25,108 research outputs found

    Dynamic Analysis can be Improved with Automatic Test Suite Refactoring

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    Context: Developers design test suites to automatically verify that software meets its expected behaviors. Many dynamic analysis techniques are performed on the exploitation of execution traces from test cases. However, in practice, there is only one trace that results from the execution of one manually-written test case. Objective: In this paper, we propose a new technique of test suite refactoring, called B-Refactoring. The idea behind B-Refactoring is to split a test case into small test fragments, which cover a simpler part of the control flow to provide better support for dynamic analysis. Method: For a given dynamic analysis technique, our test suite refactoring approach monitors the execution of test cases and identifies small test cases without loss of the test ability. We apply B-Refactoring to assist two existing analysis tasks: automatic repair of if-statements bugs and automatic analysis of exception contracts. Results: Experimental results show that test suite refactoring can effectively simplify the execution traces of the test suite. Three real-world bugs that could previously not be fixed with the original test suite are fixed after applying B-Refactoring; meanwhile, exception contracts are better verified via applying B-Refactoring to original test suites. Conclusions: We conclude that applying B-Refactoring can effectively improve the purity of test cases. Existing dynamic analysis tasks can be enhanced by test suite refactoring

    Automatic Repair of Buggy If Conditions and Missing Preconditions with SMT

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    We present Nopol, an approach for automatically repairing buggy if conditions and missing preconditions. As input, it takes a program and a test suite which contains passing test cases modeling the expected behavior of the program and at least one failing test case embodying the bug to be repaired. It consists of collecting data from multiple instrumented test suite executions, transforming this data into a Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) problem, and translating the SMT result -- if there exists one -- into a source code patch. Nopol repairs object oriented code and allows the patches to contain nullness checks as well as specific method calls.Comment: CSTVA'2014, India (2014

    Spatial patterns of knowledge-intensive business services in cities of various sizes, morphologies and economies

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    We compare intra-urban localization patterns of advertising and IT companies in three large Czech cities. The main aim of our analysis is an empirically-based contribution to the question to what extent do knowledge bases affect the spatial distribution of various knowledge-intensive business industries. The central research question is: To what extent is the localization of these two industries influenced by different modes of innovation/knowledge bases (symbolic vs. synthetic) and to what extent by contextual factors, such as urban size, morphology, position in the urban hierarchy and economic profile of the given city. We found that the urban contexts shape the localization patterns of advertising and IT companies more than differences in knowledge bases-both industries cluster primarily in the inner cities and urban cores. Formation of more suburban IT "scientific neighborhoods" is limited.Web of Science125art. no. 184