4 research outputs found

    Data Aggregation Based Proactive Data Reporting Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor networks are the grouping of tiny sensor nodes that gathers the information by sensing activeness from the surroundings similar lands, forests, hills, sea. Power saving is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks since sensor nodes are battery-powered. To achieve optimized network performance at collecting a small portion of sensed data in network is in current researches. There are many protocols available for the successful communication. Sink trail and sink trail-s are the two energy efficient proactive data reporting protocols for mobile sink based on data collection with low complexity and reduced control overhead. In wireless sensor networks, using mobile sinks mobility rather than static sink for data collection is the new trend. Recently the researches are giving the concentration on moving patterns of the mobile sink to achieve optimized network performance, collecting a small area of sensed data in the network and also reducing energy consumption is main motto of the recent searches. Sink trail and sink trail-S protocols aim to conserve energy by turning off unnecessary sensors while simultaneously preserving a constant level of routing fidelity. In the proposed system we proposed the system that provides solution over mobility problems in wireless sensor network with energy saving methodology using aggregation technique. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150616


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    Abstract-A large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), leveraging data sinks' mobility for data gathering has drawn substantial interests in recent years. Current researches either focus on planning a mobile sink's moving trajectory in advance to achieve optimized network performance, or target at collecting a small portion of sensed data in the network. In many application scenarios, however, a mobile sink cannot move freely in the deployed area. Therefore, the pre-calculated trajectories may not be applicable. To avoid constant sink location update traffics when a sink's future locations cannot be scheduled in advance, we propose two energy efficient proactive data reporting protocols, SinkTrail and SinkTrail-S, for mobile sink-based data collection. The proposed protocols feature low-complexity and reduced control overheads. Two unique aspects distinguish our approaches: 1) allow sufficient flexibility in the movement of mobile sinks to dynamically adapt to various terrestrial changes; and 2) without requirements of GPS devices or predefined landmarks. SinkTrail establishes a logical coordinate system for routing and forwarding data packets, making it suitable for diverse application scenarios. We systematically analyze the impact of several design factors in the proposed algorithms. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms reduce control overheads and yield satisfactory performance in finding shorter routing paths

    Building Evacuation with Mobile Devices

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    In der Dissertation wird ein Konzept fĂŒr ein GebĂ€udeevakuierungssystem vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht, Personen mit Hilfe mobiler EndgerĂ€te im Evakuierungsfall aus einem GebĂ€ude zu fĂŒhren. Die Dissertation gliedert sich in drei thematische Bereiche, in denen zunĂ€chst ein Konzept fĂŒr die Systemarchitektur vorgestellt wird und anschließend verschiedene Algorithmen zur Routenplanung sowie zur Lokalisierung der GerĂ€te vorgestellt und evaluiert werden