4,486 research outputs found

    Multimodal Fusion Based on Information Gain for Emotion Recognition in the Wild

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    Image Reconstruction from Bag-of-Visual-Words

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    The objective of this work is to reconstruct an original image from Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW). Image reconstruction from features can be a means of identifying the characteristics of features. Additionally, it enables us to generate novel images via features. Although BoVW is the de facto standard feature for image recognition and retrieval, successful image reconstruction from BoVW has not been reported yet. What complicates this task is that BoVW lacks the spatial information for including visual words. As described in this paper, to estimate an original arrangement, we propose an evaluation function that incorporates the naturalness of local adjacency and the global position, with a method to obtain related parameters using an external image database. To evaluate the performance of our method, we reconstruct images of objects of 101 kinds. Additionally, we apply our method to analyze object classifiers and to generate novel images via BoVW

    Towards Adversarial Malware Detection: Lessons Learned from PDF-based Attacks

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    Malware still constitutes a major threat in the cybersecurity landscape, also due to the widespread use of infection vectors such as documents. These infection vectors hide embedded malicious code to the victim users, facilitating the use of social engineering techniques to infect their machines. Research showed that machine-learning algorithms provide effective detection mechanisms against such threats, but the existence of an arms race in adversarial settings has recently challenged such systems. In this work, we focus on malware embedded in PDF files as a representative case of such an arms race. We start by providing a comprehensive taxonomy of the different approaches used to generate PDF malware, and of the corresponding learning-based detection systems. We then categorize threats specifically targeted against learning-based PDF malware detectors, using a well-established framework in the field of adversarial machine learning. This framework allows us to categorize known vulnerabilities of learning-based PDF malware detectors and to identify novel attacks that may threaten such systems, along with the potential defense mechanisms that can mitigate the impact of such threats. We conclude the paper by discussing how such findings highlight promising research directions towards tackling the more general challenge of designing robust malware detectors in adversarial settings

    Image Analysis Based on Soft Computing and Applied on Space Shuttle During the Liftoff Process

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    Imaging techniques based on Soft Computing (SC) and developed at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) have been implemented on a variety of prototype applications related to the safety operation of the Space Shuttle during the liftoff process. These SC-based prototype applications include detection and tracking of moving Foreign Objects Debris (FOD) during the Space Shuttle liftoff, visual anomaly detection on slidewires used in the emergency egress system for the Space Shuttle at the laJlIlch pad, and visual detection of distant birds approaching the Space Shuttle launch pad. This SC-based image analysis capability developed at KSC was also used to analyze images acquired during the accident of the Space Shuttle Columbia and estimate the trajectory and velocity of the foam that caused the accident

    Automated Teeth Extraction and Dental Caries Detection in Panoramic X-ray

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    Dental caries is one of the most chronic diseases that involves the majority of people at least once during their lifetime. This expensive disease accounts for 5-10% of the healthcare budget in developing countries. Caries lesions appear as the result of dental biofi lm metabolic activity, caused by bacteria (most prominently Streptococcus mutans) feeding on uncleaned sugars and starches in oral cavity. Also known as tooth decay, they are primarily diagnosed by general dentists solely based on clinical assessments. Since in many cases dental problems cannot be detected with simple observations, dental x-ray imaging is introduced as a standard tool for domain experts, i.e. dentists and radiologists, to distinguish dental diseases, such as proximal caries. Among different dental radiography methods, Panoramic or Orthopantomogram (OPG) images are commonly performed as the initial step toward assessment. OPG images are captured with a small dose of radiation and can depict the entire patient dentition in a single image. Dental caries can sometimes be hard to identify by general dentists relying only on their visual inspection using dental radiography. Tooth decays can easily be misinterpreted as shadows due to various reasons, such as low image quality. Besides, OPG images have poor quality and structures are not presented with strong edges due to low contrast, uneven exposure, etc. Thus, disease detection is a very challenging task using Panoramic radiography. With the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dentistry, and with the introduction of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification, developing medical decision support systems is becoming a topic of interest in both academia and industry. Providing more accurate decision support systems using CNNs to assist dentists can enhance their diagnosis performance, resulting in providing improved dental care assistance for patients. In the following thesis, the first automated teeth extraction system for Panoramic images, using evolutionary algorithms, is proposed. In contrast to other intraoral radiography methods, Panoramic is captured with x-ray film outside the patient mouth. Therefore, Panoramic x-rays contain regions outside of the jaw, which make teeth segmentation extremely difficult. Considering that we solely need an image of each tooth separately to build a caries detection model, segmentation of teeth from the OPG image is essential. Due to the absence of significant pixel intensity difference between different regions in OPG radiography, teeth segmentation becomes very hard to implement. Consequently, an automated system is introduced to get an OPG as input and gives images of single teeth as the output. Since only a few research studies are utilizing similar task for Panoramic radiography, there is room for improvement. A genetic algorithm is applied along with different image processing methods to perform teeth extraction by jaw extraction, jaw separation, and teeth-gap valley detection, respectively. The proposed system is compared to the state-of-the-art in teeth extraction on other image types. After teeth are segmented from each image, a model based on various untrained and pretrained CNN-based architectures is proposed to detect dental caries for each tooth. Autoencoder-based model along with famous CNN architectures are used for feature extraction, followed by capsule networks to perform classification. The dataset of Panoramic x-rays is prepared by the authors, with help from an expert radiologist to provide labels. The proposed model has demonstrated an acceptable detection rate of 86.05%, and an increase in caries detection speed. Considering the challenges of performing such task on low quality OPG images, this work is a step towards developing a fully automated efficient caries detection model to assist domain experts

    Automated Teeth Extraction and Dental Caries Detection in Panoramic X-ray

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    Dental caries is one of the most chronic diseases that involves the majority of people at least once during their lifetime. This expensive disease accounts for 5-10% of the healthcare budget in developing countries. Caries lesions appear as the result of dental biofi lm metabolic activity, caused by bacteria (most prominently Streptococcus mutans) feeding on uncleaned sugars and starches in oral cavity. Also known as tooth decay, they are primarily diagnosed by general dentists solely based on clinical assessments. Since in many cases dental problems cannot be detected with simple observations, dental x-ray imaging is introduced as a standard tool for domain experts, i.e. dentists and radiologists, to distinguish dental diseases, such as proximal caries. Among different dental radiography methods, Panoramic or Orthopantomogram (OPG) images are commonly performed as the initial step toward assessment. OPG images are captured with a small dose of radiation and can depict the entire patient dentition in a single image. Dental caries can sometimes be hard to identify by general dentists relying only on their visual inspection using dental radiography. Tooth decays can easily be misinterpreted as shadows due to various reasons, such as low image quality. Besides, OPG images have poor quality and structures are not presented with strong edges due to low contrast, uneven exposure, etc. Thus, disease detection is a very challenging task using Panoramic radiography. With the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dentistry, and with the introduction of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification, developing medical decision support systems is becoming a topic of interest in both academia and industry. Providing more accurate decision support systems using CNNs to assist dentists can enhance their diagnosis performance, resulting in providing improved dental care assistance for patients. In the following thesis, the first automated teeth extraction system for Panoramic images, using evolutionary algorithms, is proposed. In contrast to other intraoral radiography methods, Panoramic is captured with x-ray film outside the patient mouth. Therefore, Panoramic x-rays contain regions outside of the jaw, which make teeth segmentation extremely difficult. Considering that we solely need an image of each tooth separately to build a caries detection model, segmentation of teeth from the OPG image is essential. Due to the absence of significant pixel intensity difference between different regions in OPG radiography, teeth segmentation becomes very hard to implement. Consequently, an automated system is introduced to get an OPG as input and gives images of single teeth as the output. Since only a few research studies are utilizing similar task for Panoramic radiography, there is room for improvement. A genetic algorithm is applied along with different image processing methods to perform teeth extraction by jaw extraction, jaw separation, and teeth-gap valley detection, respectively. The proposed system is compared to the state-of-the-art in teeth extraction on other image types. After teeth are segmented from each image, a model based on various untrained and pretrained CNN-based architectures is proposed to detect dental caries for each tooth. Autoencoder-based model along with famous CNN architectures are used for feature extraction, followed by capsule networks to perform classification. The dataset of Panoramic x-rays is prepared by the authors, with help from an expert radiologist to provide labels. The proposed model has demonstrated an acceptable detection rate of 86.05%, and an increase in caries detection speed. Considering the challenges of performing such task on low quality OPG images, this work is a step towards developing a fully automated efficient caries detection model to assist domain experts

    Context-aware Document-clustering Technique

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    Document clustering is an intentional act that should reflect individuals’ preferences with regard to the semantic coherency or relevant categorization of documents and should conform to the context of a target task under investigation. Thus, effective documentclustering techniques need to take into account a user’s categorization context defined by or relevant to the target task under consideration. However, existing document-clustering techniques generally anchor in pure content-based analysis and therefore are not able to facilitate context-aware document-clustering. In response, we propose a Context-Aware document-Clustering (CAC) technique that takes into consideration a user’s categorization preference (expressed as a list of anchoring terms) relevant to the context of a target task and subsequently generates a set of document clusters from this specific contextual perspective. Our empirical evaluation results suggest that our proposed CAC technique outperforms the pure content-based document-clustering technique
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