9 research outputs found

    Real-Time QoS-Aware Vehicle Tracking: An Experimental and Comparative Study

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    AbstractRecently, web service became popular for Real-time Communication (RTC). It allows bi-directional, real-time communication between web clients and server. On the other hand, Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware offers unified integration with high-performance due to its scalability, flexibility, real-time, mission-critical networks and rich QoS features. DDS is based on the publish/subscribe communication model. It improves RTC through its efficient and high-performance data delivery mechanism. This paper studies and investigates that how DDS is better for RTC. Experimental studies are conducted to compare text messaging using socket IO over DDS Web API. The result concerns the throughput satisfaction rate, round trip time and packet loss. In addition, we consider some of QoS of DDS during experimental work e.g. deadline, time based filter etc

    Middleware Support for Generic Actuation in the Internet of Mobile Things

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    As the Internet of Things is expanding towards applications in almost any sector of our economy and daily life, so is the demand of employing and integrating devices with actuation capabilities, such as smart bulbs, HVAC,smart locks, industrial machines, robots or drones. Many middleware platforms have been developed in orderto support the development of distributed IoT applications and facilitate the sensors-to-cloud communication andedge processing capabilities, but surprisingly very little has been done to provide middleware-level, support andgeneric mechanisms for discovering the devices and their interfaces, and executing the actuation commands, i.e.transferring them to the device. In this paper, we present a generic support for actuation as an extension ofContextNet, our mobile-cloud middleware for IoMT. We describe the design of the distributed actuation supportand present a proof of working implementation that enables remote control of a Sphero mobile BB-8 toy

    AVL and Monitoring for Massive Traffic Control System over DDS

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly present in people's daily lives. In this paradigm, everyday objects can connect to the Internet, interact with each other and exchange information with people. IoT operates in domains such as health and well being, logistics, industry, and smart cities. Data gathered in these domains comes from dierent devices. A frequent solution for the heterogeneity of devices is the use of middleware, which aims to serve as a basis for the development of IoT applications. IoT applications have security requirements. Among the various existing IoT middleware solutions, only a few show eorts to provide security mechanisms. The objective of this study is to facilitate the secure distribution of context data in Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) applications, through the development of a security service. The security service provides mechanisms for establishing a secure communication channel, authentication and access control. Experiments were conducted in a mobile application to compare the cost of memory and processing with and without the use of security features. Results conrm that the security features can be used without requiring excessive computational cost.A Internet das Coisas (IoT) está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano das pessoas. Neste paradigma, objetos do cotidiano podem se conectar à Internet, interagir entre si e trocar informações com pessoas. A IoT percorre diversos domínios como saúde e bem estar, logística, indústria, e cidades inteligentes. Os dados coletados nestes domínios são provenientes de diferentes dispositivos. Uma solução frequente para a heterogeneidade de dispositivos consiste no uso de middleware, o qual tem como objetivo servir de base para o desenvolvimento de aplicações IoT. Aplicações de IoT possuem requisitos de segurança. Entre as diversas soluções de middleware de IoT existentes, apenas algumas exibem esforços para prover mecanismos de segurança. O objetivo deste trabalho é facilitar a distribuição segura de dados de contexto em aplicações de Internet das Coisas Móveis (IoMT), por meio do desenvolvimento de um serviço de segurança. O serviço de segurança oferece mecanismos para o estabelecimento de comunicação segura, autenticação e controle de acesso. Experimentos foram conduzidos em uma aplicação móvel para comparar o custo de memória e processamento com e sem a utilização dos recursos de segurança. Os resultados confirmam que as funcionalidades de segurança podem ser utilizadas sem requerer excessivo custo computacional

    Servidor para processamento de dados ambientais do projeto Canary

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    Air pollution is an evil that reaches a large part of the world's population causing several diseases and consequently several deaths. To help combat and prevent this evil, a Server was developed for the Mobile Air Quality Monitoring System that makes up the Canary project. The server is responsible for processing the data received from mobile data capture devices, and sending the information generated to users ' applications in real time, as well as monitoring the information for if there are non-standard indexes, Send out the anomaly alerts. Real tests were made to analyze the correctness of its functionalities, and simulated so that the system could be tested in several existing situations in its panorama. The server proved to be very e cient in the processing of information, including the issue of alerts in the presence of anomalies. In this work, also, a RESTful API has been developed where accesses are made available to all information collected, processed, and alerts issued.A poluição do ar é um mal que atinge grande parte da população mundial ocasionando diversas doenças e, consequentemente, varias mortes. Para auxiliar o combate e a prevenção desse mal, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um Servidor para o Sistema de Monitoramento Móvel da Qualidade do Ar que compõe o Projeto Canary. O Servidor é responsável por processar os dados recebidos dos dispositivos móveis de captação dos dados, e enviar as informações geradas aos aplicativos dos usuários em tempo real, como também, monitorar as informações para caso existam índices fora do padrão, enviar alertas da anomalia. Foram feitos testes reais, para analisar a corretude de suas funcionalidades, e simulados para que o sistema pudesse ser testado em varias situações existentes do seu panorama. O servidor mostrou-se bastante e ciente no processamento das informações, inclusive na emissão dos alertas na presença de anomalias. Neste trabalho, também, foi desenvolvido uma API RESTful onde é disponibilizada os acessos as todas informações coletadas, processadas e alertas emitidos

    Development of Communication Link Perception for Decision Making in Mobile Agents

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    Examination and comparison of Packet Error Rate (PER), Error Burstiness (EB), and Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as communication connectivity management metrics for multi-agent mobile robot networks are explored in this thesis. Assessment Accuracy (AA) and Time To Process (TTP) are used as parameters for the comparison of metrics given that mobile robots are required to make critical decisions rapidly. The initial investigations are done with a mobile unit making PER, EB, and RSSI measurements at an increasing distance from a base station. A relatively linear relationship between PER and EB was discovered with a R2 value of .967. Strong correlations between EB and PER were observed in areas between 0% and 50% PER. A communication aware algorithm was developed using both EB and PER to allow the mobile agent to assess the Link Quality (LQ) faster in scenarios of communication loss by scanning for error bursts

    VideoLib: um middleware escalável para o desenvolvimento de aplicações multimídia de tempo real

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    In the past few year there has been an increase in the demand for applications based on the distribution of video over the Internet. As these technologies became more popular, several areas of knowledge started to take advantage of their features. Thus, several collaborative environments have been developed using video streams as the media of communication. From videoconferencing to educational telemedicine video transmissions, these collaborative applications usually take a long time to be configured and deployed. They also frequently limit the number of participants in a single session. This dissertation proposes a scalable architecture and a middleware that enable the quick development and deployment of video sharing applications in real time. It provides a very low configuration overhead when compared to traditional solutions and supports a great number of users providing and consuming videos simultaneously.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqNos últimos anos, tem-se observado um aumento na oferta e demanda de aplicações baseadas na disseminação de vídeo pela internet. Com a popularização dessas tecnologias, outras áreas do conhecimento começaram a utilizar suas funcionalidades, surgindo assim ambientes colaborativos que utilizam o vídeo como meio principal na troca de informação. De videoconferências até transmissões educacionais voltadas para a telemedicina, as etapas de configuração e implantação dessas aplicações costumam tomar muito tempo, além de comumente limitarem o número de participantes em uma mesma sessão. Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura escalável e um middleware que a utiliza que permitem o rápido desenvolvimento e implantação de aplicações de compartilhamento de vídeo em tempo real. Ele possui etapas de implantação mais simples que soluções tradicionais e suporta um número grande de usuários produzindo e consumindo vídeos simultaneamente

    A DDS-based middleware for scalable tracking, communication and collaboration of mobile nodes

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