23 research outputs found

    Representation of maxitive measures: an overview

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    Idempotent integration is an analogue of Lebesgue integration where σ\sigma-maxitive measures replace σ\sigma-additive measures. In addition to reviewing and unifying several Radon--Nikodym like theorems proven in the literature for the idempotent integral, we also prove new results of the same kind.Comment: 40 page

    The Symmetric Sugeno Integral

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    We propose an extension of the Sugeno integral for negative numbers, in the spirit of the symmetric extension of Choquet integral, also called \Sipos\ integral. Our framework is purely ordinal, since the Sugeno integral has its interest when the underlying structure is ordinal. We begin by defining negative numbers on a linearly ordered set, and we endow this new structure with a suitable algebra, very close to the ring of real numbers. In a second step, we introduce the Möbius transform on this new structure. Lastly, we define the symmetric Sugeno integral, and show its similarity with the symmetric Choquet integral.

    How regular can maxitive measures be?

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    We examine domain-valued maxitive measures defined on the Borel subsets of a topological space. Several characterizations of regularity of maxitive measures are proved, depending on the structure of the topological space. Since every regular maxitive measure is completely maxitive, this yields sufficient conditions for the existence of a cardinal density. We also show that every outer-continuous maxitive measure can be decomposed as the supremum of a regular maxitive measure and a maxitive measure that vanishes on compact subsets under appropriate conditions.Comment: 24 page

    Decomposition approaches to integration without a measure

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    Extending the idea of Even and Lehrer [3], we discuss a general approach to integration based on a given decomposition system equipped with a weighting function, and a decomposition of the integrated function. We distinguish two type of decompositions: sub-decomposition based integrals (in economics linked with optimization problems to maximize the possible profit) and super-decomposition based integrals (linked with costs minimization). We provide several examples (both theoretical and realistic) to stress that our approach generalizes that of Even and Lehrer [3] and also covers problems of linear programming and combinatorial optimization. Finally, we introduce some new types of integrals related to optimization tasks.Comment: 15 page

    A Quantile Approach to Integration with Respect to Non-additive Measures

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce some classes of aggregation functionals when the evaluation scale is a complete lattice. We focus on the notion of quantile of a lattice-valued function which have several properties of its real-valued counterpart and we study a class of aggregation functionals that generalizes Sugeno integrals to the setting of complete lattices. Then we introduce in the real-valued case some classes of aggregation functionals that extend Choquet and Sugeno integrals by considering a multiple quantile model

    Axiomatic structure of k-additive capacities

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    In this paper we deal with the problem of axiomatizing the preference relations modelled through Choquet integral with respect to a kk-additive capacity, i.e. whose Möbius transform vanishes for subsets of more than kk elements. Thus, kk-additive capacities range from probability measures (k=1k=1) to general capacities (k=nk=n). The axiomatization is done in several steps, starting from symmetric 2-additive capacities, a case related to the Gini index, and finishing with general kk-additive capacities. We put an emphasis on 2-additive capacities. Our axiomatization is done in the framework of social welfare, and complete previous results of Weymark, Gilboa and Ben Porath, and Gajdos.Axiomatic; Capacities; k-Additivity

    Qualitative integrals and desintegrals as lower and upper possibilistic expectations

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    International audienceAny capacity (i.e., an increasing set function) has been proved to be a lower possibility measure and an upper necessity measure. Similarly, it is shown that any anti-capacity (i.e., a decreasing set function) can be viewed both as an upper guaranteed possibility measure and as a lower weak necessity measure. These results are the basis for establishing that qualitative integrals (including Sugeno integrals) are lower and /or upper possibilistic expectations wrt a possibility measure, while qualitative desintegrals are upper or lower possibilistic expectations wrt a guaranteed possibility measure. The results are presented in a qualitative finite setting, the one of multiple criteria aggregation