5 research outputs found

    Novel Defect Terminolgy Beside Evaluation And Design Fault Tolerant Logic Gates In Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata

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    Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the important nano-level technologies for implementation of both combinational and sequential systems. QCA have the potential to achieve low power dissipation and operate high speed at THZ frequencies. However large probability of occurrence fabrication defects in QCA, is a fundamental challenge to use this emerging technology. Because of these various defects, it is necessary to obtain exhaustive recognition about these defects. In this paper a complete survey of different QCA faults are presented first. Then some techniques to improve fault tolerance in QCA circuits explained. The effects of missing cell as an important fault on XOR gate that is one of important basic building block in QCA technology is then discussed by exhaustive simulations. Improvement technique is then applied to these XOR structures and then structures are resimulated to measure their fault tolerance improvement due to using these fault tolerance technique. The result show that different QCA XOR gates have different sensitivity against this fault. After using improvement technique, the tolerance of XOR gates have been increased, furthermore in terms of sensitivity against this defect XORs show similar behavior that indicate the effectiveness of improvement have been made

    Design and simulation of a new QCA-based low-power universal gate

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    Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is recognized in electronics for its low power consumption and high-density capabilities, emerging as a potential substitute for CMOS technology. GDI (Gate Diffusion Input) technology is featured as an innovative approach for enhancing power efficiency and spatial optimization in digital circuits. This study introduces an advanced four-input Improved Gate Diffusion Input (IGDI) design specifically for QCA technology as a universal gate. A key feature of the proposed 10-cell block is the absence of cross-wiring, which significantly enhances the circuit’s operational efficiency. Its universal cell nature allows for the carrying out of various logical gates by merely altering input values, without necessitating any structural redesign. The proposed design showcases notable advancements over prior models, including a reduced cell count by 17%, a 29% decrease in total energy usage, and a 44% reduction in average energy loss. This innovative IGDI design efficiently executes 21 combinational and various sequential functions. Simulations in 18 nm technology, accompanied by energy consumption analyses, demonstrate this design’s superior performance compared to existing models in key areas such as multiplexers, comparators, and memory circuits, alongside a significant reduction in cell count

    Designing memory cells with a novel approaches based on a new multiplexer in QCA Technology

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    Transistor-based CMOS technology has many drawbacks such that it cannot continue to follow the scaling of Moore’s law in the near future. These drawbacks lead researchers to think about alternatives. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is a nanotechnology that has unique features in terms of size and power consumption. QCA has the ability to represent binary numbers by electrons configuration. The memory circuit is a very important part of the digital system. In QCA technology, there are many approaches presented to accomplish memory cells in both RAM and CAM types. CAM is a type of memory used in high-speed applications. In this thesis, novel approaches to design memory cells are proposed. The proposed approaches are based on a 2:1 multiplexer. Using the proposed approach of RAM cell, a singular form of RAM cell (SFRAMC) is accomplished. In QCA technology, researchers strive to design electronic circuits with an emphasis on minimizing important metrics such as cell count, area, delay, cost and power consumption. The SFRAMC demonstrated significant improvements, with a reduction cell count, occupied area and power consumption by 25%, 24% and 36%. In terms of implementation cost, the SFRAMC saves 43% of the cost when compared to the previous best design. On the other hand, by using the proposed approach of CAM cell, two different structures of the QCA-CAM cell have been introduced. The first proposed CAM cell (FPCAMC) gives improvements in terms of cell count, and delay by 15% and 17% respectively. The second proposed CAM cell (SPCAMC) gives improvements in terms of cell count, and delay by 6% and 17% respectively. In terms of total power consumption, both FPCAMC and SPCAMC have an improvement of about 53% over the best-reported design. The above features of the proposed memory cells (RAM and CAM) could pave the road for designing energy-efficient and cost-efficient memory circuits in the future

    Hybrid Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Nanocomputing Circuits

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    Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging transistor-less field-coupled nanocomputing (FCN) approach to ultra-scale ‘nanochip’ integration. In QCA, to represent digital circuitry, electrostatic repulsion between electrons and the mechanism of electron tunnelling in quantum dots are used. QCA technology can surpass conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology in terms of clock speed, reduced occupied chip area, and energy efficiency. To develop QCA circuits, irreversible majority gates are typically used as the primary components. Recently, some studies have introduced reversible design techniques, using reversible majority gates as the main building block, to develop ultra-energy-efficient QCA circuits. However, this approach resulted in time delays, an increase in the number of QCA cells used, and an increase in the chip area occupied. This work introduces a novel hybrid design strategy employing irreversible, reversible, and partially reversible QCA gates to establish an optimal balance between power consumption, delay time, and occupied area. This hybrid technique allows the designer to have more control over the circuit characteristics to meet different system needs. A combination of reversible, irreversible, and innovative partially reversible majority gates is used in the proposed hybrid design method. We evaluated the hybrid design method by examining the half-adder circuit as a case study. We developed four hybrid QCA half-adder circuits, each of which simultaneously incorporates various types of majority gates. The QCADesigner-E 2.2 simulation tool was used to simulate the performance and energy efficiency of the half-adders. This tool provides numerical results for the circuit input/output response and heat dissipation at the physical level within a microscopic quantum mechanical model.N/