4 research outputs found

    Graded Differential Categories and Graded Differential Linear Logic

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    In Linear Logic (LL\mathsf{LL}), the exponential modality !! brings forth a distinction between non-linear proofs and linear proofs, where linear means using an argument exactly once. Differential Linear Logic (DiLL\mathsf{DiLL}) is an extension of Linear Logic which includes additional rules for !! which encode differentiation and the ability of linearizing proofs. On the other hand, Graded Linear Logic (GLL\mathsf{GLL}) is a variation of Linear Logic in such a way that !! is now indexed over a semiring RR. This RR-grading allows for non-linear proofs of degree r∈Rr \in R, such that the linear proofs are of degree 1∈R1 \in R. There has been recent interest in combining these two variations of LL\mathsf{LL} together and developing Graded Differential Linear Logic (GDiLL\mathsf{GDiLL}). In this paper we present a sequent calculus for GDiLL\mathsf{GDiLL}, as well as introduce its categorical semantics, which we call graded differential categories, using both coderelictions and deriving transformations. We prove that symmetric powers always give graded differential categories, and provide other examples of graded differential categories. We also discuss graded versions of (monoidal) coalgebra modalities, additive bialgebra modalities, and the Seely isomorphisms, as well as their implementations in the sequent calculus of GDiLL\mathsf{GDiLL}.Comment: In the proceedings of MFPS2023 (appendix included

    A Complete V-Equational System for Graded lambda-Calculus

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    Modern programming frequently requires generalised notions of program equivalence based on a metric or a similar structure. Previous work addressed this challenge by introducing the notion of a V-equation, i.e. an equation labelled by an element of a quantale V, which covers inter alia (ultra-)metric, classical, and fuzzy (in)equations. It also introduced a V-equational system for the linear variant of lambda-calculus where any given resource must be used exactly once. In this paper we drop the (often too strict) linearity constraint by adding graded modal types which allow multiple uses of a resource in a controlled manner. We show that such a control, whilst providing more expressivity to the programmer, also interacts more richly with V-equations than the linear or Cartesian cases. Our main result is the introduction of a sound and complete V-equational system for a lambda-calculus with graded modal types interpreted by what we call a Lipschitz exponential comonad. We also show how to build such comonads canonically via a universal construction, and use our results to derive graded metric equational systems (and corresponding models) for programs with timed and probabilistic behaviour

    A relational theory of effects and coeffects

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    International audienceGraded modal types systems and coeffects are becoming a standard formalism to deal with context-dependent, usage-sensitive computations, especially when combined with computational effects. From a semantic perspective, effectful and coeffectful languages have been studied mostly by means of denotational semantics and almost nothing has been done from the point of view of relational reasoning. This gap in the literature is quite surprising, since many cornerstone results — such as non-interference , metric preservation , and proof irrelevance — on concrete coeffects are inherently relational. In this paper, we fill this gap by developing a general theory and calculus of program relations for higher-order languages with combined effects and coeffects. The relational calculus builds upon the novel notion of a corelator (or comonadic lax extension ) to handle coeffects relationally. Inside such a calculus, we define three notions of effectful and coeffectful program refinements: contextual approximation , logical preorder , and applicative similarity . These are the first operationally-based notions of program refinement (and, consequently, equivalence) for languages with combined effects and coeffects appearing in the literature. We show that the axiomatics of a corelator (together with the one of a relator) is precisely what is needed to prove all the aforementioned program refinements to be precongruences, this way obtaining compositional relational techniques for reasoning about combined effects and coeffects

    Quantitative program reasoning with graded modal types

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    In programming, data is often considered to be infinitely copiable, arbitrarily discardable, and universally unconstrained. However this view is naive: some data encapsulates resources that are subject to protocols (e.g., file and device handles, channels); some data should not be arbitrarily copied or communicated (e.g., private data). Linear types provide a partial remedy by delineating data in two camps: "resources" to be used but never copied or discarded, and unconstrained values. However, this binary distinction is too coarse-grained. Instead, we propose the general notion of graded modal types, which in combination with linear and indexed types, provides an expressive type theory for enforcing fine-grained resource-like properties of data. We present a type system drawing together these aspects (linear, graded, and indexed) embodied in a fully-fledged functional language implementation, called Granule. We detail the type system, including its metatheoretic properties, and explore examples in the concrete language. This work advances the wider goal of expanding the reach of type systems to capture and verify a broader set of program properties