18 research outputs found

    Polyominoes Simulating Arbitrary-Neighborhood Zippers and Tilings

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    This paper provides a bridge between the classical tiling theory and the complex neighborhood self-assembling situations that exist in practice. The neighborhood of a position in the plane is the set of coordinates which are considered adjacent to it. This includes classical neighborhoods of size four, as well as arbitrarily complex neighborhoods. A generalized tile system consists of a set of tiles, a neighborhood, and a relation which dictates which are the "admissible" neighboring tiles of a given tile. Thus, in correctly formed assemblies, tiles are assigned positions of the plane in accordance to this relation. We prove that any validly tiled path defined in a given but arbitrary neighborhood (a zipper) can be simulated by a simple "ribbon" of microtiles. A ribbon is a special kind of polyomino, consisting of a non-self-crossing sequence of tiles on the plane, in which successive tiles stick along their adjacent edge. Finally, we extend this construction to the case of traditional tilings, proving that we can simulate arbitrary-neighborhood tilings by simple-neighborhood tilings, while preserving some of their essential properties.Comment: Submitted to Theoretical Computer Scienc

    An aperiodic monotile

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    A longstanding open problem asks for an aperiodic monotile, also known as an "einstein": a shape that admits tilings of the plane, but never periodic tilings. We answer this problem for topological disk tiles by exhibiting a continuum of combinatorially equivalent aperiodic polygons. We first show that a representative example, the "hat" polykite, can form clusters called "metatiles", for which substitution rules can be defined. Because the metatiles admit tilings of the plane, so too does the hat. We then prove that generic members of our continuum of polygons are aperiodic, through a new kind of geometric incommensurability argument. Separately, we give a combinatorial, computer-assisted proof that the hat must form hierarchical -- and hence aperiodic -- tilings.Comment: 89 pages, 57 figures; Minor corrections, renamed "fylfot" to "triskelion", added the name "turtle", added references, new H7/H8 rules (Fig 2.11), talk about reflection

    Master index

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    Pla general, del mural cerĂ mic que decora una de les parets del vestĂ­bul de la Facultat de QuĂ­mica de la UB. El mural representa diversos sĂ­mbols relacionats amb la quĂ­mica

    Snakes in the Plane

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    Recent developments in tiling theory, primarily in the study of anisohedral shapes, have been the product of exhaustive computer searches through various classes of polygons. I present a brief background of tiling theory and past work, with particular emphasis on isohedral numbers, aperiodicity, Heesch numbers, criteria to characterize isohedral tilings, and various details that have arisen in past computer searches. I then develop and implement a new ``boundary-based'' technique, characterizing shapes as a sequence of characters representing unit length steps taken from a finite language of directions, to replace the ``area-based'' approaches of past work, which treated the Euclidean plane as a regular lattice of cells manipulated like a bitmap. The new technique allows me to reproduce and verify past results on polyforms (edge-to-edge assemblies of unit squares, regular hexagons, or equilateral triangles) and then generalize to a new class of shapes dubbed polysnakes, which past approaches could not describe. My implementation enumerates polyforms using Redelmeier's recursive generation algorithm, and enumerates polysnakes using a novel approach. The shapes produced by the enumeration are subjected to tests to either determine their isohedral number or prove they are non-tiling. My results include the description of this novel approach to testing tiling properties, a correction to previous descriptions of the criteria for characterizing isohedral tilings, the verification of some previous results on polyforms, and the discovery of two new 4-anisohedral polysnakes

    50 Years of the Golomb--Welch Conjecture

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    Since 1968, when the Golomb--Welch conjecture was raised, it has become the main motive power behind the progress in the area of the perfect Lee codes. Although there is a vast literature on the topic and it is widely believed to be true, this conjecture is far from being solved. In this paper, we provide a survey of papers on the Golomb--Welch conjecture. Further, new results on Golomb--Welch conjecture dealing with perfect Lee codes of large radii are presented. Algebraic ways of tackling the conjecture in the future are discussed as well. Finally, a brief survey of research inspired by the conjecture is given.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Packing and covering in combinatorics

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    A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture

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    The periodic tiling conjecture asserts that any finite subset of a lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d which tiles that lattice by translations, in fact tiles periodically. In this work we disprove this conjecture for sufficiently large dd, which also implies a disproof of the corresponding conjecture for Euclidean spaces Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In fact, we also obtain a counterexample in a group of the form Z2Ă—G0\mathbb{Z}^2 \times G_0 for some finite abelian 22-group G0G_0. Our methods rely on encoding a "Sudoku puzzle" whose rows and other non-horizontal lines are constrained to lie in a certain class of "22-adically structured functions", in terms of certain functional equations that can be encoded in turn as a single tiling equation, and then demonstrating that solutions to this Sudoku puzzle exist but are all non-periodic.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures. Minor changes and additions of new reference

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum