3 research outputs found

    Register file reliability enhancement through adjacent narrow-width exploitation

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    Due to the increasing vulnerability of CMOS circuits, new generations of microprocessors require an inevitable focus on reliability issues. As the Register File (RF) constitutes a critical element within the processor pipeline, it is mandatory to enhance the RF reliability to develop fault tolerant architectures. This paper proposes Adjacent Register Hardened RF (ARH), a new RF architecture that exploits the adjacent byte-level narrow-width values for hardening registers at runtime. Registers are paired together by some special switches referred to as joiners. Dummy sign bits of each register are used to keep redundant data of its counterpart register. We use 7T/14T SRAM cell [6] to combine redundant bits together to make a single bit cell which is, by far, more resilient against faults. Our simulations show that with 3% to 12% power overhead and 10% to 20% increase in area, in comparison to baseline RF, we can obtain up to 80% reduction in soft error rate (SER). © 2016 IEEE

    NS-SRAM: Neighborhood Solidarity SRAM for Reliability Enhancement of SRAM Memories

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    Technology shift and voltage scaling increased the susceptibility of Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) to errors dramatically. In this paper, we present NS-SRAM, for Neighborhood Solidarity SRAM, a new technique to enhance error resilience of SRAMs by exploiting the adjacent memory bit data. Bit cells of a memory line are paired together in circuit level to mutually increase the static noise margin and critical charge of a cell. Unlike existing techniques, NS-SRAM aims to enhance both Bit Error Rate (BER) and Soft Error rate (SER) at the same time. Due to auto-adaptive joiners, each of the adjacent cells' nodes is connected to its counterpart in the neighbor bit. NS-SRAM enhances read-stability by increasing critical Read Static Noise Margin (RSNM), thereby decreasing faults when circuit operates under voltage scaling. It also increases hold-stability and critical charge to mitigate soft-errors. By the proposed technique, reliability of SRAM based structures such as cache memories and register files can drastically be improved with comparable area overhead to existing hardening techniques. Moreover it does not require any extra-memory, does not impact the memory effective size, and has no negative impact on performance. © 2016 IEEE

    Conception de systèmes embarqués fiables et auto-réglables : applications sur les systèmes de transport ferroviaire

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    During the last few decades, a tremendous progress in the performance of semiconductor devices has been accomplished. In this emerging era of high performance applications, machines need not only to be efficient but also need to be dependable at circuit and system levels. Several works have been proposed to increase embedded systems efficiency by reducing the gap between software flexibility and hardware high-performance. Due to their reconfigurable aspect, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represented a relevant step towards bridging this performance/flexibility gap. Nevertheless, Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) has been continuously suffering from a bottleneck corresponding to a long reconfiguration time.In this thesis, we propose a novel medium-grained high-speed dynamic reconfiguration technique for DSP48E1-based circuits. The idea is to take advantage of the DSP48E1 slices runtime reprogrammability coupled with a re-routable interconnection block to change the overall circuit functionality in one clock cycle. In addition to the embedded systems efficiency, this thesis deals with the reliability chanllenges in new sub-micron electronic systems. In fact, as new technologies rely on reduced transistor size and lower supply voltages to improve performance, electronic circuits are becoming remarkably sensitive and increasingly susceptible to transient errors. The system-level impact of these errors can be far-reaching and Single Event Transients (SETs) have become a serious threat to embedded systems reliability, especially for especially for safety critical applications such as transportation systems. The reliability enhancement techniques that are based on overestimated soft error rates (SERs) can lead to unnecessary resource overheads as well as high power consumption. Considering error masking phenomena is a fundamental element for an accurate estimation of SERs.This thesis proposes a new cross-layer model of circuits vulnerability based on a combined modeling of Transistor Level (TLM) and System Level Masking (SLM) mechanisms. We then use this model to build a self adaptive fault tolerant architecture that evaluates the circuit’s effective vulnerability at runtime. Accordingly, the reliability enhancement strategy is adapted to protect only vulnerable parts of the system leading to a reliable circuit with optimized overheads. Experimentations performed on a radar-based obstacle detection system for railway transportation show that the proposed approach allows relevant reliability/resource utilization tradeoffs.Un énorme progrès dans les performances des semiconducteurs a été accompli ces dernières années. Avec l’´émergence d’applications complexes, les systèmes embarqués doivent être à la fois performants et fiables. Une multitude de travaux ont été proposés pour améliorer l’efficacité des systèmes embarqués en réduisant le décalage entre la flexibilité des solutions logicielles et la haute performance des solutions matérielles. En vertu de leur nature reconfigurable, les FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) représentent un pas considérable pour réduire ce décalage performance/flexibilité. Cependant, la reconfiguration dynamique a toujours souffert d’une limitation liée à la latence de reconfiguration.Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle technique de reconfiguration dynamiqueau niveau ”grain-moyen” pour les circuits à base de blocks DSP48E1 est proposée. L’idée est de profiter de la reprogrammabilité des blocks DSP48E1 couplée avec un circuit d’interconnection reconfigurable afin de changer la fonction implémentée par le circuit en un cycle horloge. D’autre part, comme les nouvelles technologies s’appuient sur la réduction des dimensions des transistors ainsi que les tensions d’alimentation, les circuits électroniques sont devenus de plus en plus susceptibles aux fautes transitoires. L’impact de ces erreurs au niveau système peut être catastrophique et les SETs (Single Event Transients) sont devenus une menace tangible à la fiabilité des systèmes embarqués, en l’occurrence pour les applications critiques comme les systèmes de transport. Les techniques de fiabilité qui se basent sur des taux d’erreurs (SERs) surestimés peuvent conduire à un gaspillage de ressources et par conséquent un cout en consommation de puissance électrique. Il est primordial de prendre en compte le phénomène de masquage d’erreur pour une estimation précise des SERs.Cette thèse propose une nouvelle modélisation inter-couches de la vulnérabilité des circuits qui combine les mécanismes de masquage au niveau transistor (TLM) et le masquage au niveau Système (SLM). Ce modèle est ensuite utilisé afin de construire une architecture adaptative tolérante aux fautes qui évalue la vulnérabilité effective du circuit en runtime. La stratégie d’amélioration de fiabilité est adaptée pour ne protéger que les parties vulnérables du système, ce qui engendre un circuit fiable avec un cout optimisé. Les expérimentations effectuées sur un système de détection d’obstacles à base de radar pour le transport ferroviaire montre que l’approche proposée permet d’´établir un compromis fiabilité/ressources utilisées