2 research outputs found

    A Duality-Aware Calculus for Quantified Boolean Formulas

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    Wir präsentieren ein formales Rahmenwerk, das es ermöglicht das Verhalten von QBF-Beweisen zu beschreiben.Learning and backjumping are essential features in search-based decision procedures for Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF). To obtain a better understanding of such procedures, we present a formal framework, which allows to simultaneously reason on prenex conjunctive and disjunctive normal form. It captures both satisfying and falsifying search states in a symmetric way. This symmetry simplifies the framework and offers potential for further variants.W1255-N23S11408-N23(VLID)193237

    Understanding and Extending Incremental Determinization for 2QBF

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    Incremental determinization is a recently proposed algorithm for solving quantified Boolean formulas with one quantifier alternation. In this paper, we formalize incremental determinization as a set of inference rules to help understand the design space of similar algorithms. We then present additional inference rules that extend incremental determinization in two ways. The first extension integrates the popular CEGAR principle and the second extension allows us to analyze different cases in isolation. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the extensions significantly improve the performance