5 research outputs found

    Expert systems for real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis

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    Methods for building real-time onboard expert systems were investigated, and the use of expert systems technology was demonstrated in improving the performance of current real-time onboard monitoring and fault diagnosis applications. The potential applications of the proposed research include an expert system environment allowing the integration of expert systems into conventional time-critical application solutions, a grammar for describing the discrete event behavior of monitoring and fault diagnosis systems, and their applications to new real-time hardware fault diagnosis and monitoring systems for aircraft

    Re-writing professional discourse.

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    The following thesis is concerned with what I have termed professional discourse. I\ud have used the term to call attention to two elements. With professional, I have\ud indicated a recent move in educational analysis and research on teachers and other\ud practitioners which represents a shift to a concern with practical activities, a tacit or\ud explicit resistance to theory, and an attempt to displace the cognitive paradigm of\ud research and theorizing. With the notion of discourse, I have indicated that, in order\ud that the as yet limited debate on professional activity be opened up, it has to be linked\ud with the discourse on practice. By the latter, I mean the opposition between practice and\ud theory at the analytical level, and its most recent unfoldings and manifestations.\ud The thesis identifies a vocabulary of practice, implicating such concepts as reflection,\ud repetition, judgment, skill, example, exemplar, and a series of oppositional terms, such\ud as saying/showing, competence/performance, explicit/implicit knowledge. These serve\ud as a link between the professional and the practical. The problematic of the\ud theory/practice relation in its various formulations is, then, explicitly addressed in the\ud work of Dreyfus, Habermas, Lyotard and Derrida.\ud The thesis claims that (a) it is Dreyfus' thesis on exemplarity that makes the link\ud possible between the professional and the practical, but (b) it is only with Habermas,\ud Lyotard and Derrida that the professional/practical discourse can take its linguistic turn.\ud Then the thesis addresses the implications of the linguistic turn. It argues that it is only\ud through an examination of the metaphysical presuppositions of the linguistic turn that\ud the claim of professional discourse to be free from the determinations of theory can be\ud assessed; in particular, the research methodologies of professional discourse have not\ud made a decision concerning metaphysics and thus they are reduced to methodological\ud technicity

    A light-weight concept ontology for annotating digital music.

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    In the recent time, the digital music items on the internet have been evolving to an enormous information space where we try to find/locate the piece of information of our choice by means of search engine. The current trend of searching for music by means of music consumers' keywords/tags is unable to provide satisfactory search results; and search and retrieval of music may be potentially improved if music metadata is created from semantic information provided by association of end-users' tags with acoustic metadata which is easy to extract automatically from digital music items. Based on this observation, our research objective was to investigate how music producers may be able to annotate music against MPEG-7 description (with its acoustic metadata) to deliver meaningful search results. In addressing this question, we investigated the potential of multimedia ontologies to serve as backbone for annotating music items and prospective application scenarios of semantic technologies in the digital music industry. We achieved with our main contribution under this thesis is the first prototype of mpeg-7Music annotation ontology that establishes a mapping of end-users tags with MPEG-7 acoustic metadata as well as extends upper level multimedia ontologies with end-user tags. Additionally, we have developed a semi-automatic annotation tool to demonstrate the potential of the mpeg-7Music ontology to serve as light weight concept ontology for annotating digital music by music producers. The proposed ontology has been encoded in dominant semantic web ontology standard OWL1.0 and provides a standard interoperable representation of the generated semantic metadata. Our innovations in designing the semantic annotation tool were focussed on supporting the music annotation vocabulary (i.e. the mpeg-7Music) in an attempt to turn the music metadata information space to a knowledgebase