36 research outputs found

    cc-Golog: Towards More Realistic Logic-Based Robot Controllers

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    High-level robot controllers in realistic domains typically deal with processes which operate concurrently, change the world continuously, and where the execution of actions is event-driven as in ``charge the batteries as soon as the voltage level is low''. While non-logic-based robot control languages are well suited to express such scenarios, they fare poorly when it comes to projecting, in a conspicuous way, how the world evolves when actions are executed. On the other hand, a logic-based control language like \congolog, based on the situation calculus, is well-suited for the latter. However, it has problems expressing event-driven behavior. In this paper, we show how these problems can be overcome by first extending the situation calculus to support continuous change and event-driven behavior and then presenting \ccgolog, a variant of \congolog which is based on the extended situation calculus. One benefit of \ccgolog is that it narrows the gap in expressiveness compared to non-logic-based control languages while preserving a semantically well-founded projection mechanism

    Logic-Based Specification Languages for Intelligent Software Agents

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    The research field of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) aims to find abstractions, languages, methodologies and toolkits for modeling, verifying, validating and prototyping complex applications conceptualized as Multiagent Systems (MASs). A very lively research sub-field studies how formal methods can be used for AOSE. This paper presents a detailed survey of six logic-based executable agent specification languages that have been chosen for their potential to be integrated in our ARPEGGIO project, an open framework for specifying and prototyping a MAS. The six languages are ConGoLog, Agent-0, the IMPACT agent programming language, DyLog, Concurrent METATEM and Ehhf. For each executable language, the logic foundations are described and an example of use is shown. A comparison of the six languages and a survey of similar approaches complete the paper, together with considerations of the advantages of using logic-based languages in MAS modeling and prototyping.Comment: 67 pages, 1 table, 1 figure. Accepted for publication by the Journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming", volume 4, Maurice Bruynooghe Editor-in-Chie

    Bounded Situation Calculus Action Theories

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    In this paper, we investigate bounded action theories in the situation calculus. A bounded action theory is one which entails that, in every situation, the number of object tuples in the extension of fluents is bounded by a given constant, although such extensions are in general different across the infinitely many situations. We argue that such theories are common in applications, either because facts do not persist indefinitely or because the agent eventually forgets some facts, as new ones are learnt. We discuss various classes of bounded action theories. Then we show that verification of a powerful first-order variant of the mu-calculus is decidable for such theories. Notably, this variant supports a controlled form of quantification across situations. We also show that through verification, we can actually check whether an arbitrary action theory maintains boundedness.Comment: 51 page

    Abstraction of situation calculus concurrent game structures

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    We present a general framework for abstracting agent behavior in multi-agent synchronous games in the situation calculus, which provides a first-order representation of the state and allows us to model how plays depend on the data and objects involved. We represent such games as action theories of a special form called situation calculus synchronous game structures (SCSGSs), in which we have a single action "tick" whose effects depend on the combination of moves selected by the players. In our framework, one specifies both an abstract SCSGS and a concrete SCSGS, as well as a refinement mapping that specifies how each abstract move is implemented by a Golog program defined over the concrete SCSGS. We define notions of sound and complete abstraction with respect to a mapping over such SCSGS. To express strategic properties on the abstract and concrete games we adopt a first-order variant of alternating-time mu-calculus mu-ATL-FO. We show that we can exploit abstraction in verifying mu-ATL-FO properties of SCSGSs under the assumption that agents can always execute abstract moves to completion even if not fully controlling their outcomes

    ElGolog: A High-Level Programming Language with Memory of the Execution History

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    Most programming languages only support tests that refer exclusively to the current state. This applies even to high-level programming languages based on the situation calculus such as Golog. The result is that additional variables/fluents/data structures must be introduced to track conditions that the pro- gram uses in tests to make decisions. In this paper, drawing inspiration from McCarthy’s Elephant 2000, we propose an extended version of Golog, called ElGolog, that supports rich tests about the execution history, where tests are expressed in a first-order variant of two-way linear dynamic logic that uses ElGolog programs with converse. We show that in spite of rich tests, ElGolog shares key features with Golog, including a sematics based on macroexpansion into situation calculus formulas, upon which regression can still be applied. We also show that like Golog, our extended language can easily be implemented in Prolog

    Rational Agents: Prioritized Goals, Goal Dynamics, and Agent Programming Languages with Declarative Goals

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    I introduce a specification language for modeling an agent's prioritized goals and their dynamics. I use the situation calculus along with Reiter's solution to the frame problem and predicates for describing agents' knowledge as my base formalism. I further enhance this language by introducing a new sort of infinite paths. Within this language, I discuss how to systematically specify prioritized goals and how to precisely describe the effects of actions on these goals. These actions include adoption and dropping of goals and subgoals. In this framework, an agent's intentions are formally specified as the prioritized intersection of her goals. The ``prioritized'' qualifier above means that the specification must respect the priority ordering of goals when choosing between two incompatible goals. I ensure that the agent's intentions are always consistent with each other and with her knowledge. I investigate two variants with different commitment strategies. Agents specified using the ``optimizing'' agent framework always try to optimize their intentions, while those specified in the ``committed'' agent framework will stick to their intentions even if opportunities to commit to higher priority goals arise when these goals are incompatible with their current intentions. For these, I study properties of prioritized goals and goal change. I also give a definition of subgoals, and prove properties about the goal-subgoal relationship. As an application, I develop a model for a Simple Rational Agent Programming Language (SR-APL) with declarative goals. SR-APL is based on the ``committed agent'' variant of this rich theory, and combines elements from Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) APLs and the situation calculus based ConGolog APL. Thus SR-APL supports prioritized goals and is grounded on a formal theory of goal change. It ensures that the agent's declarative goals and adopted plans are consistent with each other and with her knowledge. In doing this, I try to bridge the gap between agent theories and practical agent programming languages by providing a model and specification of an idealized BDI agent whose behavior is closer to what a rational agent does. I show that agents programmed in SR-APL satisfy some key rationality requirements

    Towards Bridging the Gap between High-Level Reasoning and Execution on Robots

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    When reasoning about actions, e.g., by means of task planning or agent programming with Golog, the robot's actions are typically modeled on an abstract level, where complex actions such as picking up an object are treated as atomic primitives with deterministic effects and preconditions that only depend on the current state. However, when executing such an action on a robot it can no longer be seen as a primitive. Instead, action execution is a complex task involving multiple steps with additional temporal preconditions and timing constraints. Furthermore, the action may be noisy, e.g., producing erroneous sensing results and not always having the desired effects. While these aspects are typically ignored in reasoning tasks, they need to be dealt with during execution. In this thesis, we propose several approaches towards closing this gap.Comment: PhD Thesi