1,040 research outputs found

    A constructive mean field analysis of multi population neural networks with random synaptic weights and stochastic inputs

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    We deal with the problem of bridging the gap between two scales in neuronal modeling. At the first (microscopic) scale, neurons are considered individually and their behavior described by stochastic differential equations that govern the time variations of their membrane potentials. They are coupled by synaptic connections acting on their resulting activity, a nonlinear function of their membrane potential. At the second (mesoscopic) scale, interacting populations of neurons are described individually by similar equations. The equations describing the dynamical and the stationary mean field behaviors are considered as functional equations on a set of stochastic processes. Using this new point of view allows us to prove that these equations are well-posed on any finite time interval and to provide a constructive method for effectively computing their unique solution. This method is proved to converge to the unique solution and we characterize its complexity and convergence rate. We also provide partial results for the stationary problem on infinite time intervals. These results shed some new light on such neural mass models as the one of Jansen and Rit \cite{jansen-rit:95}: their dynamics appears as a coarse approximation of the much richer dynamics that emerges from our analysis. Our numerical experiments confirm that the framework we propose and the numerical methods we derive from it provide a new and powerful tool for the exploration of neural behaviors at different scales.Comment: 55 pages, 4 figures, to appear in "Frontiers in Neuroscience


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    Failures of engineered systems can lead to significant economic and societal losses. Despite tremendous efforts (e.g., $200 billion annually) denoted to reliability and maintenance, unexpected catastrophic failures still occurs. To minimize the losses, reliability of engineered systems must be ensured throughout their life-cycle amidst uncertain operational condition and manufacturing variability. In most engineered systems, the required system reliability level under adverse events is achieved by adding system redundancies and/or conducting system reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). However, a high level of system redundancy increases a system's life-cycle cost (LCC) and system RBDO cannot ensure the system reliability when unexpected loading/environmental conditions are applied and unexpected system failures are developed. In contrast, a new design paradigm, referred to as resilience-driven system design, can ensure highly reliable system designs under any loading/environmental conditions and system failures while considerably reducing systems' LCC. In order to facilitate the development of formal methodologies for this design paradigm, this research aims at advancing two essential and co-related research areas: Research Thrust 1 - system RBDO and Research Thrust 2 - system prognostics and health management (PHM). In Research Thrust 1, reliability analyses under uncertainty will be carried out in both component and system levels against critical failure mechanisms. In Research Thrust 2, highly accurate and robust PHM systems will be designed for engineered systems with a single or multiple time-scale(s). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system RBDO and PHM techniques, multiple engineering case studies will be presented and discussed. Following the development of Research Thrusts 1 and 2, Research Thrust 3 - resilience-driven system design will establish a theoretical basis and design framework of engineering resilience in a mathematical and statistical context, where engineering resilience will be formulated in terms of system reliability and restoration and the proposed design framework will be demonstrated with a simplified aircraft control actuator design problem

    Leveraging deep reinforcement learning in the smart grid environment

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    L’apprentissage statistique moderne démontre des résultats impressionnants, où les or- dinateurs viennent à atteindre ou même à excéder les standards humains dans certaines applications telles que la vision par ordinateur ou les jeux de stratégie. Pourtant, malgré ces avancées, force est de constater que les applications fiables en déploiement en sont encore à leur état embryonnaire en comparaison aux opportunités qu’elles pourraient apporter. C’est dans cette perspective, avec une emphase mise sur la théorie de décision séquentielle et sur les recherches récentes en apprentissage automatique, que nous démontrons l’applica- tion efficace de ces méthodes sur des cas liés au réseau électrique et à l’optimisation de ses acteurs. Nous considérons ainsi des instances impliquant des unités d’emmagasinement éner- gétique ou des voitures électriques, jusqu’aux contrôles thermiques des bâtiments intelligents. Nous concluons finalement en introduisant une nouvelle approche hybride qui combine les performances modernes de l’apprentissage profond et de l’apprentissage par renforcement au cadre d’application éprouvé de la recherche opérationnelle classique, dans le but de faciliter l’intégration de nouvelles méthodes d’apprentissage statistique sur différentes applications concrètes.While modern statistical learning is achieving impressive results, as computers start exceeding human baselines in some applications like computer vision, or even beating pro- fessional human players at strategy games without any prior knowledge, reliable deployed applications are still in their infancy compared to what these new opportunities could fathom. In this perspective, with a keen focus on sequential decision theory and recent statistical learning research, we demonstrate efficient application of such methods on instances involving the energy grid and the optimization of its actors, from energy storage and electric cars to smart buildings and thermal controls. We conclude by introducing a new hybrid approach combining the modern performance of deep learning and reinforcement learning with the proven application framework of operations research, in the objective of facilitating seamlessly the integration of new statistical learning-oriented methodologies in concrete applications

    Efficient Quasi-Newton Methods in Trust-Region Frameworks for Training Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep Learning (DL), utilizing Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), has gained significant popularity in Machine Learning (ML) due to its wide range of applications in various domains. DL applications typically involve large-scale, highly nonlinear, and non-convex optimization problems. The objective of these optimization problems, often expressed as a finite-sum function, is to minimize the overall prediction error by optimizing the parameters of the neural network. In order to solve a DL optimization problem, interpreted as DNN training, stochastic second-order methods have recently attracted much attention. These methods leverage curvature information from the objective function and employ practical subsampling schemes to approximately evaluate the objective function and its gradient using random subsets of the available (training) data. Within this context, active research is focused on exploring strategies based on Quasi-Newton methods within both line-search and trust-region optimization frameworks. A trust-region approach is often preferred over the former one due to its ability to make progress even when some iterates are rejected, as well as its compatibility with both positive definite and indefinite Hessian approximations. Considering Quasi-Newton Hessian approximations, the thesis studies two classes of second-order trust-region methods in stochastic expansions for training DNNs as follows. In the class of standard trust-region methods, we consider well-known limited memory Quasi-Newton Hessian matrices, namely L-BFGS and L-SR1, and apply a half-overlapping subsampling for computations. We present an extensive experimental study on the resulting methods, discussing the effect of various factors on the training of different DNNs and filling a gap regarding which method yields more effective training. Then, we present a modified L-BFGS trust-region method by introducing a simple modification to the secant condition, which enhances the curvature information of the objective function, and extend it in a stochastic setting for training tasks. Finally, we devise a novel stochastic method that combines a trust-region L-SR1 second-order direction with a first-order variance-reduced stochastic gradient. Our focus in the second class is to develop standard trust-region methods for both non-monotone and stochastic expansions. Using regular fixed sample size subsampling, we investigate the efficiency of a non-monotone L-SR1 trust-region method in training through different approaches for computing the curvature information. We eventually propose a non-monotone trust-region algorithm that involves an additional sampling strategy in order to control the resulting error in function and gradient approximations due to subsampling. This novel method enjoys an adaptive sample size procedure and achieves almost sure convergence under standard assumptions. The efficiency of the algorithms presented in this study, implemented in MATLAB, is assessed by training different DNNs to solve specific problems such as image recognition and regression, and comparing their performance to well-known first- and second-order methods, including Adam and STORM.Deep Learning (DL), utilizing Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), has gained significant popularity in Machine Learning (ML) due to its wide range of applications in various domains. DL applications typically involve large-scale, highly nonlinear, and non-convex optimization problems. The objective of these optimization problems, often expressed as a finite-sum function, is to minimize the overall prediction error by optimizing the parameters of the neural network. In order to solve a DL optimization problem, interpreted as DNN training, stochastic second-order methods have recently attracted much attention. These methods leverage curvature information from the objective function and employ practical subsampling schemes to approximately evaluate the objective function and its gradient using random subsets of the available (training) data. Within this context, active research is focused on exploring strategies based on Quasi-Newton methods within both line-search and trust-region optimization frameworks. A trust-region approach is often preferred over the former one due to its ability to make progress even when some iterates are rejected, as well as its compatibility with both positive definite and indefinite Hessian approximations. Considering Quasi-Newton Hessian approximations, the thesis studies two classes of second-order trust-region methods in stochastic expansions for training DNNs as follows. In the class of standard trust-region methods, we consider well-known limited memory Quasi-Newton Hessian matrices, namely L-BFGS and L-SR1, and apply a half-overlapping subsampling for computations. We present an extensive experimental study on the resulting methods, discussing the effect of various factors on the training of different DNNs and filling a gap regarding which method yields more effective training. Then, we present a modified L-BFGS trust-region method by introducing a simple modification to the secant condition, which enhances the curvature information of the objective function, and extend it in a stochastic setting for training tasks. Finally, we devise a novel stochastic method that combines a trust-region L-SR1 second-order direction with a first-order variance-reduced stochastic gradient. Our focus in the second class is to develop standard trust-region methods for both non-monotone and stochastic expansions. Using regular fixed sample size subsampling, we investigate the efficiency of a non-monotone L-SR1 trust-region method in training through different approaches for computing the curvature information. We eventually propose a non-monotone trust-region algorithm that involves an additional sampling strategy in order to control the resulting error in function and gradient approximations due to subsampling. This novel method enjoys an adaptive sample size procedure and achieves almost sure convergence under standard assumptions. The efficiency of the algorithms presented in this study, implemented in MATLAB, is assessed by training different DNNs to solve specific problems such as image recognition and regression, and comparing their performance to well-known first- and second-order methods, including Adam and STORM

    Echo state model of non-Markovian reinforcement learning, An

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    Department Head: Dale H. Grit.2008 Spring.Includes bibliographical references (pages 137-142).There exists a growing need for intelligent, autonomous control strategies that operate in real-world domains. Theoretically the state-action space must exhibit the Markov property in order for reinforcement learning to be applicable. Empirical evidence, however, suggests that reinforcement learning also applies to domains where the state-action space is approximately Markovian, a requirement for the overwhelming majority of real-world domains. These domains, termed non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains, raise a unique set of practical challenges. The reconstruction dimension required to approximate a Markovian state-space is unknown a priori and can potentially be large. Further, spatial complexity of local function approximation of the reinforcement learning domain grows exponentially with the reconstruction dimension. Parameterized dynamic systems alleviate both embedding length and state-space dimensionality concerns by reconstructing an approximate Markovian state-space via a compact, recurrent representation. Yet this representation extracts a cost; modeling reinforcement learning domains via adaptive, parameterized dynamic systems is characterized by instability, slow-convergence, and high computational or spatial training complexity. The objectives of this research are to demonstrate a stable, convergent, accurate, and scalable model of non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains. These objectives are fulfilled via fixed point analysis of the dynamics underlying the reinforcement learning domain and the Echo State Network, a class of parameterized dynamic system. Understanding models of non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains requires understanding the interactions between learning domains and their models. Fixed point analysis of the Mountain Car Problem reinforcement learning domain, for both local and nonlocal function approximations, suggests a close relationship between the locality of the approximation and the number and severity of bifurcations of the fixed point structure. This research suggests the likely cause of this relationship: reinforcement learning domains exist within a dynamic feature space in which trajectories are analogous to states. The fixed point structure maps dynamic space onto state-space. This explanation suggests two testable hypotheses. Reinforcement learning is sensitive to state-space locality because states cluster as trajectories in time rather than space. Second, models using trajectory-based features should exhibit good modeling performance and few changes in fixed point structure. Analysis of performance of lookup table, feedforward neural network, and Echo State Network (ESN) on the Mountain Car Problem reinforcement learning domain confirm these hypotheses. The ESN is a large, sparse, randomly-generated, unadapted recurrent neural network, which adapts a linear projection of the target domain onto the hidden layer. ESN modeling results on reinforcement learning domains show it achieves performance comparable to lookup table and neural network architectures on the Mountain Car Problem with minimal changes to fixed point structure. Also, the ESN achieves lookup table caliber performance when modeling Acrobot, a four-dimensional control problem, but is less successful modeling the lower dimensional Modified Mountain Car Problem. These performance discrepancies are attributed to the ESN’s excellent ability to represent complex short term dynamics, and its inability to consolidate long temporal dependencies into a static memory. Without memory consolidation, reinforcement learning domains exhibiting attractors with multiple dynamic scales are unlikely to be well-modeled via ESN. To mediate this problem, a simple ESN memory consolidation method is presented and tested for stationary dynamic systems. These results indicate the potential to improve modeling performance in reinforcement learning domains via memory consolidation

    Vision-based neural network classifiers and their applications

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of University of LutonVisual inspection of defects is an important part of quality assurance in many fields of production. It plays a very useful role in industrial applications in order to relieve human inspectors and improve the inspection accuracy and hence increasing productivity. Research has previously been done in defect classification of wood veneers using techniques such as neural networks, and a certain degree of success has been achieved. However, to improve results in tenus of both classification accuracy and running time are necessary if the techniques are to be widely adopted in industry, which has motivated this research. This research presents a method using rough sets based neural network with fuzzy input (RNNFI). Variable precision rough set (VPRS) method is proposed to remove redundant features utilising the characteristics of VPRS for data analysis and processing. The reduced data is fuzzified to represent the feature data in a more suitable foml for input to an improved BP neural network classifier. The improved BP neural network classifier is improved in three aspects: additional momentum, self-adaptive learning rates and dynamic error segmenting. Finally, to further consummate the classifier, a uniform design CUD) approach is introduced to optimise the key parameters because UD can generate a minimal set of uniform and representative design points scattered within the experiment domain. Optimal factor settings are achieved using a response surface (RSM) model and the nonlinear quadratic programming algorithm (NLPQL). Experiments have shown that the hybrid method is capable of classifying the defects of wood veneers with a fast convergence speed and high classification accuracy, comparing with other methods such as a neural network with fuzzy input and a rough sets based neural network. The research has demonstrated a methodology for visual inspection of defects, especially for situations where there is a large amount of data and a fast running speed is required. It is expected that this method can be applied to automatic visual inspection for production lines of other products such as ceramic tiles and strip steel