228 research outputs found

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    An introduction to statistical parametric speech synthesis

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    Automatsko raspoznavanje hrvatskoga govora velikoga vokabulara

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    This paper presents procedures used for development of a Croatian large vocabulary automatic speech recognition system (LVASR). The proposed acoustic model is based on context-dependent triphone hidden Markov models and Croatian phonetic rules. Different acoustic and language models, developed using a large collection of Croatian speech, are discussed and compared. The paper proposes the best feature vectors and acoustic modeling procedures using which lowest word error rates for Croatian speech are achieved. In addition, Croatian language modeling procedures are evaluated and adopted for speaker independent spontaneous speech recognition. Presented experiments and results show that the proposed approach for automatic speech recognition using context-dependent acoustic modeling based on Croatian phonetic rules and a parameter tying procedure can be used for efficient Croatian large vocabulary speech recognition with word error rates below 5%.Članak prikazuje postupke akustičkog i jezičnog modeliranja sustava za automatsko raspoznavanje hrvatskoga govora velikoga vokabulara. Predloženi akustički modeli su zasnovani na kontekstno-ovisnim skrivenim Markovljevim modelima trifona i hrvatskim fonetskim pravilima. Na hrvatskome govoru prikupljenom u korpusu su ocjenjeni i uspoređeni različiti akustički i jezični modeli. U članku su uspoređ eni i predloženi postupci za izračun vektora značajki za akustičko modeliranje kao i sam pristup akustičkome modeliranju hrvatskoga govora s kojim je postignuta najmanja mjera pogrešno raspoznatih riječi. Predstavljeni su rezultati raspoznavanja spontanog hrvatskog govora neovisni o govorniku. Postignuti rezultati eksperimenata s mjerom pogreške ispod 5% ukazuju na primjerenost predloženih postupaka za automatsko raspoznavanje hrvatskoga govora velikoga vokabulara pomoću vezanih kontekstnoovisnih akustičkih modela na osnovu hrvatskih fonetskih pravila

    Croatian Speech Recognition

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    Recent development of the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)

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    A statistical parametric approach to speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) has grown in popularity over the last few years. In this approach, spectrum, excitation, and duration of speech are simultaneously modeled by context-dependent HMMs, and speech waveforms are generate from the HMMs themselves. Since December 2002, we have publicly released an open-source software toolkit named “HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)” to provide a research and development toolkit for statistical parametric speech synthesis. This paper describes recent developments of HTS in detail, as well as future release plans

    Robust Speaker-Adaptive HMM-based Text-to-Speech Synthesis

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    This paper describes a speaker-adaptive HMM-based speech synthesis system. The new system, called ``HTS-2007,'' employs speaker adaptation (CSMAPLR+MAP), feature-space adaptive training, mixed-gender modeling, and full-covariance modeling using CSMAPLR transforms, in addition to several other techniques that have proved effective in our previous systems. Subjective evaluation results show that the new system generates significantly better quality synthetic speech than speaker-dependent approaches with realistic amounts of speech data, and that it bears comparison with speaker-dependent approaches even when large amounts of speech data are available. In addition, a comparison study with several speech synthesis techniques shows the new system is very robust: It is able to build voices from less-than-ideal speech data and synthesize good-quality speech even for out-of-domain sentences