7 research outputs found

    A Critical Review of the Role of User Participation in IS Success

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    Despite the widely held view that systems are more likely to be successful if users contribute during systems design and development, the exact nature of the relationship between user participation and system outcomes remains unclear. By conducting a systematic review of the related literature, we synthesized the findings of 46 empirical studies, explained the mixed results, and identified issues for future research

    Applying Agile Software Development Methodolgies to Business Process Redesign/ Management (BPRM)

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    Agile principles are known to improve and speed software development. In this paper we explore the relationship between stakeholders and business process redesign/management (BPRM), how stakeholder involvement affects BPRM, and present a short case study that illustrates how Agile principles and methodologies can be used to enhance the effectiveness of BRPM

    A Framework for Exploring Conditional Factors Affecting User Participation in Information Systems Development

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    Improving user participation is critical to the success of information systems development (ISD). To this extent, Information Systems (IS) research posits that there are conditional factors that affecting the degree of user participation in ISD. The existing framework to identify these conditional factors lacks its explanatory power when different degrees of user participation are taken into consideration. As a result little is known how different degrees of user participation currently being employed in various IS projects can be enabled or facilitated. In this paper, based on Habermas’ theory of communicative action, we propose a framework to explore the conditional factors affecting different degrees of user participation in ISD. We demonstrate the value of the new framework by analysing the conditional factors that have been reported in the literature using the existing framework to inform the future research and development of the field


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    User participation in IS implementation is a core topic for the IS community. While most of our current participation theories emerged in the 1990s and 2000s, recent developments such as the emergence of large half-built products and the increased emphasis on digital transformation necessitate revisiting current understanding of participation. User participation is not anymore about merely representing the organization\u27s domain knowledge - what we call representative participation. Users participating in modern IS implementation projects need to possess additional types of knowledge and skills. This includes knowledge about the products, knowledge about the intended transformation, and leadership skills, to name a few. We investigate this emerging type of user participation - what we call transformative participation through a case study of an IS implementation project within healthcare. We discuss the knowledge and skills needed to function as transformative users as well as the challenges faced by these users

    A systematic review on the relationship between user involvement and system success

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Context: For more than four decades it has been intuitively accepted that user involvement (UI) during system development lifecycle leads to system success. However when the researchers have evaluated the user involvement and system success (UI-SS) relationship empirically, the results were not always positive. Objective: Our objective was to explore the UI-SS relationship by synthesizing the results of all the studies that have empirically investigated this complex phenomenon. Method: We performed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) following the steps provided in the guidelines of Evidence Based Software Engineering. From the resulting studies we extracted data to answer our 9 research questions related to the UI-SS relationship, identification of users, perspectives of UI, benefits, problems and challenges of UI, degree and level of UI, relevance of stages of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and the research method employed on the UI-SS relationship. Results: Our systematic review resulted in selecting 87 empirical studies published during the period 1980-2012. Among 87 studies reviewed, 52 reported that UI positively contributes to system success, 12 suggested a negative contribution and 23 were uncertain. The UI-SS relationship is neither direct nor binary, and there are various confounding factors that play their role. The identification of users, their degree/level of involvement, stage of SDLC for UI, and choice of research method have been claimed to have impact on the UI-SS relationship. However, there is not sufficient empirical evidence available to support these claims. Conclusion: Our results have revealed that UI does contribute positively to system success. But it is a double edged sword and if not managed carefully it may cause more problems than benefits. Based on the analysis of 87 studies, we were able to identify factors for effective management of UI alluding to the causes for inconsistency in the results of published literature

    Understanding the effects of user participation in information security risk management : a comparative study of South Africa and Malawi

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    Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this study was to understand how user participation in Information Security Risk Management (ISRM) practices contributes to the efficient management of information security. The study also aimed at understanding how different cultures influence user participation in ISRM. To achieve these objectives, the study employed a mixed methods research approach to comparatively collect, analyse, and interpret data from South Africa and Malawi

    Inovação em serviços de justiça : os efeitos da coprodução nos resultados da conciliação judicial no TJDFT

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2015.Este estudo examinou os efeitos da coprodução e das competências do prestador de serviços nos resultados da Conciliação Judicial no Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios (TJDFT), a partir da percepção de satisfação das partes litigantes e dos advogados usuários do serviço. A Conciliação Judicial é uma inovação do Poder Judiciário, pois objetiva aumentar a eficiência e o valor gerado pelos serviços de justiça. Além disso, como a maioria dos serviços, trata-se de um processo coproduzido, em que os usuários possuem papel essencial na prestação dos serviços públicos. Para avaliar a relação proposta na pesquisa, utilizaram-se dados secundários provenientes da pesquisa de satisfação elaborada e aplicada pela equipe técnica do TJDFT. A amostra final, após o tratamento dos dados, consistiu em 1.735 partes e 764 advogados. Para a análise dos dados, aplicaram-se as técnicas de análise fatorial exploratória, para verificar as evidências de validade do instrumento de pesquisa de satisfação, e a técnica de regressão logística, para testar a relação entre a percepção da coprodução e das competências do prestador do serviço na percepção de resultados da Conciliação Judicial no TJDFT. Os resultados encontrados por meio das regressões realizadas sugerem que a coprodução é a variável com maior poder preditivo dos resultados do serviço, tanto para o cidadão quanto para a imagem do Poder Judiciário, sob a perspectiva das partes. Ainda sob a percepção desses respondentes, as competências do prestador do serviço são preditoras apenas dos resultados para a Justiça. Já os resultados do serviço para o cidadão, se positivos, aumentam a probabilidade de a imagem do Poder Judiciário também ser positiva, segundo a percepção dos dois grupos investigados. Embora o questionário dos advogados não mensure a coprodução, os respondentes reconhecem essa variável como essencial para o êxito da Conciliação Judicial, demonstrando interesse em contribuir para a melhoria do serviço prestado. Este trabalho buscou reduzir lacunas de pesquisa apontadas na literatura de coprodução e inovação, além de elencar recomendações práticas e agenda de pesquisa para melhor compreender-se a relação entre essas variáveis no processo de geração de valor de serviços públicos para a sociedade.This research examined the effects of coproduction and the competencies of the service provider on the results of the Judicial Conciliation at the State Court of Distrito Federal (TJDFT), based on the satisfaction of the litigants and lawyers who used the service. The Conciliation is a Judiciary innovation in Brazil, which has the purpose to increase efficiency and the value generated by the justice system. Moreover, as most services, it is coproduced, that is users have an essential role in the provision of public services. To evaluate the relationship between the variables proposed by this research, secondary data was used from a customer satisfaction survey designed by the TJDFT. The final sample, after the removal of the missing cases, outliers and other non-valid responses, consisted of 1,735 litigants and 764 lawyers. For the data analysis, exploratory factor analysis was used to verify evidences of validity of the customer satisfaction survey, and logistic regression was conducted to test the relationship between the perception of coproduction and the service provider's competencies in the results of the Conciliation to the customer and to the Judiciary. The results of the regressions tested suggest that coproduction is the variable that explains the most the results of the service for the customers as well as for the reputation of the Judiciary, from the perception of the litigants. In addition, the competencies of the service provider increase the chance of better results for the Court System and TJDFT. The perception that the service was beneficial to the citizen increases the likelihood of the customer also develop a positive image of the Judiciary, according to the results obtained both in the litigants and lawyers samples. Although the lawyers’’ questionnaire did not to measure the variable coproduction, they recognized this variable as essential to the success of the Conciliation, even giving feedback that contributes to the improvement of the service provided. This study was developed to reduce research gaps described in the coproduction and innovation in public services research, as well as to list practical recommendations and suggest a research agenda to enhance the comprehension of the relationship between these variables in the process of value creation in public services