833 research outputs found

    A First Order Recursive Construction of Boolean Function with Optimum Algebraic Immunity

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    This paper proposed a first order recursive construction of Boolean function with optimum algebraic immunity. We also show that the Boolean functions are balanced and have good algebraic degrees

    A Novel Application of Boolean Functions with High Algebraic Immunity in Minimal Codes

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    Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are important cryptographic primitives in some stream ciphers. In this paper, two methodologies for constructing binary minimal codes from sets, Boolean functions and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are proposed. More precisely, a general construction of new minimal codes using minimal codes contained in Reed-Muller codes and sets without nonzero low degree annihilators is presented. The other construction allows us to yield minimal codes from certain subcodes of Reed-Muller codes and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity. Via these general constructions, infinite families of minimal binary linear codes of dimension mm and length less than or equal to m(m+1)/2m(m+1)/2 are obtained. In addition, a lower bound on the minimum distance of the proposed minimal linear codes is established. Conjectures and open problems are also presented. The results of this paper show that Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity have nice applications in several fields such as symmetric cryptography, coding theory and secret sharing schemes

    Weightwise almost perfectly balanced functions: secondary constructions for all n and better weightwise nonlinearities

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    The design of FLIP stream cipher presented at Eurocrypt 20162016 motivates the study of Boolean functions with good cryptographic criteria when restricted to subsets of F2n\mathbb F_2^n. Since the security of FLIP relies on properties of functions restricted to subsets of constant Hamming weight, called slices, several studies investigate functions with good properties on the slices, i.e. weightwise properties. A major challenge is to build functions balanced on each slice, from which we get the notion of Weightwise Almost Perfectly Balanced (WAPB) functions. Although various constructions of WAPB functions have been exhibited since 20172017, building WAPB functions with high weightwise nonlinearities remains a difficult task. Lower bounds on the weightwise nonlinearities of WAPB functions are known for very few families, and exact values were computed only for functions in at most 1616 variables. In this article, we introduce and study two new secondary constructions of WAPB functions. This new strategy allows us to bound the weightwise nonlinearities from those of the parent functions, enabling us to produce WAPB functions with high weightwise nonlinearities. As a practical application, we build several novel WAPB functions in up to 1616 variables by taking parent functions from two different known families. Moreover, combining these outputs, we also produce the 1616-variable WAPB function with the highest weightwise nonlinearities known so far

    When a Boolean Function can be Expressed as the Sum of two Bent Functions

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    In this paper we study the problem that when a Boolean function can be represented as the sum of two bent functions. This problem was recently presented by N. Tokareva in studying the number of bent functions. Firstly, many functions, such as quadratic Boolean functions, Maiorana-MacFarland bent functions, partial spread functions etc, are proved to be able to be represented as the sum of two bent functions. Methods to construct such functions from low dimension ones are also introduced. N. Tokareva\u27s main hypothesis is proved for n6n\leq 6. Moreover, two hypotheses which are equivalent to N. Tokareva\u27s main hypothesis are presented. These hypotheses may lead to new ideas or methods to solve this problem. At last, necessary and sufficient conditions on the problem when the sum of several bent functions is again a bent function are given

    On the Algebraic Immunity - Resiliency trade-off, implications for Goldreich\u27s Pseudorandom Generator

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    Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator is a well-known building block for many theoretical cryptographic constructions from multi-party computation to indistinguishability obfuscation. Its unique efficiency comes from the use of random local functions: each bit of the output is computed by applying some fixed public nn-variable Boolean function ff to a random public size-nn tuple of distinct input bits. The characteristics that a Boolean function ff must have to ensure pseudorandomness is a puzzling issue. It has been studied in several works and particularly by Applebaum and Lovett (STOC 2016) who showed that resiliency and algebraic immunity are key parameters in this purpose. In this paper, we propose the first study on Boolean functions that reach together maximal algebraic immunity and high resiliency. 1) We assess the possible consequences of the asymptotic existence of such optimal functions. We show how they allow to build functions reaching all possible algebraic immunity-resiliency trade-offs (respecting the algebraic immunity and Siegenthaler bounds). We provide a new bound on the minimal number of variables~nn, and thus on the minimal locality, necessary to ensure a secure Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator. Our results come with a granularity level depending on the strength of our assumptions, from none to the conjectured asymptotic existence of optimal functions. 2) We extensively analyze the possible existence and the properties of such optimal functions. Our results show two different trends. On the one hand, we were able to show some impossibility results concerning existing families of Boolean functions that are known to be optimal with respect to their algebraic immunity, starting by the promising XOR-MAJ functions. We show that they do not reach optimality and could be beaten by optimal functions if our conjecture is verified. On the other hand, we prove the existence of optimal functions in low number of variables by experimentally exhibiting some of them up to 1212 variables. This directly provides better candidates for Goldreich\u27s pseudorandom generator than the existing XOR-MAJ candidates for polynomial stretches from 22 to 66

    D.STVL.7 - Algebraic cryptanalysis of symmetric primitives

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    The recent development of algebraic attacks can be considered an important breakthrough in the analysis of symmetric primitives; these are powerful techniques that apply to both block and stream ciphers (and potentially hash functions). The basic principle of these techniques goes back to Shannon's work: they consist in expressing the whole cryptographic algorithm as a large system of multivariate algebraic equations (typically over F2), which can be solved to recover the secret key. Efficient algorithms for solving such algebraic systems are therefore the essential ingredients of algebraic attacks. Algebraic cryptanalysis against symmetric primitives has recently received much attention from the cryptographic community, particularly after it was proposed against some LFSR- based stream ciphers and against the AES and Serpent block ciphers. This is currently a very active area of research. In this report we discuss the basic principles of algebraic cryptanalysis of stream ciphers and block ciphers, and review the latest developments in the field. We give an overview of the construction of such attacks against both types of primitives, and recall the main algorithms for solving algebraic systems. Finally we discuss future research directions

    Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report is a deliverable for the ECRYPT European network of excellence in cryptology. It gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing. The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the recently proposed algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    D.STVL.9 - Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing (2008). The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)