884,874 research outputs found

    Extended Service Registry for Efficient Web Service Search

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    Service registries and web service engines are the main approaches for discovering web services. Current service directories are mainly based on Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), which is an industry standard for service registries, developed to solve the web service search problem. However, UDDI offers limited search functionalities which may return a huge number of irrelevant services. Often consumers may be unaware of precise keywords to retrieve the required services satisfactorily and may be looking for services capable of providing certain outputs. In this paper, we propose a new system called Extended Service Registry (ESR) for extended and efficient service search using an object relational database. The functional requirements are provided by the user as a set of input parameters provided for and output parameters desired from the web service. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of service search in our Extended Service Registry (ESR) and the variety of user queries supported

    Semantic-Based, Scalable, Decentralized and Dynamic Resource Discovery for Internet-Based Distributed System

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    Resource Discovery (RD) is a key issue in Internet-based distributed sytems such as grid. RD is about locating an appropriate resource/service type that matches the user's application requirements. This is very important, as resource reservation and task scheduling are based on it. Unfortunately, RD in grid is very challenging as resources and users are distributed, resources are heterogeneous in their platforms, status of the resources is dynamic (resources can join or leave the system without any prior notice) and most recently the introduction of a new type of grid called intergrid (grid of grids) with the use of multi middlewares. Such situation requires an RD system that has rich interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism features. However, existing grid RD systems have difficulties to attain these features. Not only that, they lack the review and evaluation studies, which may highlight the gap in achieving the required features. Therefore, this work discusses the problem associated with intergrid RD from two perspectives. First, reviewing and classifying the current grid RD systems in such a way that may be useful for discussing and comparing them. Second, propose a novel RD framework that has the aforementioned required RD features. In the former, we mainly focus on the studies that aim to achieve interoperability in the first place, which are known as RD systems that use semantic information (semantic technology). In particular, we classify such systems based on their qualitative use of the semantic information. We evaluate the classified studies based on their degree of accomplishment of interoperability and the other RD requirements, and draw the future research direction of this field. Meanwhile in the latter, we name the new framework as semantic-based scalable decentralized dynamic RD. The framework further contains two main components which are service description, and service registration and discovery models. The earlier consists of a set of ontologies and services. Ontologies are used as a data model for service description, whereas the services are to accomplish the description process. The service registration is also based on ontology, where nodes of the service (service providers) are classified to some classes according to the ontology concepts, which means each class represents a concept in the ontology. Each class has a head, which is elected among its own class I nodes/members. Head plays the role of a registry in its class and communicates with I the other heads of the classes in a peer to peer manner during the discovery process. We further introduce two intelligent agents to automate the discovery process which are Request Agent (RA) and Description Agent (DA). Eaclj. node is supposed to have both agents. DA describes the service capabilities based on the ontology, and RA I carries the service requests based on the ontology as well. We design a service search I algorithm for the RA that starts the service look up from the class of request origin first, then to the other classes. We finally evaluate the performance of our framework ~ith extensive simulation experiments, the result of which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed system in satisfying the required RD features (interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism). In short, our main contributions are outlined new key taxonomy for the semantic-based grid RD studies; an interoperable semantic description RD component model for intergrid services metadata representation; a semantic distributed registry architecture for indexing service metadata; and an agent-qased service search and selection algorithm. Vll

    Semantic Service Description Framework for Efficient Service Discovery and Composition

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    Web services have been widely adopted as a new distributed system technology by industries in the areas of, enterprise application integration, business process management, and virtual organisation. However, lack of semantics in current Web services standards has been a major barrier in the further improvement of service discovery and composition. For the last decade, Semantic Web Services have become an important research topic to enrich the semantics of Web services. The key objective of Semantic Web Services is to achieve automatic/semi-automatic Web service discovery, invocation, and composition. There are several existing semantic Web service description frameworks, such as, OWL-S, WSDL-S, and WSMF. However, existing frameworks have several issues, such as insufficient service usage context information, precisely specified requirements needed to locate services, lacking information about inter-service relationships, and insufficient/incomplete information handling, make the process of service discovery and composition not as efficient as it should be. To address these problems, a context-based semantic service description framework is proposed in this thesis. This framework focuses on not only capabilities of Web services, but also the usage context information of Web services, which we consider as an important factor in efficient service discovery and composition. Based on this framework, an enhanced service discovery mechanism is proposed. It gives service users more flexibility to search for services in more natural ways rather than only by technical specifications of required services. The service discovery mechanism also demonstrates how the features provided by the framework can facilitate the service discovery and composition processes. Together with the framework, a transformation method is provided to transform exiting service descriptions into the new framework based descriptions. The framework is evaluated through a scenario based analysis in comparison with OWL-S and a prototype based performance evaluation in terms of query response time, the precision and recall ratio, and system scalability

    Data Mining Techniques to Understand Textual Data

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    More than ever, information delivery online and storage heavily rely on text. Billions of texts are produced every day in the form of documents, news, logs, search queries, ad keywords, tags, tweets, messenger conversations, social network posts, etc. Text understanding is a fundamental and essential task involving broad research topics, and contributes to many applications in the areas text summarization, search engine, recommendation systems, online advertising, conversational bot and so on. However, understanding text for computers is never a trivial task, especially for noisy and ambiguous text such as logs, search queries. This dissertation mainly focuses on textual understanding tasks derived from the two domains, i.e., disaster management and IT service management that mainly utilizing textual data as an information carrier. Improving situation awareness in disaster management and alleviating human efforts involved in IT service management dictates more intelligent and efficient solutions to understand the textual data acting as the main information carrier in the two domains. From the perspective of data mining, four directions are identified: (1) Intelligently generate a storyline summarizing the evolution of a hurricane from relevant online corpus; (2) Automatically recommending resolutions according to the textual symptom description in a ticket; (3) Gradually adapting the resolution recommendation system for time correlated features derived from text; (4) Efficiently learning distributed representation for short and lousy ticket symptom descriptions and resolutions. Provided with different types of textual data, data mining techniques proposed in those four research directions successfully address our tasks to understand and extract valuable knowledge from those textual data. My dissertation will address the research topics outlined above. Concretely, I will focus on designing and developing data mining methodologies to better understand textual information, including (1) a storyline generation method for efficient summarization of natural hurricanes based on crawled online corpus; (2) a recommendation framework for automated ticket resolution in IT service management; (3) an adaptive recommendation system on time-varying temporal correlated features derived from text; (4) a deep neural ranking model not only successfully recommending resolutions but also efficiently outputting distributed representation for ticket descriptions and resolutions

    Semantic-Based, Scalable, Decentralized and Dynamic Resource Discovery for Internet-Based Distributed System

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    Resource Discovery (RD) is a key issue in Internet-based distributed sytems such as grid. RD is about locating an appropriate resource/service type that matches the user's application requirements. This is very important, as resource reservation and task scheduling are based on it. Unfortunately, RD in grid is very challenging as resources and users are distributed, resources are heterogeneous in their platforms, status of the resources is dynamic (resources can join or leave the system without any prior notice) and most recently the introduction of a new type of grid called intergrid (grid of grids) with the use of multi middlewares. Such situation requires an RD system that has rich interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism features. However, existing grid RD systems have difficulties to attain these features. Not only that, they lack the review and evaluation studies, which may highlight the gap in achieving the required features. Therefore, this work discusses the problem associated with intergrid RD from two perspectives. First, reviewing and classifying the current grid RD systems in such a way that may be useful for discussing and comparing them. Second, propose a novel RD framework that has the aforementioned required RD features. In the former, we mainly focus on the studies that aim to achieve interoperability in the first place, which are known as RD systems that use semantic information (semantic technology). In particular, we classify such systems based on their qualitative use of the semantic information. We evaluate the classified studies based on their degree of accomplishment of interoperability and the other RD requirements, and draw the future research direction of this field. Meanwhile in the latter, we name the new framework as semantic-based scalable decentralized dynamic RD. The framework further contains two main components which are service description, and service registration and discovery models. The earlier consists of a set of ontologies and services. Ontologies are used as a data model for service description, whereas the services are to accomplish the description process. The service registration is also based on ontology, where nodes of the service (service providers) are classified to some classes according to the ontology concepts, which means each class represents a concept in the ontology. Each class has a head, which is elected among its own class I nodes/members. Head plays the role of a registry in its class and communicates with I the other heads of the classes in a peer to peer manner during the discovery process. We further introduce two intelligent agents to automate the discovery process which are Request Agent (RA) and Description Agent (DA). Eaclj. node is supposed to have both agents. DA describes the service capabilities based on the ontology, and RA I carries the service requests based on the ontology as well. We design a service search I algorithm for the RA that starts the service look up from the class of request origin first, then to the other classes. We finally evaluate the performance of our framework ~ith extensive simulation experiments, the result of which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed system in satisfying the required RD features (interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism). In short, our main contributions are outlined new key taxonomy for the semantic-based grid RD studies; an interoperable semantic description RD component model for intergrid services metadata representation; a semantic distributed registry architecture for indexing service metadata; and an agent-qased service search and selection algorithm. Vll

    A Semantic-Agent Framework for PaaS Interoperability

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    Suchismita Hoare, Na Helian, and Nathan Baddoo, 'A Semantic-Agent Framework for PaaS Interoperability', in Proceedings of the The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Toulouse, France, 18-21, July 2016. DOI: 10.1109/UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP-SmartWorld.2016.0126 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) is poised for a wider adoption by its relevant stakeholders, especially Cloud application developers. Despite this, the service model is still plagued with several adoption inhibitors, one of which is lack of interoperability between proprietary application infrastructure services of public PaaS solutions. Although there is some progress in addressing the general PaaS interoperability issue through various devised solutions focused primarily on API compatibility and platform-agnostic application design models, interoperability specific to differentiated services provided by the existing public PaaS providers and the resultant disparity owing to the offered services’ semantics has not been addressed effectively, yet. The literature indicates that this dimension of PaaS interoperability is awaiting evolution in the state-of-the-art. This paper proposes the initial system design of a PaaS interoperability (IntPaaS) framework to be developed through the integration of semantic and agent technologies to enable transparent interoperability between incompatible PaaS services. This will involve uniform description through semantic annotation of PaaS provider services utilizing the OWL-S ontology, creating a knowledgebase that enables software agents to automatically search for suitable services to support Cloud-based Greenfield application development. The rest of the paper discusses the identified research problem along with the proposed solution to address the issue.Submitted Versio

    A customized semantic service retrieval methodology for the digital ecosystems environment

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    With the emergence of the Web and its pervasive intrusion on individuals, organizations, businesses etc., people now realize that they are living in a digital environment analogous to the ecological ecosystem. Consequently, no individual or organization can ignore the huge impact of the Web on social well-being, growth and prosperity, or the changes that it has brought about to the world economy, transforming it from a self-contained, isolated, and static environment to an open, connected, dynamic environment. Recently, the European Union initiated a research vision in relation to this ubiquitous digital environment, known as Digital (Business) Ecosystems. In the Digital Ecosystems environment, there exist ubiquitous and heterogeneous species, and ubiquitous, heterogeneous, context-dependent and dynamic services provided or requested by species. Nevertheless, existing commercial search engines lack sufficient semantic supports, which cannot be employed to disambiguate user queries and cannot provide trustworthy and reliable service retrieval. Furthermore, current semantic service retrieval research focuses on service retrieval in the Web service field, which cannot provide requested service retrieval functions that take into account the features of Digital Ecosystem services. Hence, in this thesis, we propose a customized semantic service retrieval methodology, enabling trustworthy and reliable service retrieval in the Digital Ecosystems environment, by considering the heterogeneous, context-dependent and dynamic nature of services and the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of service providers and service requesters in Digital Ecosystems.The customized semantic service retrieval methodology comprises: 1) a service information discovery, annotation and classification methodology; 2) a service retrieval methodology; 3) a service concept recommendation methodology; 4) a quality of service (QoS) evaluation and service ranking methodology; and 5) a service domain knowledge updating, and service-provider-based Service Description Entity (SDE) metadata publishing, maintenance and classification methodology.The service information discovery, annotation and classification methodology is designed for discovering ubiquitous service information from the Web, annotating the discovered service information with ontology mark-up languages, and classifying the annotated service information by means of specific service domain knowledge, taking into account the heterogeneous and context-dependent nature of Digital Ecosystem services and the heterogeneous nature of service providers. The methodology is realized by the prototype of a Semantic Crawler, the aim of which is to discover service advertisements and service provider profiles from webpages, and annotating the information with service domain ontologies.The service retrieval methodology enables service requesters to precisely retrieve the annotated service information, taking into account the heterogeneous nature of Digital Ecosystem service requesters. The methodology is presented by the prototype of a Service Search Engine. Since service requesters can be divided according to the group which has relevant knowledge with regard to their service requests, and the group which does not have relevant knowledge with regard to their service requests, we respectively provide two different service retrieval modules. The module for the first group enables service requesters to directly retrieve service information by querying its attributes. The module for the second group enables service requesters to interact with the search engine to denote their queries by means of service domain knowledge, and then retrieve service information based on the denoted queries.The service concept recommendation methodology concerns the issue of incomplete or incorrect queries. The methodology enables the search engine to recommend relevant concepts to service requesters, once they find that the service concepts eventually selected cannot be used to denote their service requests. We premise that there is some extent of overlap between the selected concepts and the concepts denoting service requests, as a result of the impact of service requesters’ understandings of service requests on the selected concepts by a series of human-computer interactions. Therefore, a semantic similarity model is designed that seeks semantically similar concepts based on selected concepts.The QoS evaluation and service ranking methodology is proposed to allow service requesters to evaluate the trustworthiness of a service advertisement and rank retrieved service advertisements based on their QoS values, taking into account the contextdependent nature of services in Digital Ecosystems. The core of this methodology is an extended CCCI (Correlation of Interaction, Correlation of Criterion, Clarity of Criterion, and Importance of Criterion) metrics, which allows a service requester to evaluate the performance of a service provider in a service transaction based on QoS evaluation criteria in a specific service domain. The evaluation result is then incorporated with the previous results to produce the eventual QoS value of the service advertisement in a service domain. Service requesters can rank service advertisements by considering their QoS values under each criterion in a service domain.The methodology for service domain knowledge updating, service-provider-based SDE metadata publishing, maintenance, and classification is initiated to allow: 1) knowledge users to update service domain ontologies employed in the service retrieval methodology, taking into account the dynamic nature of services in Digital Ecosystems; and 2) service providers to update their service profiles and manually annotate their published service advertisements by means of service domain knowledge, taking into account the dynamic nature of service providers in Digital Ecosystems. The methodology for service domain knowledge updating is realized by a voting system for any proposals for changes in service domain knowledge, and by assigning different weights to the votes of domain experts and normal users.In order to validate the customized semantic service retrieval methodology, we build a prototype – a Customized Semantic Service Search Engine. Based on the prototype, we test the mathematical algorithms involved in the methodology by a simulation approach and validate the proposed functions of the methodology by a functional testing approach
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