28 research outputs found

    The Powerful Triangle of Marketing Data, Managerial Judgment, and Marketing Management Support Systems

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    In this paper we conceptualize the impact of information technology on marketing decision-making. We argue that developments in information technology affect the performance of marketing decision-makers through different routes. Advances in information technology enhance the possibilities to collect data and to generate information for supporting marketing decision-making. Potentially, this will have a positive impact on decision-making performance. Managerial expertise will favor the transformation of data into market insights. However, as the cognitive capabilities of marketing managers are limited, increasing amounts of data may also increase the complexity of the decision-making context. In turn, increased complexity enhances the probability of biased decision processes (e.g., the inappropriate use of heuristics) thereby negatively affecting decision-making performance. Marketing management support systems, also being the result of advances in information technology, are tools that can help marketers to benefit from the data explosion. These systems are able to increase the value of data and, at the same time, make decision-makers less vulnerable to biased decision processes. Our analysis leads to the expectation that the combination of marketing data, managerial judgment, and marketing management support systems will be a powerful factor for improving marketing management. Implications of our analysis are discussed.decision making;decision biases;information technology;marketing management support systems

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan dan Performa pada Merchant OVO di Surabaya

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    Saat ini, layanan mobile payment di Indonesia telah berkembang, khususnya banyaknya pelaku bisnis yang telah menjadi merchant pada layanan mobile payment di Surabaya. Salah satu layanan mobile payment di Indonesia yang memiliki merchant terbanyak adalah OVO. Saat ini OVO sudah memiliki sekitar 300.000 merchant yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Surabaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui klasifikasi usaha yang sesuai dalam menggunakan layanan mobile payment sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan performa bagi merchant OVO. Pada penelitian ini melakukan penyebaran kuesioner langsung kepada setiap merchant OVO yang terdapat di berbagai wialayah Surabaya. Jumlah responden yang didapatkan sebesar 180 merchant, dengan kriteria merchant pengguna OVO di Surabaya dalam kurun waktu satu bulan. Jumlah responden yang didapatkan telah sesuai dengan yang ditargetkan. Untuk tujuan tersebut dapat diselesaikan menggunakan metode ANOVA. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji ANOVA menyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan data yang didapatkan pada kelompok merchant yang berada di kelompok usaha mikro kecil dan usaha menengah atas, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua kelompok usaha dapat menggunakan OVO untuk meningkatkan performanya

    IT Investment Management using the Real Options and Portfolio Management Approaches

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    In earlier studies dealing with IT Portfolio Management (ITPM), the risk and return have not been treated concisely and in combination with the concept of portfolio. Real Options Theory (ROT) has been suggested as a way to analyze IT investments, assuming a dynamic positioning in relation to both these variables. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze how the dimensions of ITPM combined with ROT help companies to justify and manage their IT investments, including the risks and returns. We performed a quantitative analysis in a company that invests intensively in IT. ROT was found to assist IT managers in the analysis of investments in the ITPM dimensions and allow greater flexibility in decision making and enhance the capacity to take advantage of market opportunities

    The Effect of Individual Differences, Tasks, and Decision Models on User Acceptance of Decision Support Systems

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    Past studies suggested that decision support systems (DSS) must be an “enabling” system aiming to enhance users’ capabilities and to leverage their skills and intelligence. This suggests that users be the center of DSS and users’ characteristics be an important factor of explaining their DSS acceptance behavior. Since DSS are aimed to work in semi-structured and unstructured task environment, perceived task complexity can be used to explain users’ willingness to accept DSS. Further, several studies also used decision models for investigating users’ DSS acceptance behavior. We argue that nature of DSS (based on their underlying decision models) and its interaction with individual differences also play important roles on users’ DSS acceptance behavior. With the conjecture that users’ DSS acceptance behavior directly affects the DSS usage and DSS success, our research question focuses on how do individual differences influence users’ DSS acceptance behavior with consideration of task characteristics and nature of the DSS. The contribution of this paper is multifold. First, we extend the existing understanding of effects of individual differences on users’ DSS acceptance behavior. Second, we extend two major measurements of cognitive styles (GEFT - Group Embedded Figures Test and MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) for individual differences in the context of DSS. Third, we investigate multiple task complexities and multiple DSS models. Hypotheses are developed and will be tested with an experiment of 300 plus subjects

    Social Construction of Appropriate Use of Enterprise Social Media

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    Increasingly companies and governments are turning to enterprise versions of social software to accomplish organizational goals. Unlike public social media, access to Enterprise Social Media (ESM) is normally restricted to the organization or key strategic partners. We know from research on Information Technology (IT) value, that not only is system use necessary to achieve value, but also that this use must be appropriate. System use and specifically appropriate use has received very little attention in the literature. The nature of ESM tools and the absence of specific and detailed use guidelines creates an environment where employees are encouraged to explore means to achieve value. Thus, employees invoke a dynamic and interactive process to socially construct appropriate use. This paper draws on previous research on IT value, and legitimacy to propose a conceptual model to guide future research on how appropriate use of enterprise social media is socially constructed

    The Role of IT Culture in IT Management: Searching for Individual Archetypal IT Cultural Profiles

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    This article presents findings from an ethnographic study aimed at developing a typology of IT users based upon their Individual IT Culture. Social Identity Theory and the existence of a Technologicvl Cwltural vayev in6eac~ anvividual are the two main underpinnings of this typology, which is approached in a holistic perspective of the concept of culture. This offers a new path to understanding IT adoption and diffusion in organizations, which is an alternative to traditional theories using Organizational Culture and National Culture as frameworks in IS research. Our typology, built upon users’ self identities, develops eight archetypal profiles of IT-users. Within these identities, IT-assumptions, IT-values and IT-practices compose what we present as the users’ technological cultural identities or profiles. This typology is then used to illustrate how individuals, depending on their Individual Technological Cultural Profiles, can play different roles in the socialization processes which are induced by the IT implementation projects

    The Powerful Triangle of Marketing Data, Managerial Judgment, and Marketing Management Support Systems

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    In this paper we conceptualize the impact of information technology on marketing decision-making. We argue that developments in information technology affect the performance of marketing decision-makers through different routes. Advances in information technology enhance the possibilities to collect data and to generate information for supporting marketing decision-making. Potentially, this will have a positive impact on decision-making performance. Managerial expertise will favor the transformation of data into market insights. However, as the cognitive capabilities of marketing managers are limited, increasing amounts of data may also increase the complexity of the decision-making context. In turn, increased complexity enhances the probability of biased decision processes (e.g., the inappropriate use of heuristics) thereby negatively affecting decision-making performance. Marketing management support systems, also being the result of advances in information technology, are tools that can help marketers to benefit from the data explosion. These systems are able to increase the value of data and, at the same time, make decision-makers less vulnerable to biased decision processes. Our analysis leads to the expectation that the combination of marketing data, managerial judgment, and marketing management support systems will be a powerful factor for improving marketing management. Implications of our analysis are discussed

    The Spinning Top Model, a New Path to Conceptualize Culture and Values: Applications to IS Research

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    In this conceptual study we first categorize, from existing literature, different conceptions of culture rooted in Anthropology and Sociology. We argue that these conceptions build up the logical structure of specific theoretical and empirical tools which address human/IS interactions in a cultural-based perspective. We then propose a new model of the individual’s global culture, the Spinning Top Model. We posit theoretical proposals based on this model and define a new analytical framework which can open new paths for IS research, the study of IT-related values , IT-attitudes and IT-behaviors

    Factors affecting high-level college administrators' attitudes toward information from and frequency of use of various sources of information

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the following for high-level college administrators: identify the attitudes toward arid frequency of use of information from various sources; investigate factors affecting the attitudes toward and frequency of use of information from various sources. Information sources were modeled along two dimensions, degree of systemization (formal or informal) and location of the source (internal or external to the user’s organization). A questionnaire was mailed to 155 administrators of the University of North Carolina system. These administrators held the rank of chancellor, vice chancellor, associate vice chancellor, or assistant vice chancellor. Usable responses were received from 89 of the administrators