from the period Febrary of 2013 to December of 2015 (100 news articles). The first set of 1689 news articles was used for training and the second set of 100 news articles was used for testing in two publications: * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2018, November. A Supervised Term-Weighting Method and its Application to Variable Extraction from Digital Media. In XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI)-JAIIO 47 (CABA, 2018). * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2019. A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval. Inteligencia Artificial, 22(63), pp.61-80. The labels: The entire dataset was manually classified into two possible categories: economically relevant and irrelevant. The labelling process was carried out by two experts in Economy working in collaboration. For each news article, the full text of the article was analyzed to determine the category. The format: There are two different versions for this dataset: the reduced and the full versions. The former consists of a CSV and a readme file. The CSV file has five columns: "Instance No.", "Title", "Web Publication Date", "web URL" and "Economically Relevant". This version is reduced in columns as it does not include the full article texts; however, it does include all the 1789 instances. Requesting the full dataset: To gain access to the full version of the dataset (which includes the body of the news articles), please send an email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] requesting authorization and making it clear that the data set will not be used for commercial purposes

    Economic Relevant News from The Guardian

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    The news: The present dataset consists of 1789 news articles from the British daily newspaper The Guardian extracted using the content endpoint of The Guardian Open Platform. The news articles were, at the time, all the news corresponding to the sections: business, politics, society and world news for the entire month of January of 2013 (for a total of 1689 news) and an extra set of news articles randomly selected from the period Febrary of 2013 to December of 2015 (100 news articles). The first set of 1689 news articles was used for training and the second set of 100 news articles was used for testing in two publications: * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2018, November. A Supervised Term-Weighting Method and its Application to Variable Extraction from Digital Media. In XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI)-JAIIO 47 (CABA, 2018). * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2019. A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval. Inteligencia Artificial, 22(63), pp.61-80. The labels: The entire dataset was manually classified into two possible categories: economically relevant and irrelevant. The labelling process was carried out by two experts in Economy working in collaboration. For each news article, the full text of the article was analyzed to determine the category.The format: There are two different versions for this dataset: the reduced and the full versions. The former consists of a CSV and a readme file. The CSV file has five columns: "Instance No.", "Title", "Web Publication Date", "web URL" and "Economically Relevant". This version is reduced in columns as it does not include the full article texts; however, it does include all the 1789 instances.Requesting the full dataset: To gain access to the full version of the dataset (which includes the body of the news articles), please send an email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] requesting authorization and making it clear that the data set will not be used for commercial purposes

    Economic Relevant News from The Guardian

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    The news: The present dataset consists of 1789 news articles from the British daily newspaper The Guardian extracted using the content endpoint of The Guardian Open Platform. The news articles were, at the time, all the news corresponding to the sections: business, politics, society and world news for the entire month of January of 2013 (for a total of 1689 news) and an extra set of news articles randomly selected from the period Febrary of 2013 to December of 2015 (100 news articles). The first set of 1689 news articles was used for training and the second set of 100 news articles was used for testing in two publications: * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2018, November. A Supervised Term-Weighting Method and its Application to Variable Extraction from Digital Media. In XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI)-JAIIO 47 (CABA, 2018). * Maisonnave, M., Delbianco, F., Tohmé, F.A. and Maguitman, A.G., 2019. A Flexible Supervised Term-Weighting Technique and its Application to Variable Extraction and Information Retrieval. Inteligencia Artificial, 22(63), pp.61-80. The labels: The entire dataset was manually classified into two possible categories: economically relevant and irrelevant. The labelling process was carried out by two experts in Economy working in collaboration. For each news article, the full text of the article was analyzed to determine the category. The format: There are two different versions for this dataset: the reduced and the full versions. The former consists of a CSV and a readme file. The CSV file has five columns: "Instance No.", "Title", "Web Publication Date", "web URL" and "Economically Relevant". This version is reduced in columns as it does not include the full article texts; however, it does include all the 1789 instances. Requesting the full dataset: To gain access to the full version of the dataset (which includes the body of the news articles), please send an email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] requesting authorization and making it clear that the data set will not be used for commercial purposes.Fil: Maisonnave, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Delbianco, Fernando Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Tohmé, Fernando Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Maguitman, Ana Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; Argentin