1,155 research outputs found

    Simulation and Control of Groups of People in Multi-modal Mobility

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    Tourism and transport are constantly growing and, with it, the movements of travellers. This entails two fundamental effects on which we must focus: control of mass tourism and the organization of transport. Good transport organization and travel planning avoid crowds and therefore mass tourism. This allows promoting sustainable tourism in which it is sought to offer a quality service to tourists taking care of the environment. In this thesis the objective is to manage the flow of groups of people through means of transport. This control of groups of people is aimed at customer satisfaction by offering quality tourism. On the one hand, the study focuses on the problem to mitigate the negative effects due to mass arrivals in touristic locations. A TEN network has been developed to define the optimal tours for different groups of tourists. A related mixed integer quadratic optimization model has been developed with three main objectives: it minimizes the maximum value of occupancy in the selected destinations to limit mass tourism, reduces the divergence between the proposed visit tour and one required by the tourist group and the overall duration of their visit, and a heuristic approach has been introduced. On the other hand, it has been implemented a railway scheduling and rescheduling problem introducing optimization-based and min-max approaches on the regional and high-speed railway network. The scheduling model defines the best schedules for a set of trains considering costumers\u2019 demand and the priority of the trains to cover the rail sections in case of conflict on the railway lines. Consecutively, the generated feasible timetables are used to minimize possible consequences due to events that may negatively affect the real time traffic management. The main contribution of this section is the introduction in the second approach the innovative concept to prioritize the train that can access on the block section in case of conflicts on the network

    Buying Better For Your Money: The Smart Buyer’s Decalogue

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    There are lot of papers offering information on products and services. Some of them are potentially useful to consumers, while others remain simple and incomplete pamphlets without insight or significant research information. In their majority, these papers only analyze the consumers (in) satisfaction degree. This paper shows what to look for in comparing values of many basic frequently bought items and suggest potential good advices for valuable buys. This is more a philosophical attempt than an unreleased approach to determine what sources offering values can be used as basic personal comparisons issued on a large selectivity and low expenses. Smart shopping is a new concept that we are proposing to be studied. In our persepctive its field is greater than the simple purchase to cover a certain need that can open new areas of research, complex, n –dimensioanllz dynamic, ready to fit the new perception to see the consumer as an important busienss partner. The success in shopping is attainted when both consumer and sellers get fulfilled under a valuable partnership. With plenty of money, most could satisfy hidden and hollow hungers. But wise shopping isn’t only about money. Beyond the today shopping conditions buffing quite well, there are still people that get confusion and expenses. As such thing doesn’t make money to buy more, everything should be about buying wisely. Emotionally connected to increase personal satisfaction this can also make the shopping a sound activity. If consumers have learned their expenses lesson, this is the right time to learn something new, that shopping must be a pleasant activity in saving money, time and feelings, for both individual and society benefit.customer rights, rational purchases, smart shopping, partnership value

    SALECO coffee shop: business plan

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    The present project aims to identify the feasibility of integrate a specialty coffee shop in a cooperative of coffee farmers in Toraja (Indonesia). The main objective is providing new sources of income to the coffee farmers, which does not benefit fairly from the increase demand of coffee consumption. For this purpose, was collected information about the coffee market and performance of the cooperative Perhimpunan Petani Kopi Toraja in 2019 before Covid-19 pandemic. From data bases and market participants, as well from interviews and a survey. This data was analyzed to support the strategy definition, using the PPKT’s strengths of control the upstream supply chain of specialty Arabica coffee from Toraja, with knowledge from the experience in the industry. Capable to respond to the increase demand of coffee consumption and search for experiences. From the strategy definition it is conceptualized the business with focus on a specialty coffee shop that provides a full experience, showing and teaching the full process from the coffee plantation to the cup of coffee. Per consequence it makes the consumers perceive the high quality of this specialty coffee, while enjoying a memorable experience with all the senses involved, in the coffee shop and coffee tour. As following it is defined the marketing variables to operationalize this concept, with a consequent plan of actions to implement the project, with the economic analysis of the business plan. This economic analysis evidence an estimation of positive results, concluding the viability to proceed with the Saleco coffee shop.O presente projeto visa identificar a viabilidade de integração de uma cafeteria numa cooperativa de agricultores de café em Toraja. O objetivo principal é fornecer novas fontes de rendimento aos agricultores, que não beneficiam de forma justa do aumento da procura por café. Para isso, foram recolhidas informações sobre o mercado do café e performance da cooperativa Perhimpunan Petani Kopi Toraja a partir de bancos de dados e intervenientes no mercado, além de entrevistas e um questionário. Informação referente à pré-pandemia covid-19 Esses dados foram analisados para apoiar a definição da estratégia, usando os pontos fortes da PPKT de controlo da cadeia de abastecimento do café Arabica especial de Toraja, aliado à experiência na indústria e capacidade de responder ao aumento da procura de experiências e consumo de café. A partir da definição da estratégia conceptualiza-se o negócio com foco numa cafeteria de café especial que proporciona uma experiência completa, mostrando e ensinando todo o processo desde as plantações do café até à chávena. O que por consequência faz com que os consumidores percebam a elevada qualidade deste café especial, enquanto desfrutam de uma experiência memorável com todos os sentidos envolvidos, na cafeteria e no tour efetuado a todo este processo. A seguir são definidas as variáveis de marketing para operacionalizar este conceito, seguido de um plano de ações para a implementação do projeto, com a análise económica do plano de negócios. Esta análise económica evidencia uma estimativa de resultados positivos, concluindo a viabilidade de prosseguir com a cafeteria Saleco

    An Investigation of the Applicability of the Uses and Gratifications Theory for Providing Insight into e-Tourists’ Use of Smartphones

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    Despite the previous smartphone research in the context of travel and tourism, there is limited research based on a strong theoretical background that seeks to understand how tourists are motivated and satisfied via smartphone use. This study extended previous studies by systematically investigating and quantitatively measuring how and to what extent tourists are gratified (satisfied) by the use of smartphones during their trips based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. According to this theory, individuals choose a media platform with the anticipation that it will aid them in realizing a specific intention, the satisfaction of this need being referred to as gratification (Green 2014; Logan, 2017; Stacks & Salwen, 2009). This study investigated four constructs in terms of antecedents (i.e., motivations of using smartphones by tourists) and consequences (i.e., satisfaction with smartphones use by tourists, satisfaction referred to as gratifications). This study adopted the Uses and Gratifications Theory as a theoretical framework to explore the use of smartphones by tourists and to measure quantitatively their touristic satisfaction. U&G motivations (Social Interaction, Entertainment, Convenience, and Information) and hypotheses were developed. The respondents of the main study were tourists traveling in downtown Greenville, South Carolina, who have experiences using smartphones at the destination. To test the model for the study, a multilevel analysis (multilevel SEM) was employed to avoid statistical biases caused by common traits within group tourists and to measure potential group effects. This study also analyzed multilevel mediation in the structural equation model. It was hypothesized that the attitude construct mediates the relationship between motivations of using smartphones by tourists (independent variable or predictors) and satisfactions with smartphones use by tourists (dependent variable) in the structural model. Moreover, the relationships among constructs were tested and examined based on the theoretical background developed through a review of the literature. This study provides a classification of motivations of using smartphone use by tourists (U&G motivations) and a newly developed scale to measure satisfaction with smartphone use by tourists and their experiences, and thus it may enhance deeper our understanding of motivations of using smartphone by tourists, attitude toward the smartphone use by tourists and satisfactions with smartphone use by tourists. This study addressed specific aspects of tourism experiences. The results suggest that U&G motivations have a significant effect on tourists’ attitude toward smartphone use, which, in turn, significantly affects e-tourist satisfaction at the individual level. However, there was no group effect among U&G motivations, the attitude toward smartphone use and e-tourist satisfaction. Based on the results from this study, the most important reason that tourists used their smartphones was to obtain information during their trips to Greenville, SC. The results of this study provide practical and theoretical implications for e- tourism communication and tourism marketing

    Feasibility study on manganese nodules recovery in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone

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    The sea occupies three quarters of the area on the earth and provides various kinds of resources to mankind in the form of minerals, food, medicines and even energy. “Seabed exploitation” specifically deals with recovery of the resources that are found on the seabed, in the form of solids, liquids and gasses (methane hydrates, oil and natural gas). The resources are abundant; nevertheless the recovery process from the seabed, poses various challenges to mankind. This study starts with a review on three types of resources: polymetallic manganese nodules, polymetallic manganese crusts and massive sulphides deposits. Each of them are rich in minerals, such as manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper and some rare earth elements. They are found at many locations in the deep seas and are potentially a big source of minerals. No commercial seabed mining activity has been accomplished to date due to the great complexities in recovery. This book describes the various challenges associated with a potential underwater mineral recovery operation, reviews and analyses the existing recovery techniques, and provides an innovative engineering system. It further identifies the associated risks and a suitable business model.Chapter 1 presents a brief background about the past and present industrial trends of seabed mining. A description of the sea, seabed and the three types of seabed mineral resources are also included. A section on motivations for deep sea mining follows which also compares the latter with terrestrial mining.Chapter 2 deals with the decision making process, including a market analysis, for selecting manganese nodules as the resource of interest. This is followed by a case study specific to the location of interest: West COMRA in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. Specific site location is determined in order to estimate commercial risk, environmental impact assessment and logistic challenge.Chapter 3 lists the existing techniques for nodule recovery operation. The study identifies the main components of a nodules recovery system, and organizes them into: collector, propulsion and vertical transport systems.Chapter 4 discusses various challenges posed by manganese nodules recovery, in terms of the engineering and environment. The geo-political and legal-social issues have also been considered. This chapter plays an important role in defining the proposed engineering system, as addressing the identified challenges will better shape the proposed solution.Chapter 5 proposes an engineering system, by considering the key components in greater details. An innovative component, the black box is introduced, which is intended to be an environmentally-friendly solution for manganese nodules recovery. Other auxiliary components, such as the mother ship and metallurgical processing, are briefly included. A brief power supply analysis is also provided.Chapter 6 assesses the associated risks, which are divided into sections namely commercial viability, logistic challenges, environmental impact assessment and safety assessment. The feasibility of the proposed solution is also dealt with.Chapter 7 provides a business model for the proposed engineering system. Potential customers are identified, value proposition is determined, costumer relation is also suggested. Public awareness is then discussed and finally a SWOT analysis is presented. This business model serves as an important bridge to reach both industry and research institutes.Finally, Chapter 8 provides some conclusions and recommendation for future work

    AI-powered edge computing evolution for beyond 5G communication networks

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    Edge computing is a key enabling technology that is expected to play a crucial role in beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G communication networks. By bringing computation closer to where the data is generated, and leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities for advanced automation and orchestration, edge computing can enable a wide range of emerging applications with extreme requirements in terms of latency and computation, across multiple vertical domains. In this context, this paper first discusses the key technological challenges for the seamless integration of edge computing within B5G/6G and then presents a roadmap for the edge computing evolution, proposing a novel design approach for an open, intelligent, trustworthy, and distributed edge architecture.VERGE has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101096034.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A review of the role of sensors in mobile context-aware recommendation systems

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    Recommendation systems are specialized in offering suggestions about specific items of different types (e.g., books, movies, restaurants, and hotels) that could be interesting for the user. They have attracted considerable research attention due to their benefits and also their commercial interest. Particularly, in recent years, the concept of context-aware recommendation system has appeared to emphasize the importance of considering the context of the situations in which the user is involved in order to provide more accurate recommendations. The detection of the context requires the use of sensors of different types, which measure different context variables. Despite the relevant role played by sensors in the development of context-aware recommendation systems, sensors and recommendation approaches are two fields usually studied independently. In this paper, we provide a survey on the use of sensors for recommendation systems. Our contribution can be seen from a double perspective. On the one hand, we overview existing techniques used to detect context factors that could be relevant for recommendation. On the other hand, we illustrate the interest of sensors by considering different recommendation use cases and scenarios

    Malindi’s futures. challenges and potentials of anticipating future visions through scenario planning

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    Malindi town (population 110,000) located along the Indian Ocean coast is the largest urban center in Kilifi county, Kenya. The town's economy focuses heavily on tourism. Rapid tourism development during the 1970s and 1980s has a significant social, economic and cultural impact on the local community. Furthermore, rapid urban growth combined with Malindi's lack of urban planning regulations has led to deficient urban development decisions. In the recent decade, tourism in Malindi has declined considerably, leaving the town in socioeconomic downfall. Numerous resorts are now closed, and an alarming amount of locals find themselves unemployed and without proper training. The first strategic urban development plan for Malindi was finalized in 2016, focusing primarily on land use regulations and infrastructure development strategies. Although it acknowledges the imperative need for Malindi to diversify its economy, the current urban development plan lacks a holistic vision. This thesis explores how scenario planning can be used to create a compelling future vision for Malindi, which would shape the urban development of the town. It uses literature review for understanding the context, analysis for recognizing the current challenges and opportunities, theoretical review for arguing the use of scenario planning, and lastly, scenario making for presenting the scenario planning methodology. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the usability of scenario planning and to build knowledge regarding scenario making. Four scenarios are formed based on research and analysis. They all aim at generating urban rejuvenation; integrating local culture, values, and traditions; raising the quality of life; and empowering local communities towards economic growth. In the first two scenarios, Malindi recognizes the current decline in international touristic interest as an opportunity to redirect its strategy towards attracting more Kenyan and East African visitors. The first scenario focuses on integrating informal communities, supporting the development of local businesses, and emphasizing local culture and values. The second scenario focuses on environmental sustainability, green economic growth, and building a circular economy based on agro-industrial ecological development. The third scenario focuses on improving the livelihoods of the suburban communities and building human capacity and describes Malindi's development following the support of agricultural entrepreneurship. The final scenario explores how Malindi urban fabric develops if the local government continues to strive to attract international tourism while pursuing economic growth by supporting commerce and services. The future opportunities that emerge from the four scenarios provide meaningful insight into viable possibilities for future development of Malindi