9 research outputs found

    Automatic Deployment of Services in the Cloud with Aeolus Blender

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    International audienceWe present Aeolus Blender (Blender in the following), a software product for the automatic deployment and configuration of complex service-based, distributed software systems in the " cloud ". By relying on a configuration optimiser and a deployment planner, Blender fully automates the deployment of real-life applications on OpenStack cloud deployments , by exploiting a knowledge base of software services provided by the Mandriva Armonic tool suite. The final deployment is guaranteed to satisfy not only user requirements and relevant software dependencies , but also to be optimal with respect to the number of used virtual machines

    Optimal and Automated Deployment for Microservices

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    Microservices are highly modular and scalable Service Oriented Architectures. They underpin automated deployment practices like Continuous Deployment and Autoscaling. In this paper, we formalize these practices and show that automated deployment - proven undecidable in the general case - is algorithmically treatable for microservices. Our key assumption is that the configuration life-cycle of a microservice is split into two phases: (i) creation, which entails establishing initial connections with already available microservices, and (ii) subsequent binding/unbinding with other microservices. To illustrate the applicability of our approach, we implement an automatic optimal deployment tool and compute deployment plans for a realistic microservice architecture, modeled in the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language

    Optimal and Automated Microservice Deployment: formal definition, implementation and validation of a deployment engine

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    The main purpose of this work was to study the problem of optimal and automated deployment and reconfiguration (at the architectural level) of microservice systems, proving formal properties and realizing an implemented solution. It started from the Aeolus component model, which was used to formally define the problem of deploying component-based software systems and to prove different results about decidability and complexity. In particular, the Aeolus authors formally prove that, in the general case, such problem is undecidable. Starting from these results we expanded on the analysis of automated deployment and scaling, focusing on microservice architecture. Using a model inspired by Aeolus, considering the characteristics of microservices, we formally proved that the optimal and automated deployment and scaling for microservice architectures are algorithmically treatable. However, the decision version of the problem is NP-complete and to obtain the optimal solution it is necessary to solve an NP-optimization problem. To show the applicability of our approach we decided to also realize a model of a simple but realistic case-study. The model is developed using the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language, and to calculate the different deployment and scaling plans we used an ABS tool called SmartDepl. To solve the problem, SmartDepl relies on Zephyrus2. Zephyrus2 is a configuration optimizer that allows to compute the optimal deployment configuration of described applications. This work resulted in an extended abstract accepted at the Microservices 2019 conference in Dortmund (Germany), a paper accepted at the FASE 2019 (part of ETAPS) conference in Prague (Czech Republic), and an accepted book chapter

    Automatic deployment of component-based applications

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    International audienceIn distributed systems like those based on cloud or service-oriented frameworks, applications are typically assembled by deploying and connecting a large number of heterogeneous software components, spanning from fine-grained packages to coarse-grained complex services. Automation techniques and tools have been proposed to ease the deployment process of these complex system. By relying on a formal model of components, we describe a sound and complete algorithm for computing the sequence of actions that permits the deployment of a desired configuration even in the presence of circular dependencies among components. We give a proof for the polynomiality of the devised algorithm and exploit it to develop METIS, a tool for computing deployment plans. The validation of METIS has been performed in two ways: on the one hand, by considering artificial scenarios consisting of a huge number of different components synthesized by following typical configuration patterns and, on the other hand, by exploiting it to deploy real-life installations of a WordPress blogging service

    Aeolus: a Component Model for the Cloud

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    International audienceWe introduce the Aeolus component model, which is specifically designed to capture realistic scenarii arising when configuring and deploying distributed applications in the so-called cloud environments, where interconnected components can be deployed on clusters of heterogeneous virtual machines, which can be in turn created, destroyed, and connected on-the-fly. The full Aeolus model is able to describe several component characteristics such as dependencies, conflicts, non-functional requirements (replication requests and load limits), as well as the fact that component interfaces to the world might vary depending on the internal component state. When the number of components needed to build an application grows, it becomes important to be able to automate activities such as deployment and reconfiguration. This correspond, at the level of the model, to the ability to decide whether a desired target system configuration is reachable, which we call the achievability problem, and producing a path to reach it. In this work we show that the achievability problem is undecidable for the full Aeolus model, a strong limiting result for automated configuration in the cloud. We also show that the problem becomes decidable, but Ackermann-hard, as soon as one drops non-functional requirements. Finally, we provide a polynomial time algorithm for the further restriction of the model where support for inter-component conflicts is also removed

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing

    Eine musterbasierte Methode zur Automatisierung des Anwendungsmanagements

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    Das Management laufender GeschĂ€ftsanwendungen gehört zu den kritischen VorgĂ€ngen des IT-Betriebs, da Unachtsamkeiten zu fehlerhaften AnwendungszustĂ€nden und zum Ausfall ganzer Anwendungslandschaften fĂŒhren können. Speziell die manuelle ManagementdurchfĂŒhrung birgt aufgrund zunehmend unĂŒberschaubarer Anwendungsstrukturen, unbekannter AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen Komponenten, unzureichender Dokumentation sowie komplexer Managementwerkzeuge ein stetig grĂ¶ĂŸer werdendes wirtschaftliches Risiko. Aus diesem Grund wurden in den vergangenen Jahren neue Paradigmen und eine große Anzahl an Technologien zur Automatisierung des Anwendungsmanagements entwickelt. Die zunehmende KomplexitĂ€t von Architekturen durch verteilte Systeme, Virtualisierung von Komponenten, Cloud Computing und dem aufkommenden Internet der Dinge erfordert jedoch immer hĂ€ufiger die Kombination mehrerer dieser Managementtechnologien, um ĂŒbergeordnete Managementziele bezĂŒglich eines komplexen IT-Systems umzusetzen. Dabei treten sowohl (i) konzeptionelle als auch (ii) technische Fragestellungen auf, die von unterschiedlichen Expertengruppen in Kollaboration analysiert und gelöst werden mĂŒssen. Die Integration dieser beiden Abstraktionsebenen stellt dabei eine grundlegende Herausforderung dar, die im gegenwĂ€rtigen Anwendungsmanagement aufgrund fehlender durchgĂ€ngiger Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten zumeist unter hohem Aufwand individuell angenommen werden muss. Um diese AutomatisierungslĂŒcke zwischen den beiden Abstraktionsebenen zu schließen, stellt diese Arbeit eine hybride, musterbasierte Managementmethode namens PALMA vor. Die Methode kombiniert das deklarative mit dem imperativen Managementparadigma und ermöglicht dadurch die automatisierte Anwendung generischer Managementmuster. HĂ€ufig auftretende Managementprobleme, wie beispielsweise die Migration einer Anwendungskomponente in eine Cloud-Umgebung unter Wahrung deren VerfĂŒgbarkeit, können mittels automatisierten Managementmustern effizient fĂŒr individuelle Anwendungen gelöst und die zugehörigen Prozesse automatisiert ausgefĂŒhrt werden. Die Methode unterstĂŒtzt die Kollaboration von Experten und kann manuell, semi-automatisiert sowie vollstĂ€ndig automatisiert angewendet werden. Zur Umsetzung der Methode wird eine deklarative Sprache namens DMMN vorgestellt, welche die Modellierung von Managementaufgaben auf hoher deklarativer Abstraktionsebene unter Ausblendung technischer AusfĂŒhrungsdetails ermöglicht. Bei der automatisierten AusfĂŒhrung von Managementmustern werden deklarative Managementmodelle in dieser Sprache generiert, welche die jeweilige Musterlösung fĂŒr die betroffene Anwendung in Form der auszufĂŒhrenden Managementaufgaben abstrakt spezifizieren. Zu deren AusfĂŒhrung wird ein Transformationsverfahren vorgestellt, das deklarative Managementmodelle in ausfĂŒhrbare, imperative Prozessmodelle ĂŒbersetzt. Die Generierung dieser Prozessmodelle basiert dabei auf der Orchestrierung wiederverwendbarer Managementbausteine, die in Form von Subprozessen modelliert sind und als Management-Planlets bezeichnet werden. Durch diese Transformation werden die StĂ€rken beider Paradigmen vereint und umfangreiches Management komplexer IT-Systeme ermöglicht. Zudem wird ein musterbasiertes Verfahren vorgestellt, mithilfe dessen Managementaufgaben in deklarativen Managementmodellen automatisch auf Probleme analysiert und diesbezĂŒglich korrigiert werden können. Dadurch wird die Korrektheit der DurchfĂŒhrung gewĂ€hrleistet und der Systemadministrator bei der Modellierung der Modelle unterstĂŒtzt. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Konzepte werden im Rahmen des sogenannten PALMA-Frameworks prototypisch implementiert, um die praktische Umsetzbarkeit der theoretischen Konzepte und AnsĂ€tze zu validieren