15,994 research outputs found

    First Evaluation of the CPU, GPGPU and MIC Architectures for Real Time Particle Tracking based on Hough Transform at the LHC

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    Recent innovations focused around {\em parallel} processing, either through systems containing multiple processors or processors containing multiple cores, hold great promise for enhancing the performance of the trigger at the LHC and extending its physics program. The flexibility of the CMS/ATLAS trigger system allows for easy integration of computational accelerators, such as NVIDIA's Tesla Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or Intel's \xphi, in the High Level Trigger. These accelerators have the potential to provide faster or more energy efficient event selection, thus opening up possibilities for new complex triggers that were not previously feasible. At the same time, it is crucial to explore the performance limits achievable on the latest generation multicore CPUs with the use of the best software optimization methods. In this article, a new tracking algorithm based on the Hough transform will be evaluated for the first time on a multi-core Intel Xeon E5-2697v2 CPU, an NVIDIA Tesla K20c GPU, and an Intel \xphi\ 7120 coprocessor. Preliminary time performance will be presented.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to JINS

    The artificial retina processor for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate

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    We present results of an R&D study for a specialized processor capable of precisely reconstructing, in pixel detectors, hundreds of charged-particle tracks from high-energy collisions at 40 MHz rate. We apply a highly parallel pattern-recognition algorithm, inspired by studies of the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature, and describe in detail an efficient hardware implementation in high-speed, high-bandwidth FPGA devices. This is the first detailed demonstration of reconstruction of offline-quality tracks at 40 MHz and makes the device suitable for processing Large Hadron Collider events at the full crossing frequency.Comment: 4th draft of WIT proceedings modified according to JINST referee's comments. 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Numerical optimization for Artificial Retina Algorithm

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    High-energy physics experiments rely on reconstruction of the trajectories of particles produced at the interaction point. This is a challenging task, especially in the high track multiplicity environment generated by p-p collisions at the LHC energies. A typical event includes hundreds of signal examples (interesting decays) and a significant amount of noise (uninteresting examples). This work describes a modification of the Artificial Retina algorithm for fast track finding: numerical optimization methods were adopted for fast local track search. This approach allows for considerable reduction of the total computational time per event. Test results on simplified simulated model of LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator) detector are presented. Also this approach is well-suited for implementation of paralleled computations as GPGPU which look very attractive in the context of upcoming detector upgrades

    A Specialized Processor for Track Reconstruction at the LHC Crossing Rate

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    We present the results of an R&D study of a specialized processor capable of precisely reconstructing events with hundreds of charged-particle tracks in pixel detectors at 40 MHz, thus suitable for processing LHC events at the full crossing frequency. For this purpose we design and test a massively parallel pattern-recognition algorithm, inspired by studies of the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature. We find that high-quality tracking in large detectors is possible with sub-ÎĽ\mus latencies when this algorithm is implemented in modern, high-speed, high-bandwidth FPGA devices. This opens a possibility of making track reconstruction happen transparently as part of the detector readout.Comment: Presented by G.Punzi at the conference on "Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics" (INSTR14), 24 Feb to 1 Mar 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia. Submitted to JINST proceeding

    Massively Parallel Computing and the Search for Jets and Black Holes at the LHC

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    Massively parallel computing at the LHC could be the next leap necessary to reach an era of new discoveries at the LHC after the Higgs discovery. Scientific computing is a critical component of the LHC experiment, including operation, trigger, LHC computing GRID, simulation, and analysis. One way to improve the physics reach of the LHC is to take advantage of the flexibility of the trigger system by integrating coprocessors based on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or the Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture into its server farm. This cutting edge technology provides not only the means to accelerate existing algorithms, but also the opportunity to develop new algorithms that select events in the trigger that previously would have evaded detection. In this article we describe new algorithms that would allow to select in the trigger new topological signatures that include non-prompt jet and black hole--like objects in the silicon tracker.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to NIM

    Online Pattern Recognition for the ALICE High Level Trigger

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    The ALICE High Level Trigger has to process data online, in order to select interesting (sub)events, or to compress data efficiently by modeling techniques.Focusing on the main data source, the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), we present two pattern recognition methods under investigation: a sequential approach "cluster finder" and "track follower") and an iterative approach ("track candidate finder" and "cluster deconvoluter"). We show, that the former is suited for pp and low multiplicity PbPb collisions, whereas the latter might be applicable for high multiplicity PbPb collisions, if it turns out, that more than 8000 charged particles would have to be reconstructed inside the TPC. Based on the developed tracking schemes we show, that using modeling techniques a compression factor of around 10 might be achievableComment: Realtime Conference 2003, Montreal, Canada to be published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), 6 pages, 8 figure

    Search by triplet: An efficient local track reconstruction algorithm for parallel architectures

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    Millions of particles are collided every second at the LHCb detector placed inside the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The particles produced as a result of these collisions pass through various detecting devices which will produce a combined raw data rate of up to 40 Tbps by 2021. These data will be fed through a data acquisition system which reconstructs individual particles and filters the collision events in real time. This process will occur in a heterogeneous farm employing exclusively off-the-shelf CPU and GPU hardware, in a two stage process known as High Level Trigger. The reconstruction of charged particle trajectories in physics detectors, also referred to as track reconstruction or tracking, determines the position, charge and momentum of particles as they pass through detectors. The Vertex Locator subdetector (VELO) is the closest such detector to the beamline, placed outside of the region where the LHCb magnet produces a sizable magnetic field. It is used to reconstruct straight particle trajectories which serve as seeds for reconstruction of other subdetectors and to locate collision vertices. The VELO subdetector will detect up to 109 particles every second, which need to be reconstructed in real time in the High Level Trigger. We present Search by triplet, an efficient track reconstruction algorithm. Our algorithm is designed to run efficiently across parallel architectures. We extend on previous work and explain the algorithm evolution since its inception. We show the scaling of our algorithm under various situations, and analyse its amortized time in terms of complexity for each of its constituent parts and profile its performance. Our algorithm is the current state-of-the-art in VELO track reconstruction on SIMT architectures, and we qualify its improvements over previous results
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