7 research outputs found

    Adaptation and parameters studies of CS algorithm for flow shop scheduling problem

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    Scheduling concerns the allocation of limited resources overtime to perform tasks to fulfill certain criterion and optimize one or several objective functions. One of the most popular models in scheduling theory is that of the flow-shop scheduling. During the last 40 years, the permutation flow-shop sequencing problem with the objective of makespan minimization has held the attraction of many researchers. This problem characterized as Fm/prmu/Cmax in the notation of Graham, involves the determination of the order of processing of n jobs on m machines. In addition, there was evidence that m-machine permutation flow-shop scheduling problem (PFSP) is strongly NP-hard for m ≥3. Due to this NP-hardness, many heuristic approaches have been proposed, this work falls within the framework of the scientific research, whose purpose is to study Cuckoo search algorithm. Also, the objective of this study is to adapt the cuckoo algorithm to a generalized permutation flow-shop problem for minimizing the total completion time, so the problem is denoted as follow: Fm | | Cmax. Simulation results are judged by the total completion time and algorithm run time for each instance processed

    Real-Time Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problems in a Flow Shop Environment Using Hybrid GA-PSO Algorithm

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    Permütasyon Akış Tipi Çizelgeleme Probleminin El Bombası Patlatma Metodu ile Çözümü

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    Üretimde kaynakların verimli kullanımı için işlerin en iyi şekilde çizelgelenmesi gerekmektedir. Gerçek hayatta çok sayıda uygulaması bulunan permütasyon akış tipi çizelgeleme problemi (PATÇP) yarım asırdan uzun süredir araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmektedir. El Bombası Patlatma Metodu (EBPM) Ahrari ve arkadaşları tarafından el bombalarının patlamalarından esinlenerek geliştirilmiş evrimsel bir algoritmadır. Bu çalışmada EBPM, permütasyon akış tipi çizelgeleme problemlerinin çözümü için uyarlanmıştır. Daha sonra metodu diğer metasezgisellerden ayıran özellik olan ajan bölgesi yarıçapının metot performansına etkisi araştırılmış ve metodun maksimum tamamlanma zamanı performans ölçütüne göre Taillard tarafından geliştirilmiş olan test problemleri üzerindeki performansları incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak EBPM’nin makul sürelerde kabul edilebilir sonuçlara ulaşabildiği ve PATÇP’lerin çözümünde kullanılabileceği görülmüştür

    Hybrid flow shop scheduling problems using improved fireworks algorithm for permutation

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    Prior studies are lacking which address permutation flow shop scheduling problems and hybrid flow shop scheduling problems together to help firms find the optimized scheduling strategy. The permutation flow shop scheduling problem and hybrid flow shop scheduling problems are important production scheduling types, which widely exist in industrial production fields. This study aimed to acquire the best scheduling strategy for making production plans. An improved fireworks algorithm is proposed to minimize the makespan in the proposed strategies. The proposed improved fireworks algorithm is compared with the fireworks algorithm, and the improvement strategies include the following: (1) A nonlinear radius is introduced and the minimum explosion amplitude is checked to avoid the waste of optimal fireworks; (2) The original Gaussian mutation operator is replaced by a hybrid operator that combines Cauchy and Gaussian mutation to improve the search ability; and (3) An elite group selection strategy is adopted to reduce the computing costs. Two instances from the permutation flow shop scheduling problem and hybrid flow shop scheduling problems were used to evaluate the improved fireworks algorithm’s performance, and the computational results demonstrate the improved fireworks algorithm’s superiority

    Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Hybrid Factor Using Dimensional Distance

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    Sessenta anos de Shop Scheduling : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Cassius Tadeu ScarpinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/02/2017Inclui referências : f. 449-492Resumo: Desde o seminal artigo de Johnson em 1954, a Programação da Produção em Shop Scheduling tem se tornado uma área relevante dentro da Pesquisa Operacional e, atualmente, duzentos trabalhos tangentes à temática são publicados anualmente. Dentre os artigos aqui citados tem-se aqueles que se dedicam à apresentação e síntese do estado da arte desse assunto, intitulados artigos de revisão. Quando tais artigos são elaborados a partir de um conjunto objetivo de critérios, relativos à categorização dos artigos selecionados, tem-se a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL). O presente trabalho realiza uma RSL em Shop Scheduling, a partir da análise de cada ambiente fabril que o compõe. Fez-se o escrutínio de 560 artigos, à luz de um conjunto de métricas, que constitui a estrutura basilar da proposta de nova taxonomia do Shop Scheduling, complementar à notação de Graham, objetivo fulcral do presente trabalho. Além disso, utilizou-se uma representação em redes dos resultados obtidos em algumas das métricas empregadas, como a característica dos itens, algo outrora inaudito em estudos de revisão desse assunto. Ademais, outro ponto relevante desse estudo repousa na identificação de campos pouco explorados, de modo a colaborar com a pesquisa futura neste tomo. Palavras-chave: Shop Scheduling. Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Taxonomia. Representação em Redes.Abstract: Since Johnson's seminal article in 1954, Shop Scheduling in Production Scheduling has become a relevant area within Operational Research, and currently hundreds of tangential works on the subject are published annually. Among the articles cited here are those dedicated to the presentation and synthesis of the state of the art of this subject, which are entitled review articles. When these articles are elaborated from an objective set of criteria, regarding the categorization of the selected articles, we have the Systematic Review of Literature (SLR). The present work performs a SLR in Shop Scheduling, based on the analysis of each manufacturing environment that composes it. There were 560 articles scrutinized based on a set of metrics, which is the basic structure of the proposed new Taxonomy of Shop Scheduling, complementary to Graham's notation, the main objective of this work. In addition to that a network representation of the results was obtained in some of the metrics used, such as the job characteristics, something previously unheard of in review studies of this subject. Moreover, another relevant point of this study lies in the identification of less explored fields in order to collaborate with future research in this matter. Keywords: Shop Scheduling. Systematic Literature Review. Taxonomy. Network Representation