2 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis with pedagogical purposes in the design of narrowband suppressor filters with twin-T and FDNR

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    Debido a la complejidad para introducir por primera vez la temática de los convertidores de impedancia en el ámbito universitario, específicamente los giradores (Circuito de Antoniou) y circuitos FDNR (Frequency Dependent Negative Resistance), se elabora una introducción didáctica, básica y detallada de los convertidores de impedancia, específicamente de los giradores y los circuitos FDNR usados en el curso de Electrónica II de la Universidad de la Costa.Due to the complexity to introduce for first time the subject of impedance converters in the university scope, specifically gyrators (Antoniou circuit) and FDNR circuits (Frequency Dependent Negative Resistance), is elaborated a didactic, basic and detailed introduction of the impedance converters, specifically of the gyrators and the FDNR circuits used in the course of Electronics II in the University of the Coast

    A Current-mode FDNR Circuit Element Using Capacitive Gyrators

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    A current-mode implementation of a frequency-dependent negative resistance (FDNR) element is presented using a novel capacitive gyrator. This FDNR element lends itself well to the design of low-pass ladder filters and its use will result in a more efficient integrated circuit implementation than filters that simulate floating inductors using resistive gyrators