32,694 research outputs found

    Improved algorithms for string searching problems

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    We present improved practically efficient algorithms for several string searching problems, where we search for a short string called the pattern in a longer string called the text. We are mainly interested in the online problem, where the text is not preprocessed, but we also present a light indexing approach to speed up exact searching of a single pattern. The new algorithms can be applied e.g. to many problems in bioinformatics and other content scanning and filtering problems. In addition to exact string matching, we develop algorithms for several other variations of the string matching problem. We study algorithms for approximate string matching, where a limited number of errors is allowed in the occurrences of the pattern, and parameterized string matching, where a substring of the text matches the pattern if the characters of the substring can be renamed in such a way that the renamed substring matches the pattern exactly. We also consider searching multiple patterns simultaneously and searching weighted patterns, where the weight of a character at a given position reflects the probability of that character occurring at that position. Many of the new algorithms use the backward matching principle, where the characters of the text that are aligned with the pattern are read backward, i.e. from right to left. Another common characteristic of the new algorithms is the use of q-grams, i.e. q consecutive characters are handled as a single character. Many of the new algorithms are bit parallel, i.e. they pack several variables to a single computer word and update all these variables with a single instruction. We show that the q-gram backward string matching algorithms that solve the exact, approximate, or multiple string matching problems are optimal on average. We also show that the q-gram backward string matching algorithm for the parameterized string matching problem is sublinear on average for a class of moderately repetitive patterns. All the presented algorithms are also shown to be fast in practice when compared to earlier algorithms. We also propose an alphabet sampling technique to speed up exact string matching. We choose a subset of the alphabet and select the corresponding subsequence of the text. String matching is then performed on this reduced subsequence and the found matches are verified in the original text. We show how to choose the sampled alphabet optimally and show that the technique speeds up string matching especially for moderate to long patterns

    Using multiple GPUs to accelerate string searching for digital forensic analysis

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    String searching within a large corpus of data is an important component of digital forensic (DF) analysis techniques such as file carving. The continuing increase in capacity of consumer storage devices requires corresponding im-provements to the performance of string searching techniques. As string search-ing is a trivially-parallelisable problem, GPGPU approaches are a natural fit – but previous studies have found that local storage presents an insurmountable performance bottleneck. We show that this need not be the case with modern hardware, and demonstrate substantial performance improvements from the use of single and multiple GPUs when searching for strings within a typical forensic disk image

    Ultra-high throughput string matching for deep packet inspection

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    Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) involves searching a packet's header and payload against thousands of rules to detect possible attacks. The increase in Internet usage and growing number of attacks which must be searched for has meant hardware acceleration has become essential in the prevention of DPI becoming a bottleneck to a network if used on an edge or core router. In this paper we present a new multi-pattern matching algorithm which can search for the fixed strings contained within these rules at a guaranteed rate of one character per cycle independent of the number of strings or their length. Our algorithm is based on the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm with our modifications resulting in a memory reduction of over 98% on the strings tested from the Snort ruleset. This allows the search structures needed for matching thousands of strings to be small enough to fit in the on-chip memory of an FPGA. Combined with a simple architecture for hardware, this leads to high throughput and low power consumption. Our hardware implementation uses multiple string matching engines working in parallel to search through packets. It can achieve a throughput of over 40 Gbps (OC-768) when implemented on a Stratix 3 FPGA and over 10 Gbps (OC-192) when implemented on the lower power Cyclone 3 FPGA