24 research outputs found

    Extending a serial 3D two-phase CFD code to parallel execution over MPI by using the PETSc library for domain decomposition

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    To leverage the last two decades' transition in High-Performance Computing (HPC) towards clusters of compute nodes bound together with fast interconnects, a modern scalable CFD code must be able to efficiently distribute work amongst several nodes using the Message Passing Interface (MPI). MPI can enable very large simulations running on very large clusters, but it is necessary that the bulk of the CFD code be written with MPI in mind, an obstacle to parallelizing an existing serial code. In this work we present the results of extending an existing two-phase 3D Navier-Stokes solver, which was completely serial, to a parallel execution model using MPI. The 3D Navier-Stokes equations for two immiscible incompressible fluids are solved by the continuum surface force method, while the location of the interface is determined by the level-set method. We employ the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing (PETSc) for domain decomposition (DD) in a framework where only a fraction of the code needs to be altered. We study the strong and weak scaling of the resulting code. Cases are studied that are relevant to the fundamental understanding of oil/water separation in electrocoalescers.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, final version for to the CFD 2014 conferenc

    Modelling of the Shear Dilation Based Hydraulic Stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Considering Fractures in Different Scales

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    A numerical approach for modelling of shear dilation of existing fractures in hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs at low elevated pressures is presented. The fractured rock in the reservoir is modelled as a combination of explicitly represented fractures and the rock matrix surrounding these fractures. The efficient modelling of slip-induced permeability enhancement requires coupling of the fluid flow in fractured rock with the mechanical deformation of the rock matrix and the shear dilation of the fractures. For flow simulations, conductive fractures are represented in the domain as high-permeable discontinuities; therefore they dominate the overall flow behaviour. The rock matrix is represented by a low permeability, capturing the effect of small-scale fractures. For the mechanical deformation problem, the rock matrix is assumed to be a linear elastic material, while the fractures in the rock matrix are introduced as internal boundaries. The shear dilation of the fractures is calculated by a joint deformation model (JDM), which connects the shear slip in the fracture surfaces and additional permeability caused by shear displacement. The flow simulations and the mechanical deformation of the rock matrix are both obtained by finite volume discretizations. Several numerical experiments designed by resembling realistic reservoir parameters are conducted to provide better understanding of the shear dilation mechanism. Moreover, fractures present in different scales in a geothermal reservoir. Ignoring the effect of small-scale fractures to the fluid flow in the matrix may result in an overestimate of the permeability enhancement. Hence, the influence of rock matrix permeability on fracture aperture and the overall flow behaviour of the reservoir are examined.publishedVersio

    Relation Between Oceanic Plate Structure, Patterns of Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the 1922 Atacama Seismic Gap

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    We deployed a dense geodetic and seismological network in the Atacama seismic gap in Chile. We derive a microseismicity catalog of >30,000 events, time series from 70 GNSS stations, and utilize a transdimensional Bayesian inversion to estimate interplate locking. We identify two highly locked regions of different sizes whose geometries appear to control seismicity patterns. Interface seismicity concentrates beneath the coastline, just downdip of the highest locking. A region with lower locking (27.5°S–27.7°S) coincides with higher seismicity levels, a high number of repeating earthquakes and events extending toward the trench. This area is situated where the Copiapó Ridge is subducted and has shown previous indications of both seismic and aseismic slip, including an earthquake sequence in 2020. While these findings suggest that the structure of the downgoing oceanic plate prescribes patterns of interplate locking and seismicity, we note that the Taltal Ridge further north lacks a similar signature

    Reservoir characterization in an underground gas storage field using joint inversion of flow and geodetic data

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    Characterization of reservoir properties like porosity and permeability in reservoir models typically relies on history matching of production data, well pressure data, and possibly other fluid-dynamical data. Calibrated (history-matched) reservoir models are then used for forecasting production and designing effective strategies for improved oil and gas recovery. Here, we perform assimilation of both flow and deformation data for joint inversion of reservoir properties. Given the coupled nature of subsurface flow and deformation processes, joint inversion requires efficient simulation tools of coupled reservoir flow and mechanical deformation. We apply our coupled simulation tool to a real underground gas storage field in Italy. We simulate the initial gas production period and several decades of seasonal natural gas storage and production. We perform a probabilistic estimation of rock properties by joint inversion of ground deformation data from geodetic measurements and fluid flow data from wells. Using an efficient implementation of the ensemble smoother as the estimator and our coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics simulator as the forward model, we show that incorporating deformation data leads to a significant reduction of uncertainty in the prior distributions of rock properties such as porosity, permeability, and pore compressibility.Eni S.p.A. (Firm