4,834 research outputs found

    A Superstabilizing log(n)\log(n)-Approximation Algorithm for Dynamic Steiner Trees

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    In this paper we design and prove correct a fully dynamic distributed algorithm for maintaining an approximate Steiner tree that connects via a minimum-weight spanning tree a subset of nodes of a network (referred as Steiner members or Steiner group) . Steiner trees are good candidates to efficiently implement communication primitives such as publish/subscribe or multicast, essential building blocks for the new emergent networks (e.g. P2P, sensor or adhoc networks). The cost of the solution returned by our algorithm is at most logS\log |S| times the cost of an optimal solution, where SS is the group of members. Our algorithm improves over existing solutions in several ways. First, it tolerates the dynamism of both the group members and the network. Next, our algorithm is self-stabilizing, that is, it copes with nodes memory corruption. Last but not least, our algorithm is \emph{superstabilizing}. That is, while converging to a correct configuration (i.e., a Steiner tree) after a modification of the network, it keeps offering the Steiner tree service during the stabilization time to all members that have not been affected by this modification

    Bounding the Impact of Unbounded Attacks in Stabilization

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    Self-stabilization is a versatile approach to fault-tolerance since it permits a distributed system to recover from any transient fault that arbitrarily corrupts the contents of all memories in the system. Byzantine tolerance is an attractive feature of distributed systems that permits to cope with arbitrary malicious behaviors. Combining these two properties proved difficult: it is impossible to contain the spatial impact of Byzantine nodes in a self-stabilizing context for global tasks such as tree orientation and tree construction. We present and illustrate a new concept of Byzantine containment in stabilization. Our property, called Strong Stabilization enables to contain the impact of Byzantine nodes if they actually perform too many Byzantine actions. We derive impossibility results for strong stabilization and present strongly stabilizing protocols for tree orientation and tree construction that are optimal with respect to the number of Byzantine nodes that can be tolerated in a self-stabilizing context

    Self-Stabilization, Byzantine Containment, and Maximizable Metrics: Necessary Conditions

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    Self-stabilization is a versatile approach to fault-tolerance since it permits a distributed system to recover from any transient fault that arbitrarily corrupts the contents of all memories in the system. Byzantine tolerance is an attractive feature of distributed systems that permits to cope with arbitrary malicious behaviors. We consider the well known problem of constructing a maximum metric tree in this context. Combining these two properties leads to some impossibility results. In this paper, we provide two necessary conditions to construct maximum metric tree in presence of transients and (permanent) Byzantine faults

    Universal Loop-Free Super-Stabilization

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    We propose an univesal scheme to design loop-free and super-stabilizing protocols for constructing spanning trees optimizing any tree metrics (not only those that are isomorphic to a shortest path tree). Our scheme combines a novel super-stabilizing loop-free BFS with an existing self-stabilizing spanning tree that optimizes a given metric. The composition result preserves the best properties of both worlds: super-stabilization, loop-freedom, and optimization of the original metric without any stabilization time penalty. As case study we apply our composition mechanism to two well known metric-dependent spanning trees: the maximum-flow tree and the minimum degree spanning tree

    Fast and compact self-stabilizing verification, computation, and fault detection of an MST

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    This paper demonstrates the usefulness of distributed local verification of proofs, as a tool for the design of self-stabilizing algorithms.In particular, it introduces a somewhat generalized notion of distributed local proofs, and utilizes it for improving the time complexity significantly, while maintaining space optimality. As a result, we show that optimizing the memory size carries at most a small cost in terms of time, in the context of Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). That is, we present algorithms that are both time and space efficient for both constructing an MST and for verifying it.This involves several parts that may be considered contributions in themselves.First, we generalize the notion of local proofs, trading off the time complexity for memory efficiency. This adds a dimension to the study of distributed local proofs, which has been gaining attention recently. Specifically, we design a (self-stabilizing) proof labeling scheme which is memory optimal (i.e., O(logn)O(\log n) bits per node), and whose time complexity is O(log2n)O(\log ^2 n) in synchronous networks, or O(Δlog3n)O(\Delta \log ^3 n) time in asynchronous ones, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of nodes. This answers an open problem posed by Awerbuch and Varghese (FOCS 1991). We also show that Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) time is necessary, even in synchronous networks. Another property is that if ff faults occurred, then, within the requireddetection time above, they are detected by some node in the O(flogn)O(f\log n) locality of each of the faults.Second, we show how to enhance a known transformer that makes input/output algorithms self-stabilizing. It now takes as input an efficient construction algorithm and an efficient self-stabilizing proof labeling scheme, and produces an efficient self-stabilizing algorithm. When used for MST, the transformer produces a memory optimal self-stabilizing algorithm, whose time complexity, namely, O(n)O(n), is significantly better even than that of previous algorithms. (The time complexity of previous MST algorithms that used Ω(log2n)\Omega(\log^2 n) memory bits per node was O(n2)O(n^2), and the time for optimal space algorithms was O(nE)O(n|E|).) Inherited from our proof labelling scheme, our self-stabilising MST construction algorithm also has the following two properties: (1) if faults occur after the construction ended, then they are detected by some nodes within O(log2n)O(\log ^2 n) time in synchronous networks, or within O(Δlog3n)O(\Delta \log ^3 n) time in asynchronous ones, and (2) if ff faults occurred, then, within the required detection time above, they are detected within the O(flogn)O(f\log n) locality of each of the faults. We also show how to improve the above two properties, at the expense of some increase in the memory