2,625 research outputs found

    Arithmetic harmonic analysis for smooth quartic Weyl sums: three additive equations

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    We establish the non-singular Hasse principle for systems of three diagonal quartic equations in 32 or more variables, subject to a certain rank condition. Our methods employ the arithmetic harmonic analysis of smooth quartic Weyl sums and also a new estimate for their tenth moment.Comment: 22 page

    The Biharmonic mean

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    We briefly describe some well-known means and their properties, focusing on the relationship with integer sequences. In particular, the harmonic numbers, deriving from the harmonic mean, motivate the definition of a new kind of mean that we call the biharmonic mean. The biharmonic mean allows to introduce the biharmonic numbers, providing a new characterization for primes. Moreover, we highlight some interesting divisibility properties and we characterize the semi--prime biharmonic numbers showing their relationship with linear recurrent sequences that solve certain Diophantine equations

    Diophantine conditions and real or complex Brjuno functions

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    The continued fraction expansion of the real number x=a_0+x_0, a_0\in {\ZZ}, is given by 0\leq x_n<1, x_{n}^{-1}=a_{n+1}+ x_{n+1}, a_{n+1}\in {\NN}, for n0.n\geq 0. The Brjuno function is then B(x)=n=0x0x1...xn1ln(xn1),B(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}x_0x_1... x_{n-1}\ln(x_n^{-1}), and the number xx satisfies the Brjuno diophantine condition whenever B(x)B(x) is bounded. Invariant circles under a complex rotation persist when the map is analytically perturbed, if and only if the rotation number satisfies the Brjuno condition, and the same holds for invariant circles in the semi-standard and standard maps cases. In this lecture, we will review some properties of the Brjuno function, and give some generalisations related to familiar diophantine conditions. The Brjuno function is highly singular and takes value ++\infty on a dense set including rationals. We present a regularisation leading to a complex function holomorphic in the upper half plane. Its imaginary part tends to the Brjuno function on the real axis, the real part remaining bounded, and we also indicate its transformation under the modular group.Comment: latex jura.tex, 6 files, 19 pages Proceedings on `Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness' La Chapelle des Bois, France 1999-04-05 1999-04-10 April 5-10, 1999 [SPhT-T99/116

    Quasiperiodic Dynamics in Bose-Einstein Condensates in Periodic Lattices and Superlattices

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    We employ KAM theory to rigorously investigate quasiperiodic dynamics in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in periodic lattices and superlattices. Toward this end, we apply a coherent structure ansatz to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to obtain a parametrically forced Duffing equation describing the spatial dynamics of the condensate. For shallow-well, intermediate-well, and deep-well potentials, we find KAM tori and Aubry-Mather sets to prove that one obtains mostly quasiperiodic dynamics for condensate wave functions of sufficiently large amplitude, where the minimal amplitude depends on the experimentally adjustable BEC parameters. We show that this threshold scales with the square root of the inverse of the two-body scattering length, whereas the rotation number of tori above this threshold is proportional to the amplitude. As a consequence, one obtains the same dynamical picture for lattices of all depths, as an increase in depth essentially only affects scaling in phase space. Our approach is applicable to periodic superlattices with an arbitrary number of rationally dependent wave numbers.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures (several with multiple parts; higher-quality versions of some of them available at http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mason/papers), to appear very soon in Journal of Nonlinear Scienc

    Best possible rates of distribution of dense lattice orbits in homogeneous spaces

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    The present paper establishes upper and lower bounds on the speed of approximation in a wide range of natural Diophantine approximation problems. The upper and lower bounds coincide in many cases, giving rise to optimal results in Diophantine approximation which were inaccessible previously. Our approach proceeds by establishing, more generally, upper and lower bounds for the rate of distribution of dense orbits of a lattice subgroup Γ\Gamma in a connected Lie (or algebraic) group GG, acting on suitable homogeneous spaces G/HG/H. The upper bound is derived using a quantitative duality principle for homogeneous spaces, reducing it to a rate of convergence in the mean ergodic theorem for a family of averaging operators supported on HH and acting on G/ΓG/\Gamma. In particular, the quality of the upper bound on the rate of distribution we obtain is determined explicitly by the spectrum of HH in the automorphic representation on L2(ΓG)L^2(\Gamma\setminus G). We show that the rate is best possible when the representation in question is tempered, and show that the latter condition holds in a wide range of examples

    Rational points near planar curves and Diophantine approximation

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    In this paper, we establish asymptotic formulae with optimal errors for the number of rational points that are close to a planar curve, which unify and extend the results of Beresnevich-Dickinson-Velani and Vaughan-Velani. Furthermore, we complete the Lebesgue theory of Diophantine approximation on weakly non-degenerate planar curves that was initially developed by Beresnevich-Zorin in the divergence case.Comment: 27 pages, corrected typos, to appear in Adv. Mat