5,064 research outputs found

    Finding and tracking multi-density clusters in an online dynamic data stream

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Change is one of the biggest challenges in dynamic stream mining. From a data-mining perspective, adapting and tracking change is desirable in order to understand how and why change has occurred. Clustering, a form of unsupervised learning, can be used to identify the underlying patterns in a stream. Density-based clustering identifies clusters as areas of high density separated by areas of low density. This paper proposes a Multi-Density Stream Clustering (MDSC) algorithm to address these two problems; the multi-density problem and the problem of discovering and tracking changes in a dynamic stream. MDSC consists of two on-line components; discovered, labelled clusters and an outlier buffer. Incoming points are assigned to a live cluster or passed to the outlier buffer. New clusters are discovered in the buffer using an ant-inspired swarm intelligence approach. The newly discovered cluster is uniquely labelled and added to the set of live clusters. Processed data is subject to an ageing function and will disappear when it is no longer relevant. MDSC is shown to perform favourably to state-of-the-art peer stream-clustering algorithms on a range of real and synthetic data-streams. Experimental results suggest that MDSC can discover qualitatively useful patterns while being scalable and robust to noise

    FRIOD: a deeply integrated feature-rich interactive system for effective and efficient outlier detection

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    In this paper, we propose an novel interactive outlier detection system called feature-rich interactive outlier detection (FRIOD), which features a deep integration of human interaction to improve detection performance and greatly streamline the detection process. A user-friendly interactive mechanism is developed to allow easy and intuitive user interaction in all the major stages of the underlying outlier detection algorithm which includes dense cell selection, location-aware distance thresholding, and final top outlier validation. By doing so, we can mitigate the major difficulty of the competitive outlier detection methods in specifying the key parameter values, such as the density and distance thresholds. An innovative optimization approach is also proposed to optimize the grid-based space partitioning, which is a critical step of FRIOD. Such optimization fully considers the high-quality outliers it detects with the aid of human interaction. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that FRIOD can improve the quality of the detected outliers and make the detection process more intuitive, effective, and efficient

    A Density-Based Approach to the Retrieval of Top-K Spatial Textual Clusters

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    Keyword-based web queries with local intent retrieve web content that is relevant to supplied keywords and that represent points of interest that are near the query location. Two broad categories of such queries exist. The first encompasses queries that retrieve single spatial web objects that each satisfy the query arguments. Most proposals belong to this category. The second category, to which this paper's proposal belongs, encompasses queries that support exploratory user behavior and retrieve sets of objects that represent regions of space that may be of interest to the user. Specifically, the paper proposes a new type of query, namely the top-k spatial textual clusters (k-STC) query that returns the top-k clusters that (i) are located the closest to a given query location, (ii) contain the most relevant objects with regard to given query keywords, and (iii) have an object density that exceeds a given threshold. To compute this query, we propose a basic algorithm that relies on on-line density-based clustering and exploits an early stop condition. To improve the response time, we design an advanced approach that includes three techniques: (i) an object skipping rule, (ii) spatially gridded posting lists, and (iii) a fast range query algorithm. An empirical study on real data demonstrates that the paper's proposals offer scalability and are capable of excellent performance

    Optimizing Data Stream Representation: An Extensive Survey on Stream Clustering Algorithms

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    Abstract Analyzing data streams has received considerable attention over the past decades due to the widespread usage of sensors, social media and other streaming data sources. A core research area in this field is stream clustering which aims to recognize patterns in an unordered, infinite and evolving stream of observations. Clustering can be a crucial support in decision making, since it aims for an optimized aggregated representation of a continuous data stream over time and allows to identify patterns in large and high-dimensional data. A multitude of algorithms and approaches has been developed that are able to find and maintain clusters over time in the challenging streaming scenario. This survey explores, summarizes and categorizes a total of 51 stream clustering algorithms and identifies core research threads over the past decades. In particular, it identifies categories of algorithms based on distance thresholds, density grids and statistical models as well as algorithms for high dimensional data. Furthermore, it discusses applications scenarios, available software and how to configure stream clustering algorithms. This survey is considerably more extensive than comparable studies, more up-to-date and highlights how concepts are interrelated and have been developed over time

    Automatically Selecting Parameters for Graph-Based Clustering

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    Data streams present a number of challenges, caused by change in stream concepts over time. In this thesis we present a novel method for detection of concept drift within data streams by analysing geometric features of the clustering algorithm, RepStream. Further, we present novel methods for automatically adjusting critical input parameters over time, and generating self-organising nearest-neighbour graphs, improving robustness and decreasing the need to domain-specific knowledge in the face of stream evolution

    A Short Survey on Data Clustering Algorithms

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    With rapidly increasing data, clustering algorithms are important tools for data analytics in modern research. They have been successfully applied to a wide range of domains; for instance, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and financial analysis. Formally speaking, given a set of data instances, a clustering algorithm is expected to divide the set of data instances into the subsets which maximize the intra-subset similarity and inter-subset dissimilarity, where a similarity measure is defined beforehand. In this work, the state-of-the-arts clustering algorithms are reviewed from design concept to methodology; Different clustering paradigms are discussed. Advanced clustering algorithms are also discussed. After that, the existing clustering evaluation metrics are reviewed. A summary with future insights is provided at the end
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