34 research outputs found

    Design of construction, control and electronics for unstable balancing vehicle

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem konstrukce, řízení a elektroniky pro nestabilní balancující vozidlo. První část práce se zabývá stanovením požadavků na funkci a následným návrhem a výrobou konstrukce v závislosti na stanovených požadavcích a to včetně 3D modelu a výkresové dokumentace. Druhá část práce je věnována tvorbě simulačních modelů vozidla pomocí Lagrangeových rovnic II. druhu a SimMechanics. Dále je v této části proveden návrh PID a LQR řízení včetně zhodnocení výhod a nevýhod jednotlivých regulátorů pro danou aplikaci. Poslední část je věnována tvorbě elektroniky nutné pro provoz vozidla. Jedná se převážně o elektroniku výkonovou (H-můstek, nabíječka baterií, spínaný zdroj "palubního" napětí). Jsou zde obsaženy jak potřebné výpočty, tak kompletní návrh DPS a popis firmwaru pro dané zařízení.Thesis deals with design of construction, control and electronics for unstable balancing vehicle. The rst part is focused on the determination of requirements for the function and then design and manufacture of structure in line with set requirements, including 3D models and drawings. The second part is devoted to the creation of simulation models of vehicles using the Lagrange equations of the second kind and using SimMechanics. Also PID and LQR regulators are designed, including the advantages and disadvantages of each regulator for this application. The last part is focused on electronics necessary to vehicle operating. They are mainly power electronics (H-bridge, battery charger, switching supply of voltage board). There are also necessary calculations, complete PCB design and a description of the rmware for the this specifc device.

    Design and System Parameter’s Validation of the Unicycle Mobile Robot

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    Unicycle mobile robot is a robot that can move and maneuver on one wheel. The ability of this robot to stand in the upright position and move without falling down is considered a tough challenge for the researchers to conduct the investigation on it. The ideas of developing unicycle mobile robot are inspired from a human who rides a unicycle. In a real life, when a human rides a unicycle, he needs to balance his position or roll angle by moving his two arms, wrist and body in the unison manner. Meanwhile the pitch angle of the rider can be stabilized by pedalling the unicycle using the two legs back and forth, in order to control the speed and the position of the unicycle’s wheel. Besides that, the yaw angle of the unicycle is stabilized by rotating the left and the right hands synchronously. Thus, in this research, a unicycle mobile robot has been designed and fabricated. The parameter from the unicycle’s model is acquired and used as the input to its dynamic modelling which has been developed previously

    Whole-Body MPC for a Dynamically Stable Mobile Manipulator

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    Autonomous mobile manipulation offers a dual advantage of mobility provided by a mobile platform and dexterity afforded by the manipulator. In this paper, we present a whole-body optimal control framework to jointly solve the problems of manipulation, balancing and interaction as one optimization problem for an inherently unstable robot. The optimization is performed using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach; the optimal control problem is transcribed at the end-effector space, treating the position and orientation tasks in the MPC planner, and skillfully planning for end-effector contact forces. The proposed formulation evaluates how the control decisions aimed at end-effector tracking and environment interaction will affect the balance of the system in the future. We showcase the advantages of the proposed MPC approach on the example of a ball-balancing robot with a robotic manipulator and validate our controller in hardware experiments for tasks such as end-effector pose tracking and door opening

    Robust balancing and position control of a single spherical wheeled mobile platform

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    Self-balancing mobile platforms with single spherical wheel, generally called ballbots, are suitable example of underactuated systems. Balancing control of a ballbot platform, which aims to maintain the upright orientation by rejecting external disturbances, is important during station keeping or trajectory tracking. In this paper, acceleration based balancing and position control of a single spherical wheeled mobile platform that has three single-row omniwheel drive mechanism is examined. Robustness of the balancing controller is achieved by employing cascaded position, velocity and current control loops enhanced with acceleration feedback (AFB) to provide higher stiffness to the platform. The effectiveness of the proposed balancing controller is compared with commonly used optimal state feedback method. Additionally, the position controller is designed by utilizing the dynamic conversion of desired torques on the ball that are calculated from virtual control inputs generated in the inertial coordinates. Dynamical model of a ballbot platform is investigated by considering highly nonlinear couplings. Performance of the controllers are presented via simulation results where the external torques were applied on the body in order to test disturbance rejection capabilities

    Omnidirectional chassis of robots in digital factory

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem všesměrových platforem a jejich použitím v digitalizované výrobě, analýzou různých typů všesměrových podvozků rozdělením a návrhem konstrukce všesměrové robotické platformy.This bachelor thesis deals with division, contruction and use of omnidirectional platforms in digitalized manufacory, analyses different types of undercarriages and construnction of omnidirectional robotic platform.

    Optimized Control Strategies for Wheeled Humanoids and Mobile

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    Abstract-Optimizing the control of articulated mobile robots leads to emergent behaviors that improve the effectiveness, efficiency and stability of wheeled humanoids and dynamically stable mobile manipulators. Our simulated results show that optimization over the target pose, height and control parameters results in effective strategies for standing, acceleration and deceleration. These strategies improve system performance by orders of magnitude over existing controllers. This paper presents a simple controller for robot motion and an optimization method for choosing its parameters. By using whole-body articulation, we achieve new skills such as standing and unprecedented levels of performance for acceleration and deceleration of the robot base. We describe a new control architecture, present a method for optimization, and illustrate its functionality through two distinct methods of simulation

    Permanent Magnet-Assisted Omnidirectional Ball Drive

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    We present an omnidirectional ball wheel drive design that utilizes a permanent magnet as the drive roller to generate the contact force. Particularly interesting for novel human-mobile robot interaction scenarios where the users are expected to physically interact with many palm-sized robots, our design combines simplicity, low cost and compactness. We first detail our design and explain its key parameters. Then, we present our implementation and compare it with an omniwheel drive built with identical conditions and similar cost. Finally, we elaborate on the main advantages and drawbacks of our design