15 research outputs found

    A Fast Decodable Full-Rate STBC with High Coding Gain for 4x2 MIMO Systems

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    In this work, a new fast-decodable space-time block code (STBC) is proposed. The code is full-rate and full-diversity for 4x2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. Due to the unique structure of the codeword, the proposed code requires a much lower computational complexity to provide maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding performance. It is shown that the ML decoding complexity is only O(M^{4.5}) when M-ary square QAM constellation is used. Finally, the proposed code has highest minimum determinant among the fast-decodable STBCs known in the literature. Simulation results prove that the proposed code provides the best bit error rate (BER) performance among the state-of-the-art STBCs.Comment: 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London : United Kingdom (2013

    An Adaptive Conditional Zero-Forcing Decoder with Full-diversity, Least Complexity and Essentially-ML Performance for STBCs

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    A low complexity, essentially-ML decoding technique for the Golden code and the 3 antenna Perfect code was introduced by Sirianunpiboon, Howard and Calderbank. Though no theoretical analysis of the decoder was given, the simulations showed that this decoding technique has almost maximum-likelihood (ML) performance. Inspired by this technique, in this paper we introduce two new low complexity decoders for Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) - the Adaptive Conditional Zero-Forcing (ACZF) decoder and the ACZF decoder with successive interference cancellation (ACZF-SIC), which include as a special case the decoding technique of Sirianunpiboon et al. We show that both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are capable of achieving full-diversity, and we give sufficient conditions for an STBC to give full-diversity with these decoders. We then show that the Golden code, the 3 and 4 antenna Perfect codes, the 3 antenna Threaded Algebraic Space-Time code and the 4 antenna rate 2 code of Srinath and Rajan are all full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decodable with complexity strictly less than that of their ML decoders. Simulations show that the proposed decoding method performs identical to ML decoding for all these five codes. These STBCs along with the proposed decoding algorithm outperform all known codes in terms of decoding complexity and error performance for 2,3 and 4 transmit antennas. We further provide a lower bound on the complexity of full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding. All the five codes listed above achieve this lower bound and hence are optimal in terms of minimizing the ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding complexity. Both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are amenable to sphere decoding implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Corrected a minor typographical erro

    Asymptotically-Optimal, Fast-Decodable, Full-Diversity STBCs

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    For a family/sequence of STBCs C1,C2,\mathcal{C}_1,\mathcal{C}_2,\dots, with increasing number of transmit antennas NiN_i, with rates RiR_i complex symbols per channel use (cspcu), the asymptotic normalized rate is defined as limiRiNi\lim_{i \to \infty}{\frac{R_i}{N_i}}. A family of STBCs is said to be asymptotically-good if the asymptotic normalized rate is non-zero, i.e., when the rate scales as a non-zero fraction of the number of transmit antennas, and the family of STBCs is said to be asymptotically-optimal if the asymptotic normalized rate is 1, which is the maximum possible value. In this paper, we construct a new class of full-diversity STBCs that have the least ML decoding complexity among all known codes for any number of transmit antennas N>1N>1 and rates R>1R>1 cspcu. For a large set of (R,N)\left(R,N\right) pairs, the new codes have lower ML decoding complexity than the codes already available in the literature. Among the new codes, the class of full-rate codes (R=NR=N) are asymptotically-optimal and fast-decodable, and for N>5N>5 have lower ML decoding complexity than all other families of asymptotically-optimal, fast-decodable, full-diversity STBCs available in the literature. The construction of the new STBCs is facilitated by the following further contributions of this paper:(i) For g>1g > 1, we construct gg-group ML-decodable codes with rates greater than one cspcu. These codes are asymptotically-good too. For g>2g>2, these are the first instances of gg-group ML-decodable codes with rates greater than 11 cspcu presented in the literature. (ii) We construct a new class of fast-group-decodable codes for all even number of transmit antennas and rates 1<R5/41 < R \leq 5/4.(iii) Given a design with full-rank linear dispersion matrices, we show that a full-diversity STBC can be constructed from this design by encoding the real symbols independently using only regular PAM constellations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 tables. The title has been changed.The class of asymptotically-good multigroup ML decodable codes has been extended to a broader class of number of antennas. New fast-group-decodable codes and asymptotically-optimal, fast-decodable codes have been include

    Construction of Block Orthogonal STBCs and Reducing Their Sphere Decoding Complexity

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    Construction of high rate Space Time Block Codes (STBCs) with low decoding complexity has been studied widely using techniques such as sphere decoding and non Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoders such as the QR decomposition decoder with M paths (QRDM decoder). Recently Ren et al., presented a new class of STBCs known as the block orthogonal STBCs (BOSTBCs), which could be exploited by the QRDM decoders to achieve significant decoding complexity reduction without performance loss. The block orthogonal property of the codes constructed was however only shown via simulations. In this paper, we give analytical proofs for the block orthogonal structure of various existing codes in literature including the codes constructed in the paper by Ren et al. We show that codes formed as the sum of Clifford Unitary Weight Designs (CUWDs) or Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) exhibit block orthogonal structure. We also provide new construction of block orthogonal codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDAs) and Crossed-Product Algebras (CPAs). In addition, we show how the block orthogonal property of the STBCs can be exploited to reduce the decoding complexity of a sphere decoder using a depth first search approach. Simulation results of the decoding complexity show a 30% reduction in the number of floating point operations (FLOPS) of BOSTBCs as compared to STBCs without the block orthogonal structure.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; Minor changes in lemmas and construction

    Tensor products of nonassociative cyclic algebras

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    We study the tensor product of an associative and a nonassociative cyclic algebra. The condition for the tensor product to be a division algebra equals the classical one for the tensor product of two associative cyclic algebras by Albert or Jacobson, if the base field contains a suitable root of unity. Stronger conditions are obtained in special cases. Applications to space–time block coding are discussed

    Cyclic division algebras: a tool for space-time coding

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    Multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver ends of a wireless digital transmission channel may increase both data rate and reliability. Reliable high rate transmission over such channels can only be achieved through Space–Time coding. Rank and determinant code design criteria have been proposed to enhance diversity and coding gain. The special case of full-diversity criterion requires that the difference of any two distinct codewords has full rank. Extensive work has been done on Space–Time coding, aiming at finding fully diverse codes with high rate. Division algebras have been proposed as a new tool for constructing Space–Time codes, since they are non-commutative algebras that naturally yield linear fully diverse codes. Their algebraic properties can thus be further exploited to improve the design of good codes. The aim of this work is to provide a tutorial introduction to the algebraic tools involved in the design of codes based on cyclic division algebras. The different design criteria involved will be illustrated, including the constellation shaping, the information lossless property, the non-vanishing determinant property, and the diversity multiplexing trade-off. The final target is to give the complete mathematical background underlying the construction of the Golden code and the other Perfect Space–Time block codes

    High capacity multiuser multiantenna communication techniques

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    One of the main issues involved in the development of future wireless communication systems is the multiple access technique used to efficiently share the available spectrum among users. In rich multipath environment, spatial dimension can be exploited to meet the increasing number of users and their demands without consuming extra bandwidth and power. Therefore, it is utilized in the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology to increase the spectral efficiency significantly. However, multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) systems are still challenging to be widely adopted in next generation standards. In this thesis, new techniques are proposed to increase the channel and user capacity and improve the error performance of MU-MIMO over Rayleigh fading channel environment. For realistic system design and performance evaluation, channel correlation is considered as one of the main channel impurities due its severe influence on capacity and reliability. Two simple methods called generalized successive coloring technique (GSCT) and generalized iterative coloring technique (GICT) are proposed for accurate generation of correlated Rayleigh fading channels (CRFC). They are designed to overcome the shortcomings of existing methods by avoiding factorization of desired covariance matrix of the Gaussian samples. The superiority of these techniques is demonstrated by extensive simulations of different practical system scenarios. To mitigate the effects of channel correlations, a novel constellation constrained MU-MIMO (CC-MU-MIMO) scheme is proposed using transmit signal design and maximum likelihood joint detection (MLJD) at the receiver. It is designed to maximize the channel capacity and error performance based on principles of maximizing the minimum Euclidean distance (dmin) of composite received signals. Two signal design methods named as unequal power allocation (UPA) and rotation constellation (RC) are utilized to resolve the detection ambiguity caused by correlation. Extensive analysis and simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of considered scheme compared with conventional MU-MIMO. Furthermore, significant gain in SNR is achieved particularly in moderate to high correlations which have direct impact to maintain high user capacity. A new efficient receive antenna selection (RAS) technique referred to as phase difference based selection (PDBS) is proposed for single and multiuser MIMO systems to maximize the capacity over CRFC. It utilizes the received signal constellation to select the subset of antennas with highest (dmin) constellations due to its direct impact on the capacity and BER performance. A low complexity algorithm is designed by employing the Euclidean norm of channel matrix rows with their corresponding phase differences. Capacity analysis and simulation results show that PDBS outperforms norm based selection (NBS) and near to optimal selection (OS) for all correlation and SNR values. This technique provides fast RAS to capture most of the gains promised by multiantenna systems over different channel conditions. Finally, novel group layered MU-MIMO (GL-MU-MIMO) scheme is introduced to exploit the available spectrum for higher user capacity with affordable complexity. It takes the advantages of spatial difference among users and power control at base station to increase the number of users beyond the available number of RF chains. It is achieved by dividing the users into two groups according to their received power, high power group (HPG) and low power group (LPG). Different configurations of low complexity group layered multiuser detection (GL-MUD) and group power allocation ratio (η) are utilized to provide a valuable tradeoff between complexity and overall system performance. Furthermore, RAS diversity is incorporated by using NBS and a new selection algorithm called HPG-PDBS to increase the channel capacity and enhance the error performance. Extensive analysis and simulations demonstrate the superiority of proposed scheme compared with conventional MU-MIMO. By using appropriate value of (η), it shows higher sum rate capacity and substantial increase in the user capacity up to two-fold at target BER and SNR values